
Seth Rogen and James Franco try to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un in trailer for The Interview

THE pair’s new movie looks very un-PC and VERY funny, as they go undercover to try and assassinate the leader of North Korea.

The Interview - Teaser

James Franco and Seth Rogen play the least-qualified assassins ever in the first look at their new comedy, The Interview, which hits cinemas in October.

The hilarious duo play a talk-show host and his producer who score an interview with Kim Jong-un, dictator of North Korea. The CIA steps in to ask them to kill Kim, but as the trailer shows, they might not be up to the task.

Briefing the pair, a crack CIA operative (Lizzy Caplan) tells them that the people of North Korea are fed propaganda about their dictator — outlandish lies that he can talk to dolphins and never goes to the bathroom. “He can talk to dolphins?” Franco asks, wide-eyed.

Kim Jong-un, played in the film by American actor Randall Park.
Kim Jong-un, played in the film by American actor Randall Park.

There should be just as much action as laughs for the pair, who’ve previously starred together in stoner comedy Pineapple Express and last year’s apocalyptic laugh-fest This Is The End. The 90-second trailer manages to cram in rockets, speedboats, tanks, fist fights — and puppies.

The pair come to North Korea to interview Kim — but end up agreeing to assassinate him.
The pair come to North Korea to interview Kim — but end up agreeing to assassinate him.

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