
Celebrities react to Sony pulling The Interview

IN a shock decision, Sony Pictures has seemingly bowed to threats from hackers and pulled The Interview from release — and Hollywood’s not happy.

Bad news if you were looking forward to seeing Seth Rogen in The Interview. Picture: AP
Bad news if you were looking forward to seeing Seth Rogen in The Interview. Picture: AP

SOME of Hollywood’s biggest names have united in voicing their frustration and disappointment that the upcoming comedy The Interview has been pulled from release schedules.

The unidentified hackers behind the Sony leaks demanded that the movie studio cancel its upcoming release of the movie The Interview, a comedy that included a gruesome scene depicting the assassination of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un.

The Interview: Release cancelled after hacker threats

Sony Pictures, appearing to bow to that demand, has cancelled the Christmas Day release.

“In light of the decision by the majority of our (theatre) exhibitors not to show the film The Interview, we have decided not to move forward with the ... theatrical release,” it said in a statement today.

James Franco, Lizzy Caplan and Seth Rogen in the film. Picture: AP
James Franco, Lizzy Caplan and Seth Rogen in the film. Picture: AP

The largest theatre chains in the US decided not to play the controversial comedy after hackers vowed a 9/11-style attack at cinemas where the film is screened.

In the wake of the news, performers across Hollywood to express their views on the decision — and it seems most think Sony Pictures have made a big mistake in seemingly bowing to the demands of the hackers. Here’s a selection:

The film's star, co-writer and co-director, Seth Rogen, has not made a public statement since news broke that his latest movie is all-but finished before it even hit screens. As for his co-star, James Franco? Well, he seems happily ensconced in Franco-land — here’s what he tweeted directly after Sony announced their decision:

At least he seems to be coping well.

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