
Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder reveals new-look Batmobile

AS with every other piece of drip-fed information released about the upcoming Batman v Superman film, the first look at Batman’s new wheels has been fiercely debated.

Batman-Superman movie finally given a title

DIRECTOR Zack Snyder has taken to his Twitter page to tease fans with another crucial piece of information about the much-hyped upcoming Batman v Superman movie: the new-look Batmobile.

As with every other piece of drip-fed information about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which is not slated for release until March 2016, the latest incarnation of the Batmobile has been met with a mixed response online.

Some fans have questioned whether a double machine gun is really an appropriate hood ornament for Batman’s set of wheels, seeing as the masked superhero has always been vehemently anti-gun:

With the film’s release still 18 months away, fans of the DC Comics blockbuster will have plenty of time to argue about the merits of the Batmobile — just as they did with the first look at supporting character Wonder Woman, who many felt had been given a Xena-esque makeunder, and the first look at Batman himself — who has appeared rather morose as portrayed by Ben Affleck.

Looking forward to Batman v Superman? You’ve got a long wait. Picture: DC Comics
Looking forward to Batman v Superman? You’ve got a long wait. Picture: DC Comics

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