
Oscar favourite Chloe Zhao on Nomadland, minimalism and shifting gears for Marvel’s Eternals

Golden Globes and Oscars favourite Chloe Zhao reveals why she shifted gear from indie road trip movie Nomadland to Marvel’s big-budget superhero epic Eternals.

Nomadland trailer

When the much-delayed superhero epic Eternals is finally released in November, there’s a pretty good chance it will be the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have been helmed by a Best Director Oscar-winner.

Monday’s Golden Globe Awards are expected to confirm Eternals director Chloe Zhao as the red-hot favourite for the little golden statue at this year’s Academy Awards in April as well as cementing her previous film Nomadland as frontrunner to win Best Picture.

The rave-reviewed drama is based on the 2017 nonfiction book Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century, and stars two-time Oscar-winner Frances McDormand as a woman – “houseless” not homeless – who travels the American countryside in her van after losing her job. While chasing transient, often elusive, work, she encounters the real-life “nomads”, who have slipped through the cracks of modern society in the US.

Frances McDormand and director/writer Chloe Zhao on the set of Nomadland.
Frances McDormand and director/writer Chloe Zhao on the set of Nomadland.

Although the book’s author, Jessica Bruder, approached the subject with her journalistic eye, Zhao was taken by her “world-building” and forensic eye for detail and immediately saw how it could be turned into a film, using real-life nomads as fictionalised versions of themselves alongside a smattering of professional actors including McDormand and Oscar-nominee David Strathairn.

“She really captured a time in this country where a whole way of life for an entire generation was disappearing,” says the China-born, UK and US raised Zhao.

“I think Jessica is a storyteller naturally. She is also a journalist but I think she definitely gravitates towards those very dramatic, shared-human-experience kind of stories. And when I was reading it I was going ‘these are characters that could be in a fictional film that can hold their own’.”

Zhao was also deeply affected by the stories of the nomads and what she though their plight said about modern capitalism and consumerism. Many of the mostly elderly nomads had worked and paid taxes their entire lives only to discover when it came time to retire that the system the had put their faith in had let them down, leaving them with next to nothing.

“When it comes to elder care there is a feeling that just because they don’t contribute to the economy any more, then they are dispensable,” Zhao says. “As we know, in more traditional cultures, elders are considered the most important part of society because they have learned and have a whole life of wisdom to pass down to the younger generation. And as we saw last year during the pandemic in the States, they were considered dispensable and it’s OK for them to die.”

Frances McDormand and David Strathairn acted with mostly non-professional actors in Nomadland.
Frances McDormand and David Strathairn acted with mostly non-professional actors in Nomadland.

Indeed, Zhao questions whether true happiness can ever be achieved in a system in which consumers’ expectations and reality are designed to never meet and ponders whether a more minimalist approach to life would be preferable.

“A capitalist economy cannot allow your expectations to be met because they have to have you want more in order to survive as an organism,” she says. “So, they just keep getting you to want more so you get more, but you are never going to be completely satisfied. Training your mind to want a bit less may be the way to go and it would be better for our planet too.”

Zhao says she was grateful to her professional actors McDormand (who also produced and will doubtless be in the conversation for a third Best Actress Oscar) and Strathairn, not only for their willingness to forego their usual Hollywood comforts for a bare-bones, sometimes difficult five-month shoot, but also for helping their non-professional counterparts to be the best on-screen versions of themselves.

“The two of them have nothing to prove,” she says. “They know they are great and they know that we know they are great so for them it was really about living this experience and discovering things about themselves.”

Chloe Zhao, director of Nomadland, says a less-is-more lifestyle is the way to go. Picture: Pat Martin
Chloe Zhao, director of Nomadland, says a less-is-more lifestyle is the way to go. Picture: Pat Martin

One might think that transitioning from an independent, stripped-back arthouse release to the big-money (Eternals had around forty times the $6 million budget of Nomadland), effects-heavy cinematic juggernaut that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be the filmmaking equivalent of whiplash, but Zhao insists that’s not the case and she was as keen to enter that world as they were to welcome her into it.

“I wanted to make a Marvel movie,” she says simply. “I put the word out to my agent saying ‘hey, are they looking for anybody?’ and somehow – I don’t know exactly how – but I got the chance to pitch a project and I got the job.

“I always wanted to tell stories in an allegorical way and I also see superhero movies as modern-day westerns. Back then you wanted to find out what’s beyond the horizon, and your relationship with other people in this strange land – now it’s really your relationship with technology and what’s beyond that way (pointing to the sky). We have explored the horizon mostly so I am very excited to work on that canvas.”

While details on the star-studded Eternals – Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Salma Hayek and Gemma Chan are among the super-powered aliens – are under wraps, it’s already being celebrated for its diversity and inclusivity, including the first deaf and gay superheroes in the MCU.

“The world, the story and the characters were the most interesting thing to me and it just happened that for that specific story – and once you watch it you will see – that it makes sense for this specific cast,” says Zhao.

Nomadland opens on March 4.

Originally published as Oscar favourite Chloe Zhao on Nomadland, minimalism and shifting gears for Marvel’s Eternals

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