Kirsten Dunst praised for calling out ‘gross’ kiss with adult co-star Brad Pitt in resurfaced interview
Kirsten Dunst was just 11 years old when she had to kiss Brad Pitt in a movie – and she has always seen the scene as problematic.
Kirsten Dunst has been praised for calling out her “gross” kiss with co-star Brad Pitt while filming Interview With The Vampire when she was just 11 years old.
In a resurfaced 1994 interview going viral on TikTok, a young Dunst was asked why she felt that way given her co-star was a Hollywood heart-throb.
But the actress held her own, explaining it was awkward because she was only a pre-teen at the time and he was essentially a fully grown man. It was also to be Dunst’s first ever kiss.
“I love Brad, he’s so nice … it was just, like, it feels awkward,” she told the reporter at the time, while promoting her film, Little Women, with co-star Samantha Matthis.
“I mean, I’m 12. And he’s, like, 31 and it’s like, he’s a man. So why would I enjoy kissing him?” Dunst giggled, uncomfortably.
The reporter laughed and asked Matthis, then 24, what she would do if given the chance to kiss Brad Pitt.
“Oh, I don’t think I’d turn it down! I mean, he’s a wonderful actor too though, but I understand,” Matthis replied, before telling Dunst: “Maybe you’re not into kissing boys yet, so I can relate.”
Dunst swiftly replied: “Well, especially because Brad is 31. I mean, he’s not exactly a boy.”
TikTok users have since showered Dunst with praise for how she handled herself in the interview.
“They expected her to have a different answer???” one user asked, while another commented: “She was 12. He was a grown ass man. Leave her alone. She shouldn’t have to defend it being awkward.”
Another agreed: “dude her point is totally valid and the chick next her played it like she’s too young to even know better wtf,” while one wrote: “the way she stood her ground.”
Dunst has always been vocal about her discomfort over the scene.
Soon after filming wrapped, she told Entertainment Tonight: “I hated [the kiss] so much because Brad was like my older brother on set and it’s kind of like kissing your brother. It’s weird because he’s an older guy and I had to kiss him on the lips, so it was gross.”
In the movie, Dunst played Claudia, a 10-year-old girl who is turned into a vampire by Louis de Pointe du Lac (played by Pitt) and Lestat de Lioncourt (played by Tom Cruise).
In a more recent interview with Vanity Fair, Dunst maintained that kissing Pitt was one of the worst parts of making that movie.
And despite being “treated like a total princess on set”, she said she still struggled with that scene and another scene where she had to bite the neck of an actor who was sweating heavily during filming.
“That was the worst thing I did and also having obviously to kiss Brad Pitt at that point,” she told the magazine.
“I was a little girl and he was like a brother to me and it was very weird even though it was a peck. I was very not into it.”