Hilaria Baldwin strikes her latest yoga pose on-board a boat
ALEC Baldwin’s wife Hilaria, known for her sexy social media snaps, has taken to the high seas in a bikini to show off her latest yoga contortion.
ALEC Baldwin’s wife, known for her sexy social media presence, has taken to the high seas to show off her latest yoga contortion.
Wearing nothing but a black bikini, Hilaria Baldwin was photographed twisting herself into a complex pose — her legs folded beneath her, balancing on a tall seat — called the Padma Bhujangasana.
“I’m on the lookout! But hopefully no icebergs ahead while I’m in this bikini,” the 30-year-old captioned the photo, posted to Instagram on Wednesday.
It’s not the first time the fit new mum has shown off her flexibility, having committed to posting a new yoga pose each day as a new year’s resolution, according to the Daily Mail.
Her social media is peppered with photos of tricky-looking manoeuvres in all sorts of odd locations, including construction sites, train tracks — even city mailboxes.