
PR queen Roxy Jacenko announces birth of baby boy on — where else — Instagram

HASHTAG it’s a boy! Sydney PR queen Roxy Jacenko has announced the birth of her baby boy on Instagram - and tried to get his name trending as a hashtag.

It’s a boy — Roxy Jacenko announced the birth of her son to her Instagram followers.
It’s a boy — Roxy Jacenko announced the birth of her son to her Instagram followers.

SYDNEY PR queen Roxy Jacenko has given birth to a baby boy, Hunter Curtis.

The social media-savvy events maven announced the birth on Instagram Wednesday afternoon, sharing a picture of herself in a hospital bed post-birth under her Sweaty Betty PR work account.

“Thanks for the lovely messages :) there’s a very cute baby boy under there called #huntercurtis xx I asked if he wanted an Instagram account he said thanks but leave that to @pixiecurtis,”Jacenko wrote, referring to her two-year-old daughter, who currently has more than 15,000 Instagram followers.

We’re going to assume Jacenko’s son’s name is in fact Hunter Curtis and not #huntercurtis as she wrote it — but we admire her efforts to turn her child into a trending hashtag so soon after his birth.

Hunter is Jacenko’s second child with embattled businessman Oliver Curtis. She recently revealed that she’d been hit with the medical condition Bell’s Palsy during her pregnancy.

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