Eight former child stars stuck with their kid faces
PUBERTY has ruined the cherubic looks of a lot of adorable kid celebs but with others, such as Daniel Radcliffe and Macaulay Culkin, it didn’t quite take.
PUBERTY has ruined the cherubic looks of a lot of adorable kid celebs but with others it didn’t quite take, leaving some grown-up child stars looking simply like larger, hairier or blobbier children.
The results can be unfortunate — a purgatory of ageing baby faces.
Here are eight child stars who sadly got stuck with the same faces they had as kids:
Haley Joel Osment:
The star of The Sixth Sense and A.I. must have paid his good fortune forward to someone else, because he’s been underemployed lately, mainly because he looks a little bit like a living doll. Things may be turning around though: He snagged a role in the movie version of Entourage.
Macaulay Culkin:
Of course, we all predicted the Home Alone star would gently segue into joining a band that does pizza-related covers of Velvet Underground songs. Of course.
Leonardo DiCaprio:
Ever seen J. Edgar? Amazingly, even under old-guy makeup, he still looks like the little scamp from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. (Note: This is not a recommendation to see J. Edgar. Save yourself 2.5 hours of canned ham.)
Gaby Hoffman:
The daughter from Field of Dreams and a friend of Tom Hanks’ son in Sleepless in Seattle grew into a wild child with a disastrous near-unibrow in Crystal Fairy. More recently, she’s turned up as Adam Driver’s hot mess of a sister on Girls. Next up: the Veronica Mars movie.
Daniel Radcliffe:
There turned out to be no magical transformation into adulthood for Harry Potter, whose efforts to shed the cute in roles like Allen Ginsberg in Kill Your Darlings are not convincing audiences. He also, sadly, got stuck with a child’s height.
Selena Gomez:
Tarting herself up for raunchy movies like Spring Breakers is a strategy, but the ex-Disney star still has the moon face of a middle-schooler.
Thomas Brodie-Sangster:
Ever watch Game of Thrones and go, “What’s Liam Neeson’s nice son from Love Actually doing in this medieval hell? He should back in London working on his drumming.”
Elijah Wood:
Sorry, Frodo, but despite slasher movies like your remake of Maniac and thrillers like your new one Grand Piano, those gigantic baby blues still make us want to give you a lollipop and a box of crayons.
This article originally appeared in the New York Post.