
Celebrities, politicians take aim at Trump in transgender ban backlash

AN outspoken US airman has challenged Donald Trump’s new ban, saying he’d “like to see them try and kick me out” of the military.

Daily Dilemma: Trump bans transgender people from military

A TRANSGENDER US Air Force officer is refusing to comply with President Donald Trump’s controversial ban on trans men and women serving in the military.

The president announced the sweeping change on Twitter overnight to a barrage of criticism from politicians, celebrities, and past members of the military.

Now serving trans men and women have admonished the decision, and one highly respected officer is refusing to budge.

“I would like to see them try and kick me out of my military,” Sergeant Logan Ireland told Air Force Times.

“You are not going to deny me my right to serve my country when I am fully qualified and able and willing to give my life.”

Transgender airman Logan Ireland is more determined than ever to serve in the US Air Force. Picture: Logan Ireland
Transgender airman Logan Ireland is more determined than ever to serve in the US Air Force. Picture: Logan Ireland

The prominent trans airman, who is also married to a trans woman who serves in the Army, and has become a respected voice for the US military’s thousand of transgender members.

Sgt. Logan said he thought the ban would hurt not only the transgender community, but the nation’s military too.

“For the President to deny an able-bodied, fully qualified person the inherent right to raise their right hand and serve their country, potentially giving their own life for our freedoms, is doing this country and injustice,” he said.

“I would personally love for my president to meet me so I can tell him about myself, and the 15,500 honourably-serving transgender military members that are fighting right now for their liberties and their country.”

Trans men and women who have previously served in the US military have also joined the backlash against the controversial ban.

“I’m a former Marine, tech seller for a big tech company, and transgender,” Connie Rice, 58, told Broadly. “I served; Trump never did ... He is a self-absorbed narcissistic f***wit. His decision hurts thousands of serving people and their family. It’s based on ignorance and bigotry.”

Former Lt Commander and trans woman Bryn Tannehill, who served in the US Navy for more than a decade, told the publication the Mr Trump’s decision had already done great harm.

“This does great harm to people who simply want to serve their country, and have been doing so with distinction and without disruption to our mission,” she said.

Prominent Australian transgender woman Cate McGregor, who was the most senior trans person to serve in the Australian military, argued all people willing and able should be allowed to serve, but was unsurprised by the President’s comments.

“Like many others I served effectively before and after transition. In a free society, any suitably qualified citizen who is willing and able should be allowed to serve in the military,” she said on Twitter.

“Not surprising from a man who never served, but sneered at John McCain’s heroism and disparaged a Gold Star family.”

Actor Mia Farrow called the decision “despicable” and drew attention to a tweet the President sent in June 2016 when he said he would “fight” for the LGBT community. “This must be challenged,” she said.

Transgender woman Caitlyn Jenner also questioned what happened to Mr Trump’s promise to fight for the LGBT community.

“We have been serving honourably for decades. The current policy has been going smoothly.”

The 45th President made the announcement without giving prior notice to the Pentagon, saying:

“After consultation with my generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the US military.”

“Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.”

Singer St Vincent called him an “Odious Ogre”, while Star Trek actor George Takei warned him he would “live to regret” the decision.

Former Vice President Joe Biden spoke out against the ban, as did fellow Democrat Nancy Pelosi who said it was “vile and hateful.”

The decision is expected to affect up to 7000 service members on active duty and up to 4000 reserves.

Transgender service members have been able to serve openly in the military since last year, when former Defense Secretary Ash Carter ended the ban.

Tony Perkins of The Family Research Council praised the decision which he said would end the “social experimentation” under former President Obama.

Daily Dilemma: Trump bans transgender people from military

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