
Ricky Nixon allowed to publish tell-all book

IT’S the salacious book she says paints her as a ‘temptress’ and tried to have stopped, but Kim Duthie and Ricky Nixon’s dirty laundry will be aired.

Kim Duthie lost a case to ban Ricky Nixon from publishing a tell-all book. Picture: Nicole Garmston
Kim Duthie lost a case to ban Ricky Nixon from publishing a tell-all book. Picture: Nicole Garmston

CONTROVERSIAL former AFL player agent Ricky Nixon can publish his book containing chapters about his relationship with “St Kilda Schoolgirl” Kim Duthie.

Kim Duthie, now 22, sought a court injunction in an attempt to stop the chapters from going to print, claiming they painted her as a “temptress” and a “slut” and would defame her if made public.

The autobiography touches on the 2011 scandal, when Duthie released naked photos of St Kilda footballers and divulged a relationship with Nixon.

After claiming the pair had sex and took drugs, she appeared on The Project in June 2011 and refuted her former claims, saying she lied.

But after the interview, when she believed she was off-air, she admitted she lied about lying.

Nixon planned to publish his “warts and all” book My Side last week but Duthie won a temporary injunction to postpone its release.

Ms Duthie’s barrister Will Houghton, QC, earlier told the court that publishing parts of the book would cause hardship for the young woman, who was 17 at the time of her involvement with the middle-aged, married Nixon.

“He seeks to portray Ms Duthie as the temptress, the wicked woman, and the seductress, and worse, a slut and a prostitute,” Mr Houghton told the court.

“The only possible loss to be suffered by Mr Nixon … would be a temporary suspension of his ability to publish this terrible book.”

Justice David Beach today ordered that Nixon not publish anything online or electronically about Ms Duthie until mid next year, but dismissed her bid for an interlocutory injunction — meaning his book can be published in hard copy in full.

Duthie’s legal team argues the publication of Nixon’s tell-all book would irreparably trash her reputation.

Nixon took to Twitter to boast of his victory and told he was elated and hoped to close this chapter of his life.

“I didn’t expect the emotion that overcame me and it was emotion built up over three or four years,” he said.

“A lot of people aren’t aware but I put my book out there so my wife, two kids and I could move on.

“It’s a line in the sand for us and we are moving on as of Tuesday when it goes on the book stands and everybody can have their say, but I don’t care about opinions I care about family.

“I hope everyone, one in particular, uses this as an opportunity to move on and I wish them all the best.”

Kim Duthie lost a case to ban Ricky Nixon from publishing a tell-all book. Picture: Nicole Garmston
Kim Duthie lost a case to ban Ricky Nixon from publishing a tell-all book. Picture: Nicole Garmston

Nixon hoped his book would give people more of and idea of what happened but didn’t expect people to stop having their opinions.

“People think they know what happened but they weren’t there and at the end of the day, the only two people who know (are) the two people that were there,” he said.

“My book puts a lot of logic to what happened and people who have already read it say it now fills in gaps.”

Nixon says he was sick of making headlines and has fought to make a comeback.

“Lying on my back for a month in a mental health facility is nobody’s sense of fun but I’ve bounced out of bed and bounced back from this,” he said.

Nixon already has more than 1000 books ordered and will officially launch it at the end of next week.

The former AFL player agent has been writing his book for two years.

“What it is today is not what it was two years ago,” he said.

“Two years ago it was full of a lot of anger and excuses but now it’s an explanation and not an excuse.”

Ms Duthie’s infamous appearance on Channel Ten with  Dave Hughes.
Ms Duthie’s infamous appearance on Channel Ten with Dave Hughes.

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