
Qld election debate: Annastacia Palaszczuk V Deb Frecklington

On the eve of the state election, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington faced off.

Palaszczuk, Frecklington clash over politicisation of euthanasia

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has broke down over the "personal matter" of voluntary assisted dying during the Queensland election debate.

The premier was accused by her rival , Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington, for politicising the controversial issue when she promised to introduce the legislation to state parliament in the next few months.

"I would never ever politicise this issue like Annastacia Palaszczuk has," Ms Frecklington told the audience at the Queensland Media Club on Friday.

RELATED: Latest news from the campaign trail

In response, the premier was visibly emotional when she explained why she had decided to make voluntary assisted dying a key feature of her campaign.

"Let me tell you why my views have changed on this," Ms Palaszczuk said. "I lost my grandmother and it was a very distressing time for me and like many other people, I couldn't go and see her when she passed away.

"I don't want anyone to suffer. I don't want anyone to have to go through that and I'm saying to Queenslanders, it is a personal matter for a family and the individual and the medical practitioners.

"It is not for me to make the decision on behalf of them."

That's all from the live blog. Have a read below to see how the debate unfolded and don't forget to vote.


Time for change or 'stay the course'?

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington have delivered a classic pitch to voters on the eve of the election from their respective positions – a need to stay on the same path and a need for change.

Ms Frecklington asked the Sunshine State to back the LNP, a "team that has vision, a bit of energy, a bit of passion and to drive for the future of this great state".

"Four more years of failure and business as usual, the highest unemployment rate in the nation, being at the bottom of the economic ladder.

"Or aiming towards being at the top of the economic ladder so our kids' future really can be and will be secured."

Ms Palaszczuk, however, asked Queenslanders "to stay the course".

"Now is the time for us to be united and stay together," she said.

We can achieve anything and we've seen that through the pandemic.

"I'm asking Queenslanders to stick with me, you know me, I hope you trust me, I trust you and I will stand up every day and fight for you."

'You are just a puppet for the unions'

Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington pulled into a trusted bag of tricks to throw an insult in her closing question to the premier.

"How can Queenslanders trust you, given you are just a puppet for the unions?" Ms Frecklington asked.

In reply, Ms Palaszczuk rehashed the donation scandal from property developers that threatened to rock the LNP's campaign.

"How are those property developers going?" she said, with wry smile.

The premier returned the assertion back on her rival by saying she trusted her Labor team.

"These are very serious issues and honestly, really, Deb Frecklington, to come in and trivialise this issue today in the midst of a pandemic when we're talking about the one thing that Queenslanders want to hear about is the future and jobs and a safe environment, to raise their families, I think it shows very clearly who is fit to be the leader of the state."

Palaszczuk holds back tears over voluntary assisted dying

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk rejected the claim from the Opposition Leader the voluntary assisted dying movement is a political one.

"Let me tell you why my views have changed on this," the premier said.

"I consider myself a Christian, I went to a Catholic school, I hold Christian values but it's not for me to tell other people how to and their lives.

"I lost my grandmother and it was a very distressing time for me and like many other people, I couldn't go and see her when she passed away.

"I don't want anyone to suffer. I don't want anyone to have to go through that and I'm saying to Queenslanders, it is a personal matter for a family and the individual and the medical practitioners. It is not for me to make the decision on behalf of them."

Frecklington accuses premier of politicising voluntary assisted dying

Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington refused to declare how her or her party would vote on the voluntary assisted dying legislation, throwing the issue back against the premier.

"I would never ever politicise this issue like Annastacia Palaszczuk has," she said.

"This is an issue that was rightfully sent to the law reform commission because it will be one of the most serious pieces of legislation that has ever confronted a parliamentarian.

"This is a serious issue, a very serious issue and I will put to you that one of the most serious issues that a parliamentarian whatever face and that is you must look at the legislation, look at the boundaries in the legislation and you must consult your community.

"I will say this, I won't politicise it like what has been happening in the last month, which is exactly what happens, which appears like it just been for the premier to secure Currumbin."

Leaders' view on debt?

Both leaders were asked if Queenslanders should be concerned with surging debt.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk:

"That may make it clear I've sat in those National Cabinet meetings and I've heard from the governor of the reserve bank, I've heard from the head of Treasury where they have said to us, to every single person sitting in that National Cabinet, now is the time to borrow.

"Our plan is clearly based on $7 billion of stimulus to make sure that we are getting people back into work and making sure that we are growing our regions but also we have said very clearly that we're going to borrow $4 billion.

"When you are dealing with a world pandemic and a recession you have to borrow to build and I think that that's the advice that nearly every single government is taking."

Deb Frecklington:

"We will reduce debt by $2.3 billion because debt will be $2.3 billion less under an LNP government," she said.

"Now we must make sure that we listen to the Reserve Bank governor who actually said the best way to pay down debt is to grow our economy.

"That's exactly what the LNP's visionary plan is all about. It's about growing the economy to create those jobs. To boost industry. That's why we've made manufacturing cheaper power by 20 per cent."

Palaszczuk asked about border decision thought process

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk again brushed aside suggestions the border decision is a political decision.

"Today I started my morning up in Caloundra meeting the wonderful people of Caloundra and I came down here and had a briefing with the Chief Health Officer, she came in and presented me with what she wanted to do in relation to the borders.

"I said to her, is this your expert medical advice, is this what you want to do? She said yes, and I said I accept your advice."

Frecklington draws attention to Labor scandals

Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington has the first question and asks the premier about her party's recent history with scandals.

"How can Queenslanders trust you with another four years after five years of integrity scandals?" Ms Frecklington asked.

In response, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk went to the old faithful line of hers through the campaign.

"Queenslanders can trust me because every day I am keeping them safe and doing everything I possibly can to ensure that we do not see what has happened in other parts of the world and what happened in Victoria," she said.

"That's what drives me and people know me. I said that I would always accept the advice of the Chief Health Officer and it's exactly what I have done.

"I reject the premise of the Leader of the oppositions question let me say this. Let me say this. In issues she raised there was never any finding of any corrupt conduct. Let me say this second lead. It is the Leader of the Opposition party that has referred her to the Electoral Commission around political developer donations."

Palaszczuk's opening pitch also a 'clear choice'

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk also said the decision for voters is clear, continuing her focus on job creation.

"This election is about a choice of stability or chaos," she said.

"It is the chaos of an unproven, untrustworthy Opposition, he still cannot explain where the money is coming from for their promises.

"It is your vote, your choice, Queensland. A choice between jobs or cuts. A choice between stability and strong leadership or chaos and reckless behaviour. It is increasingly clear that this is a tight election.

"I want a safe Queensland. I want a Queensland where your grandparents and your parents, whether in aged care or at home, Arthur Cave and secure.

"I want our hospitals to be able to do elective surgery, not shut down because they are overrun with coronavirus."

Frecklingon's election pitch

Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington has begun the debate and based her pitch on change.

"The LNP has vision for the state and that is to make Queensland back into the economic powerhouse that it used to be," she said.

"Our vision is to make sure Queensland is the best place to live. The best place to get ahead and the best place to raise your family.

"We will start by injecting $1.1 billion worth of stimulus, much-needed stimulus back into the economy by Christmas with a $300 registration rebate.

"This election, ladies and gentlemen, is a clear choice. A clear choice between the positive LNP's planned to grow the economy and create jobs. And more Labor failures, that is the choice."

"They have failed education, they have failed on services, they have failed on crime, they have failed our children and they have failed on infrastructure and they have failed on integrity. They have failed this economy by refusing to grow jobs."

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