
Dollar lower despite good economic data

THE Australian dollar ended the session lower, failing to recover from overnight loses despite a boost from encouraging economic data during the local session.

THE Australian dollar ended the session lower, failing to recover from overnight loses despite a boost from encouraging economic data during the local session.

At 7am AEDT, the Australian dollar was trading at 96.19 US cents, down from Monday's close of 96.51 cents.

Since 7am AEDT on Tuesday, the local unit traded between 95.90 US cents and 96.61 cents.

During the local session, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) balance of payments data showed a better than expected deficit on goods and services.

The ABS said the deficit would cut September quarter growth by 0.4 per cent, economists had been expecting it to detract as much as 0.8 per cent from growth.

Australian GDP data will be released on Wednesday and the trade figures quashed briefly held fears that there would be an economic downturn in the September quarter.

The Australian dollar rose 0.25 US cents on the news but fell during the afternoon.

Commonwealth Bank chief currency strategist Richard Grace said the data gave the Australian dollar support but the local unit was driven mainly by a stronger US dollar during the local session.

"There were some upward revisions to Australia's third quarter GDP, which is due tomorrow so that did help. But it's been the US dollar which has dominated the movement," he said.

"There were a lot of influence from the US dollar and of course what's happened in the eurozone has tended to generate a dollar bid in the market, which has affected the Aussie."

There was reduced appetite for risk assets such as the Australian dollar as investors continued flock to safe haven assets after the European Union agreed on Sunday to provide nearly $US90 billion ($A93.53 billion) in rescue loans for Ireland.

Mr Grace said eurozone worries would continue to influence the Australian dollar.

"I don't see that changing, I think it is going to hang around for a while," he said.

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