
Australian fashion designer Collette Dinnigan hits out at young women's unhealthy 'burger bellies'

AUSSIE style icon Collette Dinnigan has hit out at the state of young women's health, bemoaning their "burger bellies".

Collette Dinnigan talks fashion, fame and family

ACCLAIMED Australian fashion designer Collette Dinnigan has hit out at overweight young girls with "big burger bellies'', calling for them to shape up and eat healthy.

The 48-year-old, who has worked in the weight-conscious fashion world for the past 24 years, said she too often saw teenage girls with "big burger bellies", describing the look as "unattractive".

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"I see so many girls with those cut-off short shorts and midriff tops and their big bellies hanging out the top of them and I'm just thinking, `Why on earth would you think this looks attractive?' '' she said.

"I walk down the street and they're 16-17 years old and I feel like saying to them, `It's just so unattractive, you have no idea.' "

Dinnigan implored teens to look at their health, and said parents and teachers needed to play a role in Australia's growing obesity problem among children.

"I'm not promoting being too slim; I'm promoting being actually healthy," she said.

"I'm not some skinny, twiggy, little girl, I've got a body and I'm healthy, but there's so much over-processed food and salts and sugars and burgers and pizzas, and everything is fast food as opposed to making the effort and eating well. I think our schools and parents need to teach skills like that."

The designer also criticised the popular kaftan trend, saying too many women were using them to hide unhealthy bodies.

"That I think is kind of women's way of just covering up. I think it's better to look at your health and get your body in shape," she said.

Dinnigan has managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite juggling a global fashion brand, book deals and motherhood to nine-year-old daughter Estella and one-year-old son Hunter.

Yesterday she was at Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast promoting her new autobiography, Obsessive Creative, which tells how she managed it all.

Despite announcing in October she would be shutting up shop on her acclaimed label next year, Dinnigan said she was still as busy as ever.

"We've got the book tour, we've still got our shops going, we've got the Collette by Collette Dinnigan photoshoot happening, there's still lots of things happening in the company," she said.

The operation would downsize over Christmas, but the final store in Melbourne would not close until May or June next year, Dinnigan said.

She will continue with her children's wear range and line of eyewear for Specsavers, and will maintain an office for "little creative projects".

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