
University of Melbourne students issued warnings despite occupying campus building

Students involved in a pro-Palestine sit-in at the University of Melbourne have walked away with a warning after occupying a campus building for 10 days and disrupting classes for thousands of others.

Misconduct meetings draws huge protest at the University of Melbourne

Pro-Palestine students involved in the occupation of a University of Melbourne building have been slapped with warnings, despite disrupting classes for more than 5000 students.

At least 14 activists involved in a one-day sit-in at the university’s Arts West Building in May, learnt their fate following three days of disciplinary hearings last week.

The students were issued with misconduct notices for incidents stemming from the occupation of the building, including vandalism and breaching code of conduct.

Under the university’s policy, a reprimand (warning) means an official statement confirming that a finding of misconduct has been substantiated, issued in writing to the student coupled with a caution against repeated behaviour.

A caution, in some cases, could be included on a student’s record, which could affect their future employment opportunities.

At least 14 students who were issued with misconduct notices for their involvement in the pro-Palestine sit-in have learnt their fate. Picture: Jason Edwards
At least 14 students who were issued with misconduct notices for their involvement in the pro-Palestine sit-in have learnt their fate. Picture: Jason Edwards

During their occupation, the group renamed the university building “Mahmoud’s Hall” before scrawling pro-Palestine messages in chalk on the structure’s walls and tacking posters on its windows.

Prior to this, they set up an encampment on the South Lawn, where dozens of tents remained pitched for several weeks, but no misconduct notices were issued for this matter.

Protest group UniMelb for Palestine took to social media on Friday night to reveal those issued with misconduct notices received warnings despite the Student Conduct Policy outlining a multitude of more extreme consequences, including suspension and expulsion.

“Melbourne University (sic) has issued student protesters with warnings and upheld the baseless allegations against them,” UniMelb for Palestine said in a statement.

“More details will be shared about how unprofessionally and unethically and politically motivated the processes of the hearings and misconducts were.

“We will not stop fighting for a free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

The university’s decision to take disciplinary action comes despite more than 21,000 pro-Palestine activists signing a petition demanding the university drop any penalties against students.

The group also held a rally last Wednesday outside the Business Services building where more than a hundred people gathered to protest the university’s decision to hold disciplinary hearings.

The group occupied the Parkville campus’ Arts West Building for 10 days in May. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
The group occupied the Parkville campus’ Arts West Building for 10 days in May. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

University of Melbourne Provost Nicola Phillips said freedom of speech was fundamental to the institution’s values and was an “activity protected by law and university policies”.

“We have consistently stated that we recognise the right of students and staff to participate in peaceful protest and at no time have we sought to restrict this,” she said.

“These matters relate to the circumstances surrounding the occupation of one of our buildings. They are not related to freedom of speech or peaceful protest.

“We follow the processes as outlined in our policies, which includes respecting the confidentiality of those involved and ensuring procedural fairness throughout these processes.”

Earlier this month, activists involved in incidents arising from protest activity at Monash and La Trobe universities also walked away with warnings, despite occupying main thoroughfares and causing Jewish members of the community to fear for their safety.

Meanwhile, some students involved in incidents at Deakin University were suspended.

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