
Victoria’s most improved NAPLAN schools in last five years

A small primary school has beaten many elite private schools for the state’s most improved NAPLAN scores. See how your school fared.

Croydon Community School is the second most improved school in the state. Picture: Mark Stewart
Croydon Community School is the second most improved school in the state. Picture: Mark Stewart

Tyabb Railway Station Primary is the little school that could – it’s the most improved in the state, beating many elite private schools, new NAPLAN data shows.

Such regional government institutions dominate the list of Victoria’s schools that have posted substantial increases in average scores between 2017 and 2021.

The Tyabb school, which has just 150 pupils, posted a 22 per cent increase in year five scores.

Principal Emma Slater said the tiny school’s improvement was due to “great staff, a great team effort and whole-school approach”.

“We’ve created a positive school culture making sure we cater for the needs of every student,” she said.

Other state primary schools in Chum Creek and Metung also lifted their scores by more than 20 per cent between 2017 and 2021.

Forty of the top 50 most improved primary schools are run by the government, with more than half coming from country areas.

In the secondary sector, the standout most improved institution is Oakwood School in Caulfield North, which posted a 28 per cent boost in its results.

Next is Croydon Community School which went up 12 per cent and Manangatang P-12 which improved 9 per cent.

Croydon Community School principal Bronwyn Harcourt said the school, which has no uniform and no booklists, had many kids with complex issues and difficult backgrounds.

“We are the only school following big picture learning which means we follow their passions and interests,” she said.

“These are kids who are at serious risk of not completing secondary education and we often see two years’ growth in a single year.”

The most improved private primary schools included Annunciation School in Brooklyn, St Christopher’s School in Glen Waverley and St Stephen’s School in Reservoir.

The most improved secondary schools list includes a number of Christian colleges including River City, Melton and Lighthouse Christian Colleges and a Al-Siraat and East Preston Islamic Colleges.

Mark Spencer from Christian Schools Australia said “parental engagement in learning, teacher-pupil and pupil relationships are important for attainment and wellbeing”.

“These are strengths of many Christian schools.”

A Department of Education spokesperson said “measures of improvement are an important indicator of a school’s performance”.

“These results are a tribute to the amazing efforts of students and their teachers, principals, parents and carers,” he said.

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