
In the zone: Compare all schools in your area

How does your school stack up? Our searchable map lets you compare the results of every secondary school in your area.

Our searchable map allows you to compare the public, Catholic and independent secondary schools within your school zone.
Our searchable map allows you to compare the public, Catholic and independent secondary schools within your school zone.

The Herald Sun has created one of the only searchable and interactive maps that allows readers to compare the public, Catholic and independent secondary schools within their school zones all in one place.

Here, parents can find every Victorian secondary school’s median VCE scores and compare schools’ results and location to determine which school is best for their child.

Complete with the number of students at each school who achieved a study score of 40 or higher, this map is a comprehensive guide of each school’s senior school performance and how they measure against their neighbours.

Simply enter your suburb or town to view your local government school, or explore nearby independent and Catholic schools.

Readers will find information about single sex and co-ed schools, as well as the year levels serviced by a given school.

The interactive map was compiled using secondary schools’ latest VCE results sourced from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).

Some schools on the map do not feature a medium study score or number of students who received a 40 or higher study score because there has not been enough data collected to determine these scores.

This can be due to a school being new, or a specialist school where average scores are not determined.

Read related topics:School News

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