
Craigieburn South Primary School student injured after classmate stabs them with pair of scissors

A Craigieburn South Primary School student is facing serious consequences after attacking a classmate with scissors, but teachers claim it’s just one of many violent incidents plaguing the education sector across term one.

Calls to make classroom management a 'national priority'

A primary school student from the city’s north has been stabbed with a pair of scissors, amid teachers reporting an increase in violent behaviour at schools since term one commenced.

The Department of Education confirmed Craigieburn South Primary School has recently disciplined a student after they injured another pupil with scissors.

“The school took immediate action in response to the incident, including providing necessary supports to students and appropriate follow-up action,” a spokeswoman for the department said.

A source suggested the altercation occurred after a student kept “taping” in class despite being told not to.

Craigieburn South Primary School was forced to take disciplinary action against a student after they injured another pupil with a pair of scissors.
Craigieburn South Primary School was forced to take disciplinary action against a student after they injured another pupil with a pair of scissors.

While the exact punishment the student received isn’t known, a statement on the school’s website outlining its values said pupils who engage in unreasonable behaviour will be investigated.

“(Consequences) may include: utilising mediation and counselling services, alternative communication strategies being applied, formal notice preventing entry onto school premises, an intervention order being sought (or) informing the police which may result in a charge of trespass or assault,” it read.

The incident comes as teachers from other schools reveal there’s been an increase in poor student behaviour and aggressive complaints from parents.

Dozens of educators have taken to social media to vent about incidents that almost “drove them out of the classroom”.

“Recently a student pushed a teacher down a set of stairs – teacher did not have serious injuries luckily – they caught it on CCTV and in the video you could clearly see that’s what the student had done but (the school) refused to take any action,” one educator said.

“The teacher ended up taking leave and resigning. They wonder why teachers are leaving in droves.”

Teachers have reported an increase in violent behaviour and aggressive complaints from parents.
Teachers have reported an increase in violent behaviour and aggressive complaints from parents.

Another teacher said they found a colleague “in tears” last week, after receiving an “entitled” complaint from a parent.

Meanwhile, a third educator said they were “yelled at” by a parent after they tried to discipline a student who refused to pack up their belongings before going home.

“The stuff he needed to pack up was stuff he had to take home! He folded his arms and went and stood in a corner,” they said.

Discussion about student behaviour comes after a Senate Inquiry recommended in December schools introduce a national “behaviour curriculum” to curb classroom disruptions.

Other recommendations included an end to open-plan classrooms and a return to traditional classrooms and more school-based psychologists, social workers, and behaviour specialists to help identify and manage disruptive behaviour.

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