
Residents push back on Mentone Girls’ Grammar plans to open sport facility to public

Frustrated locals are banding together to stop Mentone Girls’ Grammar allowing non-members into its sports facility, claiming the area will suffer if it goes ahead.

Mentone residents are fighting to stop the school for allowing non-members to use its sport facilities, including its swimming pool.
Mentone residents are fighting to stop the school for allowing non-members to use its sport facilities, including its swimming pool.

Mentone residents are using VCAT to further resist a move by a prestigious girls’ school to open its sporting facilities to external users.

Mentone Girls’ Grammar has been given the right for non-students to use its pools and ovals, angering residents who say it will impact local traffic flows and create noise.

Last year, the City of Kingston moved to allow up to 200 external users to access the school site from as early as 6am some days.

More than 30 objections were received focusing on parking and traffic concerns, noise, disturbance, light spill from outdoor lighting and impact on neighbourhood character.

Objectors say having more people use the school facilities will impact local traffic flows.
Objectors say having more people use the school facilities will impact local traffic flows.

Others objected to the operation of a commercial enterprise on school grounds.

The matter will be heard in VCAT on Friday because residents have lodged an appeal against the council decision and the school is seeking to vary the conditions imposed.

In December 2022, the council agreed to allow external use of the school’s aquatic centre, which includes two pools, a fitness centre and a wellness/yoga studio space.

The school spent $10m creating the indoor wellness precinct, which centres on the renovation of a 1976 outdoor pool.

The Mentone Girls' Grammar Aquatic and Wellness Centre.
The Mentone Girls' Grammar Aquatic and Wellness Centre.

The council decided the pools can be used by 120 students during school term and by 200 people on weekends and during school breaks. It also allowed the outdoor ovals to be used by 70 people after school and on weekends. During school breaks, the sporting grounds, which can be used for soccer, hockey, netball and tennis, can be used as early as 8am, with outdoor lighting between 7am and 9pm.

The allowable number of users is less than that initially sought by the school.

A statement from the City of Kingston said there “were objections to the school’s proposal and the final approval looked to strike a balance that supported the school, and the community user groups, while limiting any impacts on the surrounding residents”.

A submission from the school says a number of groups have expressed interest in using the facilities, including St Bede’s College, Kilbreda, Shelford Girls’ Grammar, the Cheltenham Swim Club Synchronised Swimming Victoria, Water Polo Victoria, and Richmond Water Polo Club.

The facilities will not be open to the general public.

The principal of Mentone Girls’ Grammar was not available for comment, but the school’s submission to council said the proposal was “entirely compatible with the surrounding residential use” and the artificial light would have only a “minor” and “reasonable” impact. In addition, parking needs would be met onsite, with only “moderate” reliance on street parking.

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