

Landmark study generates online hub that’s helping kids from birth to eight-years-old use tech safely

Infants are being exposed to digital devices before they mark their first birthday, sparking the development of a free resource to help parents and educators manage screen time for children. All the details here.

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Babies as young as eight months are already exposed to digital devices, sparking parent concerns about the impact on their health and wellbeing.

A landmark four-year study of families’ digital habits found children are involved in the online world before they’re even born and are showing interest in devices before they turn one.

The collaborative research project, led by Australian Catholic University Professor Suzy Edwards, found families are routinely incorporating forms of digital technology into their child’s life almost daily, including in the morning, after a nap and again in the evening.

Digital technology can range from mobile devices to smart TVs and includes technology children might use for purposeful learning such as digital microscopes, robots, the internet and cameras.

An animation called ‘supporting your preschooler with online games’, was a favourite resource among parents. Picture: Supplied
An animation called ‘supporting your preschooler with online games’, was a favourite resource among parents. Picture: Supplied

Researchers in the study found parents are worried about children not getting enough physical activity, their relationships and how to keep them safe online.

“We use technology on children’s behalf before they’re even born by posting our ultrasounds on social media,” Prof Edwards said.

“We live in such a digital world now that little people grow up seeing everyone else using digital technologies, whether that be their parents texting on social media or their peers watching content, so we need to acknowledge it’s part of our children’s world.

“It’s reached the point where it’s a bit naive of us to think we can keep children away from tech.

“They’re in this digital world with us so how are we going to make it the best possible digital world for them?”

This question inspired a coalition of Australia’s leading children’s education and health experts to develop a new suite of free resources to help parents and educators manage screen time for children from birth to eight-years-old and address their concerns about kids’ technological use.

The site contains 40 new evidence-based resources including videos, apps, books, articles, modules, tip sheets and flowcharts. Picture: Wayne Taylor
The site contains 40 new evidence-based resources including videos, apps, books, articles, modules, tip sheets and flowcharts. Picture: Wayne Taylor

The Young Children in Digital Society website, which launched on Tuesday, contains a suite of free resources to help parents and educators manage screen time for children from birth to eight-years-old.

The site contains 40 new evidence-based resources including videos, apps, books, articles, modules, tip sheets and flowcharts with content focusing on the four areas – relationships, health and wellbeing, citizenship and play and pedagogy.

The eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said the website provided an additional comprehensive resource for educators and parents to ensure children were “harnessing the benefits of the digital world while minimising the risks”.

“Technology platforms were not built for the best interests of the child,” she said.

“It’s up to all of us to ensure that children’s best interests are realised when they are online.”

Several daycare centres and kindergartens from around the nation were also involved in the research project, including those at Pope St Kinder in Blackburn, Victoria.

Parents and educators can access the website here.

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