
Fintona schoolyard fight between Year 9 girls circulates on social media

A schoolyard fight between two students from elite Melbourne private school Fintona, that left a girl with scratches on her face and neck, has prompted a plea from the principal.

A schoolyard fight at Fintona has prompted a plea from the principal for respect.
A schoolyard fight at Fintona has prompted a plea from the principal for respect.

A schoolyard fight between two students from an exclusive private school has left one girl with extensive scratches on her face and neck.

A feud between the two year nine girls at the up-market Fintona Girls’ School in Balwyn has been brewing for some time, but erupted into a physical altercation last Friday.

It’s understood the fight may have started when one student tripped another in the playground at lunchtime.

Footage of the scrap has been posted on social media, with the incident prompting principal Rachel Falloon to remind students of the need to treat “yourself and others with respect in all interactions and communications”.

The exclusive Fintona Girls’ School.
The exclusive Fintona Girls’ School.

The school has some of the most privileged students in the state, with 77 per cent coming from the top socio-economic quarter according to the My School website.

Ms Falloon wrote to parents on Friday to express concern about the “physical interaction that occurred today involving two Year 9 students, which was contrary to the expectations and values of our School”.

“While the School encourages students to adopt positive behaviours, the School also recognises that there will be times when students make choices and exhibit behaviours which are not aligned with the School’s values and expectations,” Ms Falloon wrote.

“Dealing with any situation in a physical manner is not an acceptable response.”

The school is now working with the two students and their families to “understand the events that led to their actions in this instance”.

Ms Falloon said she was “aware that footage was taken and has been shown to some students which may be distressing”.

She thanked the students who were “upstanders” on Friday.

Fintona Girls’ School was in the Herald Sun last year amid reports of a toxic culture among staff and complaints about a “touchy-feely” deputy principal who has since left the school.

The school consistently posts some of the best year 12 results in the state, but some parents report non-academic performers are discouraged from doing a scored VCE or encouraged to leave before year 12.

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