
What Jay Malkoun’s return could mean for rivals

Former Comachero boss Jay Malkoun survived an assassin’s explosives, but it’s his possible defection to a new club rather than his miracle escape that’s got underworld tongues wagging.

Former Comanchero MC boss Amad “Jay” Malkoun is back in Australia.
Former Comanchero MC boss Amad “Jay” Malkoun is back in Australia.

Wreckage from the car-bomb he survived 16 months ago shows just how close Jay Malkoun came to returning to Australia in a box.

As he climbed into his white Mercedes-Benz at the end of a gym session in Greece, the former Comanchero chief’s vehicle was utterly obliterated by a would-be assassin’s explosives.

Malkoun had no right to survive the horrific attack, in the affluent Athens suburb of Glyfada.

But Malkoun has indeed made it back to Australia in one piece, albeit with a badly injured right foot which still has him on crutches.

He quietly flew into Australia a few weeks ago, a return which has the underworld abuzz with questions.

Former president of the Comanchero Jay Malkoun returned to Australia.
Former president of the Comanchero Jay Malkoun returned to Australia.

There has been talk for some time that Malkoun had been flirting with the idea of joining the rival Mongols outfit.

That gang’s patch-over of Comanchero in Russia, a country where Malkoun has strong links, did nothing to douse that speculation.

The Mongols made a big signing last year when former Bandido enforcer Toby Mitchell came on board.

Although their gangs were fierce rivals a decade ago, it was always thought that Malkoun and Mitchell were on cordial terms.

What is known is that Malkoun still retains a strong degree of support within elements of the Comanchero, which he took over as state president in 2009.

Some of the older guard believe the feared OMCG lost direction when Malkoun left in 2013 and Mick Murray took over.

It’s fair to say this has been a turbulent stage for the gang, marred by friction with the New South Wales membership.

Murray ally Hasan Topal has been spending time overseas, key gang associate and prolific triggerman Nabil Maghnie has been murdered and other players have been locked up on serious charges.

The scene a few hours after the car-bombing which injured Malkoun.
The scene a few hours after the car-bombing which injured Malkoun.

There are those who flat-out dismiss talk that Malkoun wants to join the Mongols.

Some believe the 57-year-old – who is financially comfortable – is back largely for family and health reasons after seven years out of Australia.

That would be understandable after a career in which he’s done a long jail term for heroin trafficking, been the focus of intense police interest, butted heads with serious criminals and almost been blown to kingdom come.

Whatever his intentions, the veteran organised crime figure is way too smart to be advertising them.


Federal officials were powerless to stop Malkoun from re-entering the country this year because he held Australian citizenship.

The Herald Sun can reveal the serious crime figure landed in Australia on March 16 after seven years living overseas.

Authorities were also unable to strip the Lebanese-born former president of the Victorian Comanchero outlaw motorcycle gang of his Australian citizenship.

A Department of Home Affairs spokesman told the Herald Sun those powers were reserved for foreign fighters and did not apply to organised crime figures.

“There is currently no provision under the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 to revoke the Australian citizenship of those persons who committed a serious offence after acquiring citizenship by application,” the spokesman said.

Australia has in the past moved to expel crime figures, but only those without citizenship.

Malkoun left Australia in 2013 and spent time in Dubai and Greece.

Malkoun still retains a strong degree of support within elements of the Comanchero, which he took over as state president in 2009.





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