
How Lawyer X duped the Mokbels and their gang

When gambler Zlate Cvetanovski got too friendly with Tony Mokbel’s drug cook, he became linked to police snitch Lawyer X. See how she duped the Mokbel gang in what was almost a perfect sting.

Zlate Cvetanovski acquitted due to Lawyer X scandal

Zlate “Steve” Cvetanovski was a gambler who got too friendly with Tony Mokbel’s drug cook.

And the drug cook, known as Mr Cooper, was too close to snitching lawyer, Nicola Gobbo.

The following, according to court documents, is a chronological examination of Gobbo’s activities while informing to Victoria Police on “Mr Cooper’’ and his associate, Zlate Cvetanovski.

It is a masterclass in how she duped the Mokbels and their gang.

By incriminating and then advising her client, Mr Cooper, to “roll’’ and become a police informer, she stacked the deck against him and all of the Mokbel associates.

Gobbo’s ultimate plan was to jail Tony Mokbel, but to do so she targeted the underlings.

While demanding money for her services, Gobbo fed police their criminal activities, legal strategies, and how these men’s lives were falling apart.

It was almost the perfect sting.

Victoria Police has argued Gobbo wasn’t Cvetanovski’s lawyer, but it is clear she was.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Kerri Judd QC, conceded Cvetanovski’s convictions regarding drug Operation Posse must be quashed.

The key reason is that Gobbo and then Victoria Police were paying Mr Cooper — their pivotal witness — in secret.

Victoria Police’s Purana taskforce sent money by postal deposit into Mr Cooper’s prison canteen account to keep him happy.

Over years it added up to $10,000, mostly paid under Mr Cooper’s sister’s name.

Mr Cooper made in excess of 40 police statements and/or gave evidence against two dozen people, including Tony Mokbel.

They now all have a case to overturn their convictions and/or make claims for compensation.

Zlate Cvetanovski. Picture: Stuart McEvoy
Zlate Cvetanovski. Picture: Stuart McEvoy


Feb 2002: Mr Cooper arrested for meth production. He is Mokbel’s top drug cook. Gobbo this month starts acting as Mokbel’s trusted barrister.

Nov 2002: Gobbo starts acting for Mr Cooper.

April 11, 2003: Mr Cooper arrested again.

Sept 16, 2005: Gobbo meets with Victoria Police’s Sandy White to become a supergrass. She asks not to be recorded. But she is being recorded regardless. Gobbo complains recordings could be subpoenaed. She is assured no one will ever find out about their meetings or recordings. Under this cloak Gobbo begins as registered informer 3838. It is a promise they cannot legally make. Among Gobbo’s first suggestions is that her client, Mr Cooper, if pressured, is a ’good candidate’ to ‘roll’ on the Mokbels.

Sept 26, 2005: Gobbo tells police Mr Cooper is cooking drugs in Coburg.

Oct 28, 2005: Gobbo discusses with Sandy White the ethical minefield of her informing on Mr Cooper while acting as his lawyer. But Gobbo is reluctant to stop representing him because Mr Cooper ‘’actually does pay’.

Dec 26, 2005: Gobbo tells police Mr Cooper is either manufacturing meth or just about to commence production.

Dec 30, 2005: Gobbo tasked to find Mr Cooper’s drug laboratory.

Mar 16, 2006: Gobbo tells police Mr Cooper’s lab is in Regent St, Preston.

January 12, 2006: Gobbo begins informing on Mr Cooper’s gambling mate, Zlate ‘Steve’ Cvetanovski

April 12, 2006: Gobbo tells police Mr Cooper is picking up money and chemicals at strip club, Spearmint Rhino.

April 14, 2006: Gobbo tells police Mr Cooper has 90 litres of meth and is setting up a laboratory in the Strathmore area near a primary school.

April 17, 2006: Gobbo’s info leads Det Flynn to locate the Strathmore meth lab. Gobbo requests to be around when Mr Cooper is arrestees as the “fallout will be spectacular”.

April 18, 2006: Gobbo suggests “soft approach” from Det Flynn to get her client, Mr Cooper, to co-operate.

April 19, 2006: Purana Inspector Jim O’Brien, Det Flynn and Gobbo’s police handler (SDU) discuss tactics based on her intelligence.

April 20, 2006: Gobbo gives more intelligence about Mr Cooper’s vulnerabilities to help with strategy to get her client to ‘roll’.

It is two days before police plan to arrest Mr Cooper when she has this conversation with the head of the ‘Source Development Unit (SDU), Sandy White.

It is about the legal minefield they face:

White: How does that work?

Gobbo: If?

White: If you represent (Mr Cooper) while at the same time you’ve been instrumental in his apprehension?

Gobbo: Yeah, that’s — yeah, that’s one of the things that keeps me up at night.

White: Have you got a plan how you’re gunna manage that, or …

Gobbo: What’s the big deal? You’re not gunna tell him...

White: No, we’re not but...

Gobbo: Nor am I. I don’t really feel like being dead this month. I’m not saying …

White: Yeah, see, I’m not. I’m not thinking that you’re gonna be compromised. I’m just wondering...

Gobbo: How I’m gonna deal with it myself...

White: Ethically...

Gobbo: Or practically...

(Gobbo says this was something she discussed being a “real problem’’ from the outset.)

White: Look, purely a technical point of view...if you talk to Mr Cooper and give him legal advice before he’s interviewed and he makes a confession-and I’m speaking theoretically here, right.

Gobbo: Yeah.

White: But wouldn’t … wouldn’t it be the case down the track that a defence barrister could argue, well, the advice that he got prior to participating in the record of interview was not impartial because it was done on behalf of the police by a person that was acting for the police.

Gobbo: Who the f---s gonna say that?

White: It’s a theoretical question.

Gobbo: Why would anyone say that?

White: No one’s gunna say that but I’m trying to understand what – the conflict of interest area is not something that we ever deal with, all right, for you and it’s...I mean, some people could put up an argument that a person who is a barrister perhaps could never help the police and still represent the person that she’s helping the police with......

Gobbo: Probably, but what’s the real point?

White: Forget it, I’m just...

Gobbo: No, no, no, what’s the real point?

White: Just the general ethics of the whole situation.

Gobbo: The general ethics of all this is f--ed.

Gobbo: Look, the reality is – I think the problem is that I have come to the conclusion that but for information from me from (Mr Cooper), you wouldn’t get him.

Prior to April 22: A police officer who helped recruit Gobbo as an informer applies for a search warrant to raid a Strathmore address where the clan lab is located. The information used is from Gobbo.

April 22, 2006: Mr Cooper is arrested with co-offender Frank Ahec. both men want to talk to their lawyer, Gobbo. She seems ‘happy’ and asks her handlers ‘who’s next’. Both men want to talk to the their lawyer, Gobbo. Prior to their arrests, police have round-tabled the Gobbo conundrum, and Gobbo was meant to make herself unavailable to her clients. But the plan changed. The police crew involved in the sting on Mr Cooper, including Purana boss Jim O’Brien and detective Dale Flynn, know Gobbo is his lawyer, and that she is an informer.

4.14pm: Mr Cooper gives a ‘no comment’ interview to police.

4.25pm: Gobbo arrives at police station and speaks to Mr Cooper and Ahec.

6.35pm: Gobbo’s handler arrives to help Insp O’Brien and Flynn to get Mr Cooper to ‘roll’. Gobbo asked to return.

6.50pm: Gobbo speaks to Mr Cooper in the presence of O’Brien and Flynn. Mr Cooper agrees to ‘roll’ and to covertly record his associates involved in criminal activity. Police reinterview him about his crimes. Gobbo talks other SDU handlers and is asked if she believes she’s helped Mr Cooper, replying: ‘Yes, I have and getting him to – pushing him over the line tonight, which I knew I’d be able to do, yeah, he’ll appreciate it in time.’’

April 22-April 26: Mr Cooper stings his associates for police by wearing a wire, leading to the arrests of Steve Cvetanovski and Milad Mokbel. They are also Gobbo’s clients. She tells police she cannot act for Milad because of a conflict, but she does represent Cvetanovski. Officer Dale Flynn believes a “complex” situation has become “even more complex” when Cvetanovski asks for Gobbo.

Tony Mokbel leaves Melbourne Magistrates’ Court with his lawyer, Nicola Gobbo.
Tony Mokbel leaves Melbourne Magistrates’ Court with his lawyer, Nicola Gobbo.


Jan 12 to Feb 13, 2006: Prior to Cvetanovski’s arrest, Gobbo provides police with his phone number and other details.

Feb 22, 2006: Gobbo tells police to target Cvetanovski as the key to Mr Cooper’s money.

April 10, 2006: Gobbo says Mr Cooper and Cvetanovski have been at the clan lab. It is Cvetanovski’s first time.

April 23, 2006: The day after Mr Cooper begins co-operating with police, Gobbo convinces police to let him talk to Cvetanovski to allay suspicions he has “rolled”. She then meets Cvetanovski and reassures him it will be OK.

April 24, 2006: Gobbo meets with Cvetanovski about arrest procedures.

April 25 2006: As part of Operation Posse Cvetanovski is arrested. Gobbo makes a professional visit with him at St Kilda Crime Complex before he interviewed by police. Her advice was to remain silent and say ‘’no comment’’ to police questions. Cvetanovski says he found out at a ‘’later date’’ Gobbo was representing Mr Cooper and negotiating a deal for him. Unbeknown to Cvetanovski, Gobbo’s handlers had discussed with Gobbo the legal advice he should be given.

April 29, 2006: Cvetanovski meets with Gobbo about advice as to whether he is going to be charged.

May 1, 2006: Cvetanovski says he calls for more legal advice.

May 3, 2006: Cvetanovski goes to Gobbo’s office wanting to know if he was going to be charged.

May 22, 2006: Gobbo works with police ‘’re-affidavits re Cvetanovski’’ which include restraining orders and other documents.

May 28, 2006: Cvetanovski asks Gobbo questions about statements of witnesses. Gobbo tells police about this conversation and passes on his new car registration.

May 30, 2006: Cvetanovski gives his ‘’confiscated papers’’ to Gobbo.

June 12, 2006: Gobbo tells police Cvetanovski has 140 litres of methamine, which is worth $4000 a litre.

July 27, 2006: Police seize Cvetanovski’s computers and jewellery. He goes to Gobbo.

Sept 3, 2006: Gobbo tells police that Mr Cooper is ‘’very disappointed’’ at Cvetanovski letting him down financially. She adds that ‘Steve has al but one chemical needed to manufacture speed and Mr Cook is ready to set Cvetanovski up with police.

Sept 8, 2006: Cvetanovski calls Gobbo and Gobbo forwards his new mobile number to police for ongoing monitoring.

Oct 20, 2006: Gobbo complains to police Cvetanovski is not paying her for advice while asking her legal advice about police surveillance and fighting in court to get his property back.

Oct 30, 2006: Gobbo provides police with notes after reviewing their brief of evidence against Mr Cooper. Also suggests Cvetanovski and others be charged with more offences. Suggests more lines of inquiry.

Nov 26, 2006: Gobbo tells police Cvetanovski’s marriage is ‘’stuffed’’ and may help police.

Mar 8, 2007: Cvetanovski tells Gobbo police have contacted him about co-operating. Gobbo tells police he won’t turn and consider recruiting his wife.

Apr 24, 2007: Cvetanovski calls Gobbo about the brief of evidence against him.

June 5, 2007: Gobbo tells police Cvetanovski has admitted to committing crimes and his breaching his bail.

July 2, 2007: Cvetanovski asks Gobbo to appear for him at his trial. She responds, ‘’show me the money’’.

Dec 12, 2007: Gobbo tells police Cvetanovski and his wife are coming to see her to discuss their case.

Dec 16, 2007: Gobbo acts for Cvetanovski’s wife, who is charged by police, at a committal hearing. She believes she should make a statement against her husband. ‘’If/when he is charged with trafficking’’.

Apr 15, 2008: Cvetanovski is rearrested and taken to St Kilda Road Crime Complex. He calls Gobbo and she tells police this. A solicitor calls Gobbo and asks her to appear for Cvetanovski at a bail hearing. She tells police he wants no one but her to appear for him. But she tells Cvetanovski’s solicitor she won’t act because there’s no money.

Apr 22, 2008: Gobbo tells police Cvetanovski is “begging’’ for her to act in his bail hearing but she won’t as she has other things on.

April 23, 2008: Cvetanovski gets bail.

March 17, 2011: Cvetanovski is found guilty of deception offences.

July 8, 2011: Cvetanovski is found guilty of trafficking a large commercial quantity of methylamphetamine.

April 12, 2012: Cvetanovski is sentenced to 11 years jail with a non-parole period of nine years.

May 19, 2020: Cvetanovski walks out of Loddon Prison on appeal bail.

October 30, 2020: Cvetanovski has his convictions overturned for commercial quantity drug trafficking.





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