

Xavier College teacher stood down, police investigate reports he stalked multiple victims

A senior private school teacher is being investigated over sexual harassment and stalking claims— with the principal asking staff not to discuss the matter. Here’s why.

Police say the investigation into the teacher is ongoing. Picture: Mark Stewart
Police say the investigation into the teacher is ongoing. Picture: Mark Stewart

Xavier College principal Bill Doherty has asked staff not to discuss the school’s investigation of a senior teacher following allegations of sexual harassment and stalking.

He said this was in order to protect the women involved in the probe.

As many as 11 female current and former staff members of the school have raised complaints against the long-serving teacher, who has been stood down.

The police are also investigating stalking allegations against the man.

Earlier, parents expressed their fury over the news of the college’s internal investigation into a year 12 teacher over the alleged stalking and sexual harassment of female staff.

The long-serving staff member who is the subject of the school’s probe was a senior staff member and head of house.

Many parents were at a mother’s lunch yesterday and were still out when the story broke on the Herald Sun website on Thursday evening.

“We haven’t been told anything by the school – our son’s year 12 maths teacher left without explanation at the start of the term and we were told nothing,” one parent said.

Students who inquired about their missing teacher were told by other teachers: “legally we can’t comment”.

Staff were called into a briefing with Mr Doherty on Friday morning.

Mr Doherty reiterated to both staff and students that the “protection, safety and care of all members of staff is a priority, as it is for our students”.

He told parents it was “unfortunate” he needed to contact them in light of the publication of details about the investigation in the Herald Sun.

The principal told staff and parents the Herald Sun story was “inaccurate” but did not detail in which way.

But the Herald Sun stands by its original report.

Mr Doherty also said the conduct did not relate to the safety of children.

The letter to parents said the school will “always communicate with you on relevant staffing matters if and when it is appropriate.

“If there is anything you wish to raise with the College, you are always welcome and encouraged to do so through our established communication channels,” he said.

He assured staff that any matters raised would be investigated according to “sound processes that accord procedural fairness” and involve the appropriate authorities when and where relevant.

The teacher is accused of sexual harassment, stalking and inappropriate professional conduct.
The teacher is accused of sexual harassment, stalking and inappropriate professional conduct.

“The College remains resolute in our commitment to upholding the respect, dignity and integrity of all staff and our staff working environment. This is particularly the case for our female members of staff in matters of the nature alluded to in the reporting,” he said.

Mr Doherty said he was mindful of the impact of the report on the women who raised the complaints and that the school is doing “do all we can to protect and care for women involved”.

“We are also mindful of the privacy and right to procedural fairness for the member of staff that has been referenced, noting that the reporting and commentary is incredibly unhelpful for an established process being undertaken and for the people who are connected to this investigation,” he wrote.

Mr Doherty said he was “not able to and will not make public comment on a matter that concerns a member of staff and that is currently under investigation”

It is understood 11 past and present female staff members have made complaints of sexual harassment, stalking and inappropriate professional conduct against the man.

Camberwell police have confirmed they have “received several reports of stalking involving a number of victims via social media alleged to have occurred between 12 and 23 of September”.

“As the investigation is in its infancy and ongoing, we are not in a position to provide further comment at this stage,” a police spokeswoman said.

The school is not believed to be aware of the police involvement and said they were engaging in an independent investigative process after receiving complaints from staff.

The teacher, who formerly taught at Mount Scopus Memorial College, and held several senior positions at Xavier College, is still registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

The Herald Sun has been contacted by a representative of the group of women, who have been asked to sign confidentiality agreements by the school.

She alleges the man’s wrongdoing goes back more than a decade.

“Women have been deeply traumatised by him,” the woman said. “He has been contacting them online under alias accounts”.

The women have told the school the man would “routinely target women, especially new female staff members, groom them, gaslight them, make them feel special, and then offer them a lift home for ‘safety’”.

“When he felt the time was right and they were alone together, he would kiss them, try to touch them, say sexually explicit things to them,” she said.

She said the actions made the women feel “shamed and sexually harassed”.

“This has been going on for more than a decade,” she said.

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