

Victoria Police ill-equipped to manage notorious Let Women Speak rally due to staff shortage

A “limited” number of police officers made it difficult for the force to manage an anti-trans rally gatecrashed by neo-Nazis, an intelligence dossier has revealed.

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Police say “limited” resources made it “difficult” to manage the now-notorious Let Women Speak rally in March where dozens of neo-Nazis gatecrashed and performed Hitler salutes on the steps of parliament.

The force was ill-equipped to adequately manage the 550-strong crowd who descended on Melbourne’s CBD, despite estimating 800 people would attend, due to unplanned leave resulting in a shortage of staff.

An intelligence dossier obtained by the Herald Sun reveals Victoria Police believes they were short 19 officers for the protest, where multiple groups with competing ideologies clashed.

Police were bracing for neo-Nazis to attend and “agitate” others. Picture: David Crosling
Police were bracing for neo-Nazis to attend and “agitate” others. Picture: David Crosling

“Police resources were limited which made it difficult to manage four separate groups from coming together in a busy area such as Parliament House,” a post-event report said.

“Resources lost due to UPL (unplanned leave), was two sergeants and 17 ORs (other ranks).

“This was detrimental to being able to cover the footprint of the event.”

The dossier reveals the force was aware former Liberal MP Moira Deeming was planning to speak at the rally.

They were also bracing for neo-Nazis to attend and “agitate” others.

“Members must be aware several different groups will be in attendance and may not all get along,” the intelligence dossier states.

“There will be multiple groups attending with different agendas. Individuals may be hard to identify as part of a group and blending of groups may occur.”

The dossier reveals the force was aware former Liberal MP Moira Deeming was planning to speak at the rally. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
The dossier reveals the force was aware former Liberal MP Moira Deeming was planning to speak at the rally. Picture: Andrew Henshaw

In a statement, Victoria Police described the rally as “appalling action” that was “unlike anything we had seen on city streets in recent times”.

“Protests can be incredibly difficult to manage, especially when you have multiple groups of people coming together with opposing views, a force statement said.
“In these instances, the role of police is to keep the peace and prevent opposing groups from clashing.”

In pre-event briefing documents, officers are warned about protester tactics and risks.

“Expect to be verbally challenged and interactions recorded (or) live streamed,” it said.

“Individuals will attempt to engage in conversation around their ideology and bait you (regarding) police powers.

“Victoria Socialists have used water paint in past protest actions. Intel suggests some members of the ‘Fight the Right’ will throw eggs and milk.”

Police are warned against “alternative media” including Rebel News and Common Ground Conversations.

The Let Women Speak rally was attended by MP Moira Deeming and activist Kellie-Jay Keen. Picture: YouTube
The Let Women Speak rally was attended by MP Moira Deeming and activist Kellie-Jay Keen. Picture: YouTube

“These individuals will seek to deliberately provoke a reaction from any person including police,” it said.

“If sighted, broadcast (the) person of interest’s attendance and don’t engage with them, however if you do, make it limited. Friendly, fair but firm if required.

“They all create hostility, with attempts to interview left wing protesters, asking provocative questions in a bid to make individuals appear foolish and produce content to post online.”

Officers are instructed to turn body-worn cameras on for the duration of the rally and remove identification with their names.

Post-event analysis stated police were underprepared.

“Briefing needed to be 30 minutes earlier to enable members to be in place before protesters started to gather,” a post-event report said.

Crowd behaviour was classified as “volatile”.

“All groups (were) combative and attempting to break police lines,” police said.

In a statement Victoria Police said: “As per standard practice for events of this nature, a post event debrief has been conducted by an independent officer to review the overall response to this event.

“Lessons coming out of this debrief will be used to inform our planning and preparation for similar events.

“Victoria Police welcomes any proposed legislation that will address the appalling behaviour displayed at this protest.”

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