

Officers in heated debate following Victoria Police’s decision to trial women-only gym

A male cop who questioned Victoria Police’s trial of women-only gym sessions has been ban­ned from his usual workplace.

The leading senior constable was told not to return to his usual workplace after his posts on social media questioned how new gym rules fit within the force’s gender equality and inclusiveness policy. Picture: Sarah Matray
The leading senior constable was told not to return to his usual workplace after his posts on social media questioned how new gym rules fit within the force’s gender equality and inclusiveness policy. Picture: Sarah Matray

A male cop who posted on social media about women-only gym sessions at the Victoria Police Academy has been ban­ned from his usual workplace.

The leading senior constable was told not to return to Knox Police Station, where he was working on a limited return-to- work basis, after his posts on social media questioned how the new gym rules fit within the force’s gender equality and inclusiveness policy.

The posts were made on Yammer – a police social media chat room – which was flooded with heated debate, including outrage, at the move to trial women-only gym sessions.

Posts asked how “inclusiveness” could be achieved by excluding men.

Inquiries made by the Herald Sun to Victoria Police have revealed the officer was told not to return to the office because he was a risk.

Knox Police station.
Knox Police station.

Victoria Police says it is trying to find the officer, who has post-traumatic stress disorder, a new station.

However, a spokesman said it was “untrue” to suggest the member was off work due to his comments.

“The member has been unable to work in his gazetted role since October 2021 for operational reasons,” the spokesman said.

“As part of his return-to-work plan, the member was late last year placed at another Victoria Pol­ice location for eight hours a week based on mutual agreement.

“This return-to-work placement has now ended for a number of reasons which cannot be discussed publicly due to privacy. The member was not disciplined for any comments made on an internal platform … and is currently on paid leave until an alternate return-to-work placement can be found.”

A former police officer, who wanted to remain anonymous, said the ban was “a disgrace”, deeming it “politically driven”.

“The only winners are the crooks,” he said. “He hasn’t been afforded any due process.”

The Victoria Police Academy is trialling women-only gym sessions for two months which only ban men from the weights and cardio rooms for less than four hours a week.

Other areas, such as the boxing facilities and basketball court, remain open to all staff.

“We’re not talking about private gyms. We’re talking about workplaces, where everyone in attendance has passed background checks and is bound by numerous policies and legislation regarding behaviour and professionalism,” one male member posted on Yammer.

“Further, we all have difficult rosters and many have families, thus being able to squeeze in a gym session whenever you get the time is essential.”

A post from a female officer said men dominated the gym.

“If you did an observation for a month, you would see so many male-only sessions in the gym happening by default, not design. This can deter women from going in,” she posted.

“So, by design, we can deliberately create an environment where women feel more comfortable to use the gym.”

Victoria Police stands behind its women-only gym trial.

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