

Interview with a killer: Watch Greg Lynn’s bombshell police tape

From bizarre killing re-enactments to gruesome confessions, high country killer Greg Lynn reveals all in a marathon police interview where he describes his account of the grisly deaths of Carol Clay and Russell Hill. WATCH THE FULL VIDEO

FULL INTERVIEW: High country killer Greg Lynn's police interview

High country killer Greg Lynn’s police interview has been released, days after he was found guilty of murdering Carol Clay.

The former airline pilot, 57, was on Tuesday, convicted of killing Mrs Clay, 73, who along with Russell Hill, 74, vanished during a camping trip to the Wonnangatta Valley in March 2020.

About 3.5 hours of Lynn’s interview with investigators at Sale Police Station following his November 2021 arrest was played to his Supreme Court trial.

In the recording, Lynn sits opposite two detectives as he calmly recounts how the missing campers were accidentally killed before he panicked and covered up their deaths.

Ultimately, the jury rejected his account and convicted him of Mrs Clay murder.

But he was cleared of killing Mr Hill.

The Supreme Court has for the first time released parts of the interview.


Lynn demonstrates his version of how the gun went off and killed Carol Clay.
Lynn demonstrates his version of how the gun went off and killed Carol Clay.

In the footage, he details his version of events, saying his “my hand was not on the trigger” of the gun that fired a lethal shot into Mrs Clay’s head.

Lynn, 57, casually describes how, when Covid lockdowns ended, he returned to the campsite to “finish this”.

“I drove back, set fire to them … you’ll find nothing there,” he said.

Lynn showed little emotion when he told detectives he had been physically ill while burning the missing campers’ bodies.
Lynn showed little emotion when he told detectives he had been physically ill while burning the missing campers’ bodies.

About an hour into the interview, Lynn can be seen re-enacting how the campers died in what he claimed were separate struggles over a gun and a knife.

Wearing a grey sweater and surgical mask pulled down under his nose, Lynn shows little emotion throughout – delivering his account in a matter-of-fact manner.

Speaking of his behaviour the first time police paid him a visit at his Caroline Springs home, Lynn said “I might have seemed calm on the outside, but (I was) panicking internally”.

He showed little emotion when he told detectives he had been physically ill while burning Mr Hill and Mrs Clay’s bodies.

“I didn’t want to do it, it was a horrific thing to have to deal with, I was sick several times,” he said.

Lynn said he had to burn them to “get rid of the evidence”.

He cooly told detectives he “had to collect” pieces of Mrs Clay’s skull from the campsite, saying he “cleaned up all that with a bucket and spade and some of that went into the fire and some of it went into the river”.

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