
Claims Victoria Police ordered by govt to slash spending, freeze new hires amid state’s crime epidemic

Victoria Police is being forced to find almost $2bn in savings over the next four years in a public service spending crackdown as it battles to tackle the state’s crime epidemic, insiders claim.

Victorian government hasn’t provided police with the ‘resources they need’

Victoria Police is being forced to find almost $2bn in savings across the next four years after the government cracked down on public service overspending, according to sources.

Although Victoria Police’s overall budget is not set to be cut, currently at $4.51bn, former Chief Commissioner Shane Patton began exploring cost-cutting measures last year to find $1.92bn, or almost $500m a year, in savings.

Sources say the force’s inability to meet its budget led to the crackdown.

It came as police argued for more funding as it struggled to counter rising crime and to retain and attract new police recruits.

Sources say a hiring freeze has been in place for public service positions for months.

Victoria Police has a 5.6 per cent annual attrition rate.

Insiders claim Victoria Police is being forced to find almost $2bn in savings across the next four years.
Insiders claim Victoria Police is being forced to find almost $2bn in savings across the next four years.

It has also led to the force embarking on a major organisational restructure, with the details yet to be announced, in order to slash spending.

But the Allan government has denied ordering Victoria Police to cut spending, but that it must stick within their budget.

It is understood that on March 11, the government’s budget and finance committee met over the latest funding position.

The latest revelations come a day after the Herald Sun revealed Deputy Commissioner Neil Paterson had lodged a scathing complaint to IBAC about the level of interference in the force’s operations by the Allan government.

Mr Paterson has alleged the government’s decision not to reappoint him to a second five year term was “unlawful’’.

A government spokesman yesterday denied the government had decided to not reappoint Mr Paterson, shifting blame to his former boss.

Ousted Victorian Police Deputy Commissioner Neil Paterson. Picture: Ian Currie
Ousted Victorian Police Deputy Commissioner Neil Paterson. Picture: Ian Currie

“Mr Patton did not formally ask to reappoint Mr Paterson,’’ the spokesperson said.

It can also be revealed that sources say Police Minister Anthony Carbines demanded Mr Patton sign up to the police enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) after a bitter two year negotiation.

“Shane was directed to sign up to the EBA towards the end of January by Carbines,’’ a well-placed source said.

“He was told: `you must sign up’.’’

This too was denied by the Allan government.

Since Mr Patton left his role on February 16, the police EBA – which gave police a 4.5 per cent pay rise – was endorsed by the force’s members.

Mr Paterson was told he would not be reappointed four days later.

In parliament on Wednesday, Mr Carbines hit out at Opposition Leader Brad Battin’s questions about the nature of Mr Paterson’s departure.

“I completely reject the premise of the question,” he said, when asked why Mr Paterson was “sacked after 37 years of service”.

“I make it very clear we don’t plan to politicise (these) matters.”

Premier Jacinta Allan and Minister for Police Anthony Carbines. Picture: Anthony Lucas
Premier Jacinta Allan and Minister for Police Anthony Carbines. Picture: Anthony Lucas
The Allan government has denied ordering Victoria Police to cut spending.
The Allan government has denied ordering Victoria Police to cut spending.

Mr Carbines also rejected a question about whether he, his office or the Department of Justice directed Mr Nugent to dismiss Mr Paterson.

“Mr Paterson is on leave, on leave of his own choosing,” he said.

Mr Battin said Mr Paterson would be the first deputy Commissioner of Victoria Police to not have his contract renewed when he requested to stay on.

“Why is it that the Allan Labor government feel they can control every level of what happens here in Victoria Police?,” he said.

Premier Jacinta Allan also took aim at Mr Paterson and his decision to make an IBAC complaint, accusing him of politicising the state’s integrity agencies.

“I want to be really clear – these allegations are baseless. Completely untrue,” she said.

“It is really disappointing that there are some people who are choosing to politicise IBAC, politicise an integrity agency, by making these absolutely baseless allegations.

Ms Allan refused to answer repeated questions about both Mr Paterson’s dismissal and complaint to IBAC.

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