
Brett Johnson: Former police officer jailed after preying on vulnerable women

A former police officer who preyed on vulnerable women “he sought to protect” has been jailed after “utterly betraying” victims’ trust.

Former Victorian Police officer Brett Johnson has been jailed. Picture: 9 News
Former Victorian Police officer Brett Johnson has been jailed. Picture: 9 News

A former cop has been jailed for preying upon vulnerable women he met on the job, texting one “wanna f--k” after she told him she was suicidal.

Brett Johnson, 42, showed little emotion as he was sentenced to six months’ jail on Tuesday after admitting he abused his position to pursue sexual relationships with three women including some who sought help from police due to family violence.

Johnson used an internal database to access personal information including addresses, phone numbers and photographs of a further six women, with County Court Judge Liz Gaynor saying he had betrayed his victims.

“You preyed upon the very people you swore to serve and protect,” she said in her sentencing remarks.

“You utterly betrayed that trust.”

Johnson pleaded guilty to 10 charges of misconduct in public office for offending against nine women between 2010 and 2019.

Three offences relate to Johnson pursuing sexual relationships with vulnerable women, including Victoria* who he contacted on his personal number after she handed in a stolen laptop to Richmond police station in 2012.

Victoria, who had drug abuse, mental health and child custody issues, was flattered by the attention of a police officer and began a sexual relationship with Johnson.

In 2015, she texted the father-of-two that she was losing her children the following day and was experiencing suicidal ideation.

“Wanna f--k,” he replied.

Johnson claimed he pursued women in an effort to boost his low self-esteem after he was cheated on by a former fiancee in the early 2000s.

But Judge Gaynor said that did not justify his actions which left his victims traumatised.

In a victim impact statement, one woman said she lived in hypervigilance, had post-traumatic stress disorder and, at one stage, viewed all men as predators as a result of Johnson’s offending.

Johnson was initially facing more than 100 charges, including rape, but the more serious offences were ultimately dropped.

He was ordered to complete 300 hours of unpaid community work and undergo mental health treatment as part of a two-year community correction order following his release.

*Victoria is a pseudonym ordered by the court

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