NT Prison boss says compassion ‘quashed’ for terminally ill man
The Darwin prison manager has candidly told the Territory coroner, ‘I believe we’ve lost sight of the humanity aspect when we’re dealing with prisoners in most circumstances’.
The Darwin prison manager has candidly told the Territory coroner, ‘I believe we’ve lost sight of the humanity aspect when we’re dealing with prisoners in most circumstances’.
A Territory toddler who died in Palmerston Hospital after suffering flu-like symptoms will be subject to a mandatory death in care inquest.
A decade of ignored warnings about NT Legal Aid’s budget has resulted in the critical service scaling back services, despite a $1m cash injection.
A five-year fight over an illegal walkway has brought up dark memories of dispossession and voicelessness for Kakadu National Park Traditional Owners.
A store has been accused of signing vulnerable Territorians up to a credit repayment scheme without confirming if it would push them into dire financial hardship.
Territorians who are fighting charges against them are spending on average 100 days behind bars waiting to clear their names. Here’s why legal experts say our justice system is ‘buckling’.
Domestic violence campaigner claims a plan to ban Aussie kids from social media needs to happen alongside education to be effective in addressing the crisis of gender-based violence.
A federal inquiry into children’s prisons will investigate allegations of ‘torture-like’ conditions across Australia.
Territory Traditional Owners fighting to expand Kakadu National Park have called out what they claim are ‘disrespectful’ comments by mining bosses and an anti-Voice campaigner.
An opposition campaign to grill Aboriginal Corporations and land councils has been called ‘wasteful’ and ‘destructive’, due to an ongoing investigation into the Native Title Act.
‘I touched her body and felt her pulse, but it was the machine making her alive’: A Territory woman has described her distress watching her mother on a ventilator after a minor surgery went fatally wrong.
What is the price of a renter’s distress? Judges pushed to put a price tag on the feeling of ‘disappointment’ when living in a dilapidated home after an Aussie grandmother won a landmark tennant’s rights victory.
The Territory’s network of rangers who spend their lives on the water, out bush and caring for country could be in financial limbo. Here’s why a $12m funding pledge could provide four-years of security.
A child has reportedly set fire to their own cell in Australia’s most infamous children’s prison, while in Central Australia eight teens have caused damage and climbed onto the roof.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/topics/closing-the-gap/page/2