
The best 404 error messages from around the web

CLICKING on a web page only to be given the dreaded 404 "page not found" message can be frustrating. Thankfully, these sites have made it fun.

Source: CollegeHumor
Source: CollegeHumor

WE ALL hate clicking on a link to open up a page, when instead of the amazing website we were hoping for a damn error message appears and ruins our day.

Thankfully, the owners of the following sites know the pain and have made sure their website's 404 message doesn't make us want to throw our computer out the window.

Pretty much every Zelda site on the internet greets us with this:

Source: Zelda Informer
Source: Zelda Informer

IMDB's changes every time, leaving you wanting a 404 error:

Source: IMDB
Source: IMDB
Source: IMDB
Source: IMDB

Quickmeme's is just what you would be hoping for:

Source: Quickmeme
Source: Quickmeme

Well done on your tennis puns, Australian Open. We take our hats off to you.

Source: Australian Open
Source: Australian Open

OnMedia uses Homer Simpson. That's a win in our books:

Source: ONMedia
Source: ONMedia

CollegeHumor just decided to crush dreams instead:

Source: CollegeHumor
Source: CollegeHumor

This one is... interesting:

Source: Stonky
Source: Stonky

Like IMDB's, South Park's changes every time and they're equally as brilliant:

Source: South Park Studios
Source: South Park Studios

Star Wars references always go down well. Thanks, GitHub:

Source: Github
Source: Github

Why, Lego man? WHY?

Source: Lego
Source: Lego

These guys just tell you to play Pacman instead:

Source: Bluefountain Media
Source: Bluefountain Media

What's the best 404 error message you've seen? Continue the conversation on Twitter: @harrytuckerr or @newscomauHQ

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