
Peter Bol’s B-sample did not confirm A-Sample as runner’s suspension is lifted

Peter Bol’s lawyer has revealed he “begged” for results of the star athlete’s drug test not to be released and called for an investigation into the handling of the issue.

Peter Bol at the Commonwealth Games
Peter Bol at the Commonwealth Games

The American lawyer representing Peter Bol has called for a government investigation after the Australian 800m champion was sensationally cleared of drug cheating.

Paul Greene, the founder of Global Sports Advocates who has represented athletes from all around the world, says it was a “complete disgrace” that Bol’s reputation had been tarnished after his B-sample proved he had not taken EPO.

In an extraordinary development, Bol was told on Tuesday morning that the B-sample of a test taken in October didn’t match with the positive A-sample reading to EPO.

Greene hasn’t ruled out taking legal action against Sport Integrity Australia and Athletics Australia who made the A-sample results public despite refusing to provide any evidence to Bol of the positive test.

“I am blown away honestly that it was announced, it should never have been announced,” Greene said. “It was a complete disgrace that it was announced publicly.

“I begged them not to, they did it anyway. I don’t know who leaked it but there should be an investigation in my opinion, a governmental investigation into the situation because you can’t have this situation happening.

Peter Bol at the Commonwealth Games
Peter Bol at the Commonwealth Games

“There are protections in place to protect athletes, he was never even charged, never even provided any lab documents, it’s just unbelievable.”

Greene said he had never seen such a case of injustice during his years of dealing with high-profile sports drug cases.

“This is a pretty rare-winged bird, just the way it went down particularly with the announcement and not providing any information,” he said. “I have been doing this for a very long time, this is a first for me, the way it has all played out. It’s absolutely unique in terms of the way it went down

“I have never (seen anything handled as badly as this), never. It is just terrible. I hope everybody realises what happened and he got totally hosed, using an American expression, He got jobbed, it’s ridiculous, everyone can see that.

“I told everyone there had to have been a mistake and I was right, hopefully everyone believes me the next time.”

Bol released a statement on social media on Tuesday morning revealing his provisionary suspension had been lifted.

“Last month I told everyone I was innocent and asked that everyone in Australia believe me and let the process play out,” Bol said.

“I was hopeful that the process would exonerate me. This morning, I am relieved that it did.

“I was just informed that my B sample did not confirm my A sample

“My provisional suspension has been lifted by Sport Integrity Australia

“The relief I am feeling is hard to describe. I appreciate the support I have received from my family, my team and from so many people from Australia and around the world

“The last month has been nothing less than a nightmare

“I wished the results of my A sample had not been leaked but there is nothing I can do about that; to say it one more time - I am innocent and have not taken this substance as I was accused

“I have NEVER in my life purchased, researched, possessed, administered, or used synthetic EPO or any other Prohibited Substance, and never will.”

Sport Integrity Australia issued a statement on Tuesday afternoon which read in part: “Pursuant to the relevant provisions in the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy 2021 and World Anti-Doping Code 2021, the Mandatory Provisional Suspension which was imposed on the Athlete following the AAF from the Part A Sample on 10 January 2023 is lifted.

The investigation into the matter remains ongoing. Sport Integrity Australia will, as part of its investigation, proceed to consider whether any anti-doping rule violation/s have been committed. It is not possible to provide a timeframe at this point.

Any decision made by Sport Integrity Australia is subject to appeal from the Athletics Integrity Unit and WADA in accordance with Australian National Anti-Doping Policy 2021 and World Anti-Doping Code 2021.”

The drugs scandal cost Bol, who finished fourth at the Tokyo Olympics, the Young Australian of the Year Award.


— Peter Bol

The family of Aussie track star Peter Bol have spoken of their relief he has been cleared of doping allegations and confidence the truth would eventually come out.

Bol’s brother Michael on Tuesday told the Herald Sun the Australian 800m record holder was thrilled his name had been cleared and his reputation could be restored.

“He is finally relieved,’’ he said.

“He didn’t deserve this.

“He actually works very hard and for something like that to happen, it’s not a nice thing.’’

He said the doping allegations took a particular toll on Bol’s Sudanese mother Hanan Kuku and his sister Nyibol.

Bol’s family are relieved. Picture: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images
Bol’s family are relieved. Picture: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

“It was especially tough on our mum, she wasn’t handling it very well,’’ he said.

“My sister also – they couldn’t handle it altogether because they are very close to him.

“We are a very close family so when things like that happen it takes a toll, specially on the mum and sister who are very emotional people.’’

Sudanese Australian Bol in 2021 become the first Ausssie man to run in the 800m Olympic final since 1968.

He was last month told he tested positive to a banned substance in an out of competition drug test in October 2022.

Michael, who spoke to Peter on Tuesday morning, said the family were heartbroken when it was announced Bol had produced a positive A-sample reading to EPO.

He said the family was “just overwhelmed’’ the B-sample of a test taken in October didn’t match with the positive A-sample, clearing Bol to resume training and competition.

“We knew that was what it was but the waiting period was agonising,’’ he said.

“We were 100 per cent he had nothing wrong but the waiting period for him to be cleared was hard.’’

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