

AOC at war: Timeline of how the Australian Olympic Committee fallout started and escalated

LIKE many family fights, this Australian Olympic one is about money. Or at least that is how is started. A financial tiff has now become all out war. Here’s why.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL — AUGUST 20: Fiona de Jong of Australia answers questions during a press conference on August 20,2016 at the Main Press Center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL — AUGUST 20: Fiona de Jong of Australia answers questions during a press conference on August 20,2016 at the Main Press Center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)

Like many family fights, this Australian Olympic one is about money.

Or it was.

What started as a tiff over money has morphed into an all-out war within the so- called Olympic family.

How did the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) find itself in this unseemly mess?

It can be traced back to money.

Specifically, the funding model for Australia’s Olympic sports. Which is where this fight starts.

The AOC isn’t the primary funder of athletes and Olympic sports — the money comes from the government’s Australian Sports Commission (ASC). The ASC directs money to Olympic sports with the best chances of winning medals — $254m, to be precise, in 2015-16.

Danni Roche is looking to oust John Coates as AOC president
Danni Roche is looking to oust John Coates as AOC president

The program, dubbed Winning Edge, was introduced after the 2012 London Olympics. But AOC president John Coates dislikes the model, arguing funding should cover a greater spread of sports.

Coates’ stance puts him at odds with ASC boss John Wylie.

Which is where this fight gets personal.

Coates resents what he perceives as the ASC’s intrusion into the AOC, an organisation he guards as fiercely independent.

So he rejected an olive branch from Wylie proposing greater co-operation between the sporting organisations including joint funding of athletes. Coates thought Wylie’s move was a government-backed encroachment into what should be an autonomous AOC.

Which is where this fight gets ugly.

John Coates has been AOC president since 1990
John Coates has been AOC president since 1990

Last February, the pair found themselves in the VIP area at the Nitro athletics meeting.

Coates had heard rumblings that Wylie was behind moves to get someone to challenge for Coates’ AOC presidency.

Coates admits to telling Wylie: “I don’t shake hands with liars. I don’t shake hands with c---s.” Turns out, Coates was right: there were moves to challenge for his presidency for the first time since he took the role in 1990.

Which is where this fight gets political.

About a month after their clash at the Nitro event, Olympic hockey gold medallist Danni Roche announced she was challenging Coates.

Roche is an ASC board member, but denies being a Wylie proxy — she has taken leave from the board during the election campaign and pledged to quit entirely if voted in as AOC president.

Which is where this fight returns to money.

Specifically, Coates’ annual salary of $715,000.

Roche, if elected, will reduce the president’s wage to $100,000 — and then waive it for the entirety of her term.

Media boss Mike Tancred has stepped aside
Media boss Mike Tancred has stepped aside

Roche is also championing reducing AOC overheads to ensure more funding to athletes, and also smoothing relations between the AOC and ASC. Beneath the troubled waters is an undercurrent dragging in Olympic family members, past and present.

Which is where this fight turns nasty.

The AOC’s ex-chief executive Fiona de Jong has emerged as a central character in the election, despite quitting her job last December.

After quitting, de Jong lodged a formal complaint alleging bullying from AOC media director Mike Tancred.

She initially declined to speak about her claim. But after what she says were months of inaction, de Jong spoke out in the media this week. “He (Tancred) called me, he threatened, intimidated, bullied and what I felt amounted to blackmailing me ... and the threat was not only to me, but involved my family,” de Jong said.

Fiona de Jong filed complaints against Tancred
Fiona de Jong filed complaints against Tancred

Other ex-AOC staffers have also alleged harassment by Tancred, who denies all allegations but stood down from his role on Wednesday pending a resolution of the de Jong case.

And de Jong has also released a letter and email chain outlining a dozen cases of alleged workplace bullying within the AOC from 2004 to last year — seven allegedly involving Tancred, a staunch Coates ally.

Which is where this fight went to the AOC executive.

The executive held a crisis meeting on Wednesday night about de Jong’s claim, directing it to an as-yet established independent committee of former judges or senior counsels for a ruling.

The executive also vowed to trigger an independent probe into its workplace practices in the wake of the wider bullying allegations.

But results from the executive’s moves won’t be known until well after the May 6 vote for the AOC presidency.

Which is where this fight will end. On the surface, anyway.


JOHN COATES: Facing his first challenge for the AOC presidency since taking the role in 1990. Also an International Olympic Committee vice-president. “There is clearly a co-ordinated and sadly vindictive campaign to damage me personally and to tarnish all that has been achieved at the AOC.”

DANNI ROCHE: Olympic hockey gold medallist challenging Coates for the presidency. Also an Australian Sports Commission board member. “The Australian Olympic Committee needs to change, and it needs to change now ... (it) needs new leadership and a new generation of leaders.”

FIONA DE JONG: Former AOC chief executive who quit last December and lodged a bullying complaint agains AOC media director Mike Tancred. Has further outlined a dozen cases of alleged workplace bullying. “On any analysis, it is untrue for my complaint to be characterised as an isolated incident.”

MIKE TANCRED: Has stood down as AOC media director pending resolution of the de Jong bullying allegation. Also named by de Jong as being involved in seven of a dozen cases of alleged workplace bullying. “I deny all the allegations against me.”

JOHN WYLIE: Chairman of the Australian Sports Commission at odds with Coates over sports funding. Roche denies Wylie is pulling the strings of her bid for the AOC presidency.



Elected to a (now defunct) position of Honorary Secretary of Australian Amateur Rowing Council (now known as Rowing Australia).


Becomes a member of the AOC


Becomes president of Australian Amateur Rowing Council (now known as Rowing Australia).


Australia’s Deputy Chef De Mission for Los Angeles Games


Becomes vice president of the AOC


Australia’s Chef de Mission at Seoul, Barcelona (’92), Atlanta (’96), Sydney (’00), Athens (’04) and Beijing (’08).


A year after being made a member of the Order of Australia, Coates is voted in a president of the AOC


Council member of the World Rowing Federation (FISA)


Becomes a member of the International Council of Arbitration for Sport


In the same year as becoming an Officer of the Order of Australia, Coates becomes vice president of the International Council of Arbitration for Sport


Senior Vice-President of the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games Sydney in 2000. A year later he becomes a member of the IOC


Coordination for the Games of the XXX Olympiad London 2012


Elected as a member of the executive board of the IOC (until 2013)


Becomes president of the International Council of Arbitration for Sport


Elected vice president of the IOC


Chair of the following Commissions: Coordination for the Games of the XXXII Olympiad Tokyo 2020

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