
North Melbourne midfielder Daniel Wells asks fans to stick with them after side's latest fadeout

NORTH Melbourne midfielder Daniel Wells has written to the club's fans in the wake of their most-recent fadeout.

DESPERATE to appease the unrest among an impatient band of supporters, North Melbourne midfielder Daniel Wells has written to fans acknowledging his side's "stupid errors" but vowing to regain the faith.

The Kangaroos are 11th on the AFL ladder with a 6-9 record having given up several big leads this season, the most recent being Saturday night's two-goal loss to the Brisbane Lions after leading by 33 points late in the third term.

Wells, in an open letter to supporters on his club's website, has begged fans "to hang in there with us".

Wells' words come just a day after senior coach Brad Scott defended his club, saying he was more confident of the club's future than at any other time since being in charge.

"Yes, it's a concerning trend that we keep giving away big leads. Yes, we make some stupid errors when the game is on the line. And yes, we have been guilty of not playing tempo footy when teams are coming at us," Wells wrote.

"But are we working hard to change all of that? Absolutely. We know what we're doing wrong but we need to keep training it at a high level and executing it so we don't make the same errors again.

"Unfortunately, it's not just an overnight, click of the fingers type fix. It's going to take time and while I know that's frustrating for you to all to hear, it's a fact.

Wells said his side had given the media and fans reason to question his side.

"... Right now the players are really frustrated and angry about our performances ... So I hate hearing people bag the club but I also hate being responsible for letting everyone down," he wrote.

"I have full faith in every player on our list and I know they're doing everything they can to regain the respect and faith that's been lost."

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