
Collingwood board rebukes boss Eddie McGuire for radio attack on Caroline Wilson

UPDATE: EDDIE McGuire has the backing of the Collingwood board to remain president after accepting his apology for his explosive radio comments about Caroline Wilson.

Eddie McGuire apologises

LATEST: EDDIE McGuire has the backing of the Collingwood board to remain president after accepting his apology for his explosive radio comments about Caroline Wilson.

“The board accepted Eddie McGuire’s unreserved apology for inappropriate on-air comments he made last week. It also expressed its complete and ongoing support for his position as president. The board and the club take the matters raised by these comments seriously,” the club statement said.

Meanwhile, St Kilda great Danny Frawley has addressed all Saints players and staff to apologise again for joining the attack on the prominent female journalist.

McGuire tonight fronted the Pies board, which held a scheduled meeting at the Holden Centre. The board last night issued a statement condemning violent language against women “even in humour”, to explain the furore over his joke about drowning Wilson.

Collingwood Board member Alisa Camplin arrives at the Holden Centre. Picture: Tim Carrafa
Collingwood Board member Alisa Camplin arrives at the Holden Centre. Picture: Tim Carrafa

Also on Tuesday afternoon, Frawley fronted a full auditorium at St Kilda’s headquarters to express his regret for his “terrible joke” on Queen’s Birthday.

“I have discussed what we said on radio with my three daughters, my wife and my 82-year-old mum because it has really affected me and I wanted to understand it,” Frawley said.

“If those comments about Caroline were made about one of my daughters, it would make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up — I wouldn’t have liked it at all.

“To anyone who is saying, ‘Lighten up, it’s just a joke’ they need to understand that what we say matters and jokes like this about women are simply not on.”

Part-time assistant coach Danny Frawley at St Kilda training. Picture:Wayne Ludbey
Part-time assistant coach Danny Frawley at St Kilda training. Picture:Wayne Ludbey

Earlier, McGuire said Holden is entitled to review their sponsorship after his radio attack on Caroline Wilson, but he’s urging the car giant to stick with the club.

The automobile giant released a statement late last night declaring it will be meeting with the club to discuss the future of the deal between the two parties.

But the Magpies’ other premier partners — CGU Insurance and La Trobe Financial — declared they won’t walk away from the club despite expressing “disappointment” to the club over McGuire’s comments.

Collingwood and Holden signed a multi-million dollar deal in 2013 before recommitting to an agreement last year until the end of 2018 that included naming rights to the club’s Melbourne Park precinct headquarters.

The sponsorship deal is worth $3 million per year.


Eddie McGuire arrives for work this morning at the Triple M studio in South Melbourne. Picture: Nicole Garmston
Eddie McGuire arrives for work this morning at the Triple M studio in South Melbourne. Picture: Nicole Garmston

“Holden categorically disapproves of Eddie McGuire’s inappropriate comments, along with those of his co-hosts,” Holden said in a statement.

“Holden is engaging with Collingwood to directly express our disappointment and discuss the future of our sponsorship.”

McGuire said on Tuesday morning that the car giant is more than entitled to consider its options.

“They’re more than entitled to do that, and so they should,” he said on Triple M.

“They’re a major car industry player – a major industry in our society — and they should review that.

“I hope that they stay with us for the simple reason that the Holden Centre is such a wonderful community centre and we’ll talk through with Holden and hopefully get a resolution on that. I hope they stay, but they’re more than entitled to check their position. They put their name to the club and hopefully we can work through the situation.

“(The Holden Centre) is the centrepiece for the Collingwood Football Club women’s team, the netball team and it’s part of Melbourne. I hope that they see the benefit of that going forward.”

A CGU spokesman said: “CGU’s sponsorship is with the Collingwood football club and its players, not individuals, and while there will be no changes to our sponsorship arrangement, we have spoken to the club to express our disappointment,” a spokesman said.

La Trobe tweeted that it “does not condone the comments made by (James) Brayshaw, (Danny) Frawley & McGuire & have contacted Collingwood to express our disappointment”.

The Herald Sun is awaiting a response from the club’s fourth premier partner, Emirates Airline, about whether it will review its arrangements with the club.

Collingwood sensationally smacked down its own president on Monday night over his radio attack on the female football writer.




As fallout from the botched Triple M segment intensified, the Magpies released a statement on Monday night censuring their 18-year supremo.

“The very clear view of the board of Collingwood is that there is no place in our community for the support of violent behaviour or language, even in humour,” the club statement said.

McGuire and North Melbourne chairman James Brayshaw escaped AFL sanction for “disparaging” Wilson in a pre-game exchange on Queen’s Birthday, despite a stinging rebuke from league chief executive Gillon McLachlan.

Wilson said on Monday night she has accepted the apologies of McGuire, Brayshaw and Danny Frawley and has been in contact with the latter but has not had a call from the North Melbourne president.

“I accept their apologies,” Wilson said on Footy Classified. “Danny called me yesterday and has been in touch with me today.

“James hasn’t called me. Ed left me a message yesterday to call him but at that point he was adamant he wasn’t going to apologise and relayed that message to people I know.

“To be honest, I didn’t call him back last night.

“He’s definitely changed his tune (in the last 24 hours), he’s had a few cracks at it and he’s finally got there tonight. It’s taken him time but to his credit, I think what he said tonight was absolutely acceptable and I appreciate that he’s done it.

Wilson said was disappointed and first heard of the comments last Monday and believes there was “venom” in the remarks.

Eddie McGuire, after taking his MND ice bath last Monday, has apologised for joking about drowning Caroline Wilson. Picture: AAP
Eddie McGuire, after taking his MND ice bath last Monday, has apologised for joking about drowning Caroline Wilson. Picture: AAP

“I was disappointed in the comments, I heard about them last Monday, heard them in their entirety Tuesday, was pretty disappointed and upset I’ve got to say at what was said.

“I’m sorry that people who listen to Triple M and who were there at the time didn’t think they were as bad as I think they were (but) I’m really encouraged that the responses happened today and that maybe some good will come out of this.

“I thought it was vicious, I thought there was venom — I did think that there was some venom in the way Eddie spoke about it. I don’t think that is a way, clearly now Eddie seems to finally, from what we’re hearing, understand that that’s not the way you take on a critic of your performance. Absolutely not and totally unacceptable.

“It’s so easy to get sucked into this casual talk and not realise when you’re apart of it, even if you’re just on the sidelines, that it’s wrong.”

Wilson also said she believes there was a bullying element to the remarks.

“That Triple M gang use words like, and in the past they’ve called me ‘the perfume scorpion’,” she said.

“They’ve said worse things that I just don’t want to even mention on radio because I don’t like them. They’re not swear words.

“The other day it was ‘the black widow’. I’m sorry, that is just sexist crap. I just don’t like that at all.”

McLachlan said their apologies for joking about drowning Wilson were an appropriate resolution.

“The women that I’m listening to and the women I’ve been speaking to feel that the apology was legitimate and acceptable,” McLachlan said.

“In the past we might have just ignored the comments as part of the culture of footy. We might have said that ‘Caro’ is tough and resilient. Well, it’s not good enough.

“We can’t say that we as an industry are committed to leading change if we don’t step up and call it out.”

McGuire, who will front a Magpies board meeting on Tuesday night, insisted there was no malice in the exchange.

In a fresh statement on Monday night, he said he would make a “personal contribution’’ to the Luke Batty Foundation.

“In the last 24 hours, and particularly since this morning, I’ve seen the impact of the comments on her (Wilson),” McGuire said.

“No person should ever feel uneasy or threatened in football’s family. For that, I am deeply sorry and I apologise unreservedly to Caroline for putting her in that position.

“I am really disappointed that I made remarks that are at odds with my views on the place of women in modern Australia.”





Brayshaw waited until his own Triple M show aired at 3pm on Monday to apologise “unreservedly” to Wilson.

And St Kilda rebuked assistant coach and All-Australian selector Danny Frawley for joking about holding Wilson’s head underwater.


McGuire apologised on TV and radio as debate raged about his future as Pies boss.

He said: “At a time when I am so looking forward to being president of three women’s sporting clubs — Collingwood women’s football, Collingwood netball, and the Melbourne Stars women’s cricket club — it is important to show leadership on this issue. That includes being able to admit you are wrong and willing to learn.”

Brayshaw said: “I was part of an on-air conversation … where things were said that were both inappropriate and unacceptable, and for that I offer my sincere, unreserved and unqualified apology.

James Brayshaw leaves the Triple M studios. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
James Brayshaw leaves the Triple M studios. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

“Respect for women and their role in football, and indeed in our society, is of vital importance and as leaders we need to be very, very aware of this. We let ourselves down … I know Ed and Danny have already apologised and it is absolutely appropriate that I do, too.”

Labor leader Bill Shorten was to have appeared on McGuire’s show but pulled out over the furore, saying: “I wish sometimes that people would think about what they are going to say before they say it. Those comments are not acceptable.”

Premier Daniel Andrews said: “When you say the wrong thing you should apologise, and I understand Eddie McGuire has done that.’’

McLachlan denied that in a phone call on Sunday he had ordered McGuire to apologise or resign as Collingwood president.

“I understand that the men who made these comments feel horrified that they could be construed as creating an environment that makes sexist behaviours or a culture of violence against women more acceptable,” McLachlan said.

“But the truth is, these kind of comments do. The statistics and data say so.”

McGuire said Collingwood legend Tony Shaw had made a similar joke about Wilson on 3AW.

But a highly emotional Shaw said he had nothing to apologise for.

“I don’t think I should (apologise) because I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong,” he said.

“I’m not going to cop this one, don’t worry about that.”

Shaw said he feared for his reputation and fought back tears when he was quizzed about his comments to Wilson during a face-to-face exchange on radio.

The Magpies’ great said on radio “plenty of people” wanted to see Wilson go down the ‘Big Freeze’ slide to raise money for research into motor neurone disease.

He added: “and hold her under (water)”.

Wilson replied: “Oh boys” before the station went to an ad break.

An emotional Shaw said the comment had been said in jest and was adamant that Wilson did not take offence

“She (Wilson) was only two metres away and it was the end of her shift, and she patted me on the back and said “See you later,” Shaw said on 3AW.

“I’ve worked with Caro for 12 years, look, it’s a funny one. Reputation wise, I’m not happy.

“Any time anything has been mentioned about violence to women, I’ve come out and said ‘you are a coward if you touch a woman’.”

St Kilda, which will meet Frawley to discuss his “cringe-worthy” comments, said in a statement: “The comments were inappropriate, cringe-worthy and could barely be more in contrast with our club values.

“We called Danny as soon as we learned about the comments to express our views and will meet with him during the week to discuss how harmful these comments are.

“Danny has now publicly apologised — and personally called Caroline to apologise — and clearly regrets his comments.”

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