
James Hird urged David Evans to tell truth

FORMER Essendon chairman David Evans asked James Hird to withhold information from anti-doping investigators, it is claimed.

FORMER Essendon chairman David Evans asked James Hird to withhold information from anti-doping investigators about conversations the club boss had with AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou, it is claimed.

The Herald Sun has obtained contemporaneous notes by a third party, detailing an alleged telephone call between Evans and Hird on July 24.

In it, Evans agreed to previously telling Hird "you can speak to them (Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority) about anything but don't tell them what Andrew told me''.

Hird testified to ASADA in April Demetriou had told Evans Essendon was the club being investigated over the alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs - before that information became public.

Demetriou had received an advanced briefing from the Australian Crime Commission. But he said he was never told Essendon was the AFL club.

According to the file notes of the July 24 conversation, Hird says to Evans: "Hi mate. You have to tell the truth. I am a very good friend of yours, you must tell the truth.

"You will get caught out on this. In my office you said to me: 'You can speak to them about anything but don't tell them what Andrew told me'.''

The notes detail that Evans replied: "I know I said this. But I pushed AD very hard. I read his body language on which club it was. I didn't say AD said anything.''

Hird said: "AD said to you it was Essendon and we have to come forward. Why did you say to me that night that AD said it was Essendon, it was us?'' It appears Evans did not respond to that question. But Evans has since said Demetriou had not told him anything.

The Herald Sun can also reveal Evans was recalled by ASADA to give evidence on April 17 - a day after Hird's testimony.

Hird told ASADA he had been present at Evans's Hawthorn home on the night of Monday, February 4, for crisis talks with other club figures when Evans received a phone call from Demetriou.

Hird said he had earlier received a phone call from Evans saying the club was in trouble, the AFL believed players had taken performance-enhancing drugs, and he needed to come over to his (Evans's) home.

Hird claimed to ASADA that at Evans's house, the Bombers boss said he had been told by Demetriou.

Former Bombers chairman David Evans and James Hird.
Former Bombers chairman David Evans and James Hird.

Hird alleged when he asked what proof there was, Evans said Demetriou told him there was a report coming out and he had seen it.

Hird claimed Evans then took a call from Demetriou, before telling the room "he's definitely saying we've taken them''.

When Evans, who had given evidence to ASADA on February 15, was recalled, he told investigators the ACC report had not been mentioned before the club "self-reported".

Asked for comment last night, the AFL referred to an ACC statement on July 25 stating it had no information to support assertions of a leak.

Evans did not respond to emails.

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