Where homes are cheaper than in 2015
A shocking new report reveals the inflation-defying Australian suburbs you can buy in for less than you needed a decade ago, including the surprising state with 125 suburbs at less than 2015 prices.
A shocking new report reveals the inflation-defying Australian suburbs you can buy in for less than you needed a decade ago, including the surprising state with 125 suburbs at less than 2015 prices.
A new report highlights a nation divided, with rental markets in free fall in some cities, while renters in others brace for more pain. Find out what’s happening in your city here.
A private Victorian coastal sanctuary with 600 metres of exclusive shoreline and breathtaking 270-degree ocean views is set to attract buyers looking for the ultimate escape.
Big banks are dangling discounted rates to refinancers, but what they don’t tell you could cost you thousands in repayments.
Think your rental income will cover those mortgage repayments? Think again. The majority of first-time investors forget to add up these important yet costly cashflow expenses.
A sprawling mansion built for one of Australia’s earliest PMs has hit the market, and its latest owners have added a secret extra space to the residence for an uncommon home feature.
It’s tempting to save money on a ‘blank canvas’ property, but sometimes the cheaper price tag can cost you more than you bargained for
A Mentone house featuring a man cave in its backyard’s historic horse stables, that date back to when the area was formerly used as a racecourse, is ready for a new owner to take the reins.
An unexpected solution has been put on the table, with developers backing it but it could cause a stir.
RBA’s rate cut has seen banks go into competition mode. Before refinancing, here are the 50 best and five worst rates on the market.
Aussie homeowners are being urged to make a crucial move sooner rather than later amid fears they could be haemorrhaging money if they don’t.
Virgin Money is no longer alone, with another subsidiary of a defiant lender refusing to pass on the RBA rate cut to customers.
A new report reveals the suburbs in Australia where you can still buy for less than the cost of renting. And it’s terrifyingly few. Find out where you can still do it in your state.
A Melbourne family sold their home to escape the horrific stench of a nearby landfill. But a few years after moving into their new address they made a terrible discovery.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/real-estate/victoria/south-east