
London Bridge terror attack: Police race to locate accomplices

BARRIERS have been put up on all bridges across the Thames after the London Bridge terrorist attack — the second where a vehicle drove at pedestrians.

Terrorists are seen calmly walking past bars during the attacks. Picture: Daily Express
Terrorists are seen calmly walking past bars during the attacks. Picture: Daily Express

BARRIERS have gone up on bridges across the Thames in the wake of Saturday’s attacks — the second deadly terror attack carried out by driving a vehicle at pedestrians.

The barriers have gone up on London Bridge, Waterloo Bridge and on Westminster Bridge, where four people were killed in a similar terror attack in March.

The concrete barriers, designed to keep vehicles off the footpaths, were erected by early Monday morning.

It comes despite the City of London Corporation ruling out installing barriers or bollards just 24 hours before Saturday’s attack.

As the police investigation continues, officers in white forensic overalls are scouring the ground around Borough Market looking for evidence.

London Bridge and London Bridge tube station was reopened to the public however Borough Market remained sealed off.

Prime Minister Theresa May said police had identified all three attackers and would release their names “when the investigation permits’’.

Speaking after she chaired a second meeting of the national security committee Cobra, she also said the terror threat level would remain at its second-highest level — severe. A general election called by May is held on Thursday.

British Prime Minister, Theresa May said the three attackers had been identified and the terror threat level remained severe. Picture: Dan Kitwood
British Prime Minister, Theresa May said the three attackers had been identified and the terror threat level remained severe. Picture: Dan Kitwood
Police forensic officers arrive at a residential property in east London on June 5, 2017, after a raid over the London Bridge terror attack. Picture: Daniel Leal-Olivas
Police forensic officers arrive at a residential property in east London on June 5, 2017, after a raid over the London Bridge terror attack. Picture: Daniel Leal-Olivas

The Metropolitan Police have confirmed four police officers were injured in the attacks.

A search is under way for a Spanish man missing after he confronted the attackers.

Ignacio Echeverria, 39, was skateboarding in the area when he saw a woman being attacked near the Borough Market.

He intervened by striking the terrorist with his skateboard, and was believed to have been stabbed, as he was last seen lying on the ground. The Spanish Red Cross is co-ordinating the search for him.

Police detained a number of people during early morning raids in East London as part of an investigation into the attack that killed seven people and injured around 50 on Saturday night.

Police had already arrested 12 people in the Barking district of East London over the weekend and said they had entered two premises in Newham and Barking at 3.15am local time and detained “a number of people”. A pub at Dagenham was also being raided. Residents said they heard loud bangs and gunshots. Police said searches were ongoing at both addresses.

Twitter user BatemanLDN said: “It woke me up along with the whole street. Extremely loud bangs followed by gunshot bangs.

Police officers escort a person, with their head covered, to a police van, in Barking, east London following a dawn raid on a property. Picture: AFP
Police officers escort a person, with their head covered, to a police van, in Barking, east London following a dawn raid on a property. Picture: AFP

“All OK — very shaken residents nearby though. All quietened down now.”

The Metropolitan Police and Scotland Yard said their names would be released “as soon as operationally possible”.


The ringleader of the attack appeared in a Channel 4 documentary about jihadis in the UK last year, UK media outlets are reporting.

The 27-year-old from Barking, East London, previously worked at KFC and is believed to have led the gang in their terror attack on Saturday night.

He is being identified by his nickname “Abz” at the request of the Metropolitan Police.

In 2016, he appeared in a documentary on radicalisation with a notorious preacher. They were seen praying to an ISIS flag in a London park in the Channel 4 documentary The Jihadi Next Door.

Commuters cross London Bridge after it was reopened. Picture: Getty Images
Commuters cross London Bridge after it was reopened. Picture: Getty Images


HE was the ‘nice guy’ who no one suspected — not even his neighbours. These are the final steps a London jihadi took just hours before the attack.

The father of two, who cannot be named for police operational reasons, had a conversation with one of his neighbours who was loading items in to a van.

The Mail Online reports that Iketina Chigbo, who lives in the block of flats raided said he saw the man hours before the attack.

He said: “It was around 3pm and I was in the process of moving so was loading stuff into a van. “He came over and seemed quite excitable. He was wearing his Arsenal shirt and was asking about the van.”

“He was asking where I got the van from and how much it cost. He said he was planning to move too and that’s why he wanted to know — I didn’t think anything of it.”

Armed police stand over what is believed to be a suspect shot at the scene. Picture: AFP
Armed police stand over what is believed to be a suspect shot at the scene. Picture: AFP
A forensic police officer works at block of flats which has been raided by police in Barking. Picture: Getty
A forensic police officer works at block of flats which has been raided by police in Barking. Picture: Getty

“He was on another level of happiness and kept shaking my hand. He seemed almost euphoric.”

“But then I saw the picture from the scene of the attack of the guy on the floor — he was wearing the same kind of colour top and I just couldn’t believe it. I knew it was him, I recognised him.”

Another neighbour said: “He was a nice guy, obviously religious but normal. We used to speak about Arsenal and I last chatted to him a few weeks ago after we won the FA Cup. There was nothing untoward about him.”

Members of the public stand beyond a cordon as police officers stand on duty in East Ham in East London following a raid as police continue their investigations. Picture: AFP
Members of the public stand beyond a cordon as police officers stand on duty in East Ham in East London following a raid as police continue their investigations. Picture: AFP


BRITISH police have uncovered a link between a YouTube-using Islamic State cell and the deadly London attacks at the weekend.

The Telegraph reveals counter-terrorism officers were secretly monitoring a group of extremists last month who discussed how to use the video-sharing website to plot a van and knife attack in the British capital.

Investigators were recording the cell’s discussions at a residence in the East London borough of Barking last month — the same neighbourhood where a series of raids were carried out overnight resulting in a dozen arrests.

A forensics tent and tarpaulin outside a block of flats which has been raided by police in connection with last night's terrorist attack in Barking, England. Picture: Getty
A forensics tent and tarpaulin outside a block of flats which has been raided by police in connection with last night's terrorist attack in Barking, England. Picture: Getty

A former friend of the terrorist, who was shot dead by police along with two accomplices, claimed he had been radicalised while watching YouTube videos and said he contacted the authorities ­after becoming concerned over his friend’s extremist views.

A neighbour also claimed she had contacted police in Barking, East London, to warn them two years ago after he tried to convert her children to Islam and radicalise them.

A woman films the scene on her phone from a balcony overlooking a block of flats which was raided by police in Barking, England. Picture: Getty
A woman films the scene on her phone from a balcony overlooking a block of flats which was raided by police in Barking, England. Picture: Getty


The revelation came as a chilling video emerged showing three terrorists strolling calmly past a London pub in the midst of carrying out a rampage that killed seven people and injured 48.

In the clip, which appeared on theDaily Express website, the attackers are seen walking through Borough Market minutes after mowing down pedestrians in a van on London Bridge and seconds before indiscriminately stabbing revellers on Saturday night.


The first of seven killed in the attack has been named as Chrissy Archibald from British Columbia in Canada, who was run down by the terrorists’ van on London Bridge.

Australian Andrew Morrison — one of four Aussies caught up in the horrifying incident — gave a heart-stopping account of being set upon by one of the terrorists.

With a bloody bandage wrapped around his neck, he held a towel up to stop the bleeding as he explained how he tried to dodge the knife-wielding terrorist.

“He got me but I dodged it, I ducked and weaved,” Mr Morrison said in a video posted online shortly after the attacks.

Terrorists seen calmly walking past bars during rampage. Picture: Daily Express
Terrorists seen calmly walking past bars during rampage. Picture: Daily Express

“He looked like, I hate because, you know, I know the thing with Muslims and terrorism, but he looked like a f***ing Muslim terrorist,” Mr Morrison said, adding that his attacker wasn’t wearing a mask.

Mr Morrison’s Facebook page lists him as an electrician who lives in Darwin. Last night his sister Katrina said they were just happy that he was safe.

Australian Andrew Morrison gave a heart-stopping account of being set upon by one of the terrorists in a video posted online shortly after the attacks. Picture: Supplied
Australian Andrew Morrison gave a heart-stopping account of being set upon by one of the terrorists in a video posted online shortly after the attacks. Picture: Supplied

“Yes my brother was involved,” she said. “We’re currently sorting out his flight home ... Yeah right now we are just happy he is safe.”

Of the 48 injured in the carnage, 21 remain in a critical condition, National Health Service England said.

Police have arrested 12 people, ranging in ages from 19 to 60, under the Terrorism Act. One has already been released without charge.

No details have been released about the suspects, who were shot dead within minutes by police, although authorities are understood to have identified the men.

Police fired 50 bullets during the confrontation, also injuring a member of the public, a spokesman for London’s Metropolitan Police said on Sunday.

The spokesman said the van used had been recently hired by one of the suspects.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack.


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has confirmed four Australians were involved in the incident, although details on two are still unclear.

Speaking to reporters in Sydney, Mr Turnbull said the two were “affected” by the attack and there are very real concerns for them.

They join Queensland woman Candice Hedge, who is recovering in hospital after being stabbed in the neck, and Mr Morrison, who is on his way back to Australia.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said authorities are still making inquiries into the circumstances of the other local victims.

Andrew Morrison, left, has been confirmed as one of two Australian victims. Picture: Facebook
Andrew Morrison, left, has been confirmed as one of two Australian victims. Picture: Facebook

“The attack is an example of the new reality in which we live but we must never accept it, this ever-present threat of Islamist terrorism and the intent to harm our communities using vehicles, knives and everyday items to kill and to wound,” Ms Bishop told ABC radio.

Ms Hedge, who moved to London from Queensland a year ago, called friends and family back in Australia to say that she had been stabbed but that the wound had missed her windpipe and major arteries.

Brisbane woman Candice Hedge was stabbed in the neck during a Terror attack at Borough Market in London. Source: Supplied
Brisbane woman Candice Hedge was stabbed in the neck during a Terror attack at Borough Market in London. Source: Supplied

The 31-year-old had finished working as waitress at Elliot’s restaurant in London Bridge when a man came up behind her, grabbed her head and slashed her throat.

The Brisbane woman wrote on Facebook: “Hey everyone, just so you know im doing OK. Bit of pain but I will survive. Thanks for your thoughts and well wishes. Love to all.”

Candice Hedge was stabbed in the neck during a terror attack at Borough Market in London. Source: Facebook
Candice Hedge was stabbed in the neck during a terror attack at Borough Market in London. Source: Facebook
Candice Hedge was stabbed in the neck during a terror attack at Borough Market in London. Source: Facebook
Candice Hedge was stabbed in the neck during a terror attack at Borough Market in London. Source: Facebook

Candice’s father Ross spoke to Sunrise this morning about his daughter’s ordeal.

“She was put in hiding and thought she was good enough and just at the last minute he came back and saw her and stabbed her,” he said.

“She has a stab would in the throat somewhere, it is all good though, there is no major damage.”

Ms Bishop confirmed Australia’s terror threat level will remain at ‘probable’ for now.

Candice Hedge’s family say she did not suffer any significant ‘damage’ in the attack.
Candice Hedge’s family say she did not suffer any significant ‘damage’ in the attack.
Andrew Morrison was stabbed in the throat during the London attack. Picture: Facebook
Andrew Morrison was stabbed in the throat during the London attack. Picture: Facebook

Mr Turnbull and members of cabinet were told at a briefing by intelligence and law enforcement agency heads last night that there was no evidence to suggest a need for a higher threat level.

She confirmed counter terrorism, Islamic extremism and terrorism would be top of the agenda when she and Defence Minister Marise Payne meet US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and US Defence Secretary James Mattis in Sydney later today.

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Prime Minister Turnbull says Australia and its allies would not be defeated by the attacks in London and those like it.

He said extremists were a “disease” poisoning the religion of Islam from the inside and it would take a global response to combat the threat.

Malcolm Turnbull confirms four Australian victims in London attacks

“These criminals, these terrorists, are cowards, there is nothing heroic in what they do,” Mr Turnbull said in a defiant speech today.

“Driving a car, running down pedestrians, taking out knives and slashing at people who are out having dinner — this is the work of cowardly crazed criminals.”


Chrissy Archibald, 30, is the first person named who was killed in the attack.

Ms Archibald was from Castlegar in British Columbia and had done volunteer work for the homeless.

Christine "Chrissy" Archibald is the victim to be named in the London Bridge terror attack. Picture: Supplied
Christine "Chrissy" Archibald is the victim to be named in the London Bridge terror attack. Picture: Supplied

In a statement, a spokesman for her family said she had moved to Europe to be with her fiance and would have “had no understanding of the callous cruelty that caused her death.”

The Canadian’s family asked those who wanted to honour her to volunteer their time or donate to a homeless shelter and to tell them “Chrissy sent you.”


A counter-terror operation in the district of Barking, East London resulted in 12 people being arrested.

Aerial TV footage broadcast showed police cordoning off a block of flats and an ambulance in attendance.

A person, on ground, being detained by police at Elizabeth Fry apartments in Barking, East London, which officers raided on Sunday. Picture: Furqan Nabi/AP
A person, on ground, being detained by police at Elizabeth Fry apartments in Barking, East London, which officers raided on Sunday. Picture: Furqan Nabi/AP
A major police operation took place in Barking, where a number of arrests were made. Picture: The Sun
A major police operation took place in Barking, where a number of arrests were made. Picture: The Sun

“Officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command have this morning ... arrested 12 people in Barking, East London, in connection with last night’s incidents in London Bridge and the Borough Market area,” the Met Police said in a statement.

“Searches of a number of addresses in Barking are continuing.”

A person is led away in handcuffs during a police operation at an address in Barking, East London. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/AP
A person is led away in handcuffs during a police operation at an address in Barking, East London. Picture: Stefan Rousseau/AP

The Telegraph reported a witness describing police opening fire on one man attempting to escape.

“One man tried to flee and they shot him outside my house. They put him in an ambulance and then the others in a police van,” Tara Milan said.

Sky News reported the raided address was linked to one of the attackers killed by police.

Social media footage showed police pointing guns at the upper stories of a property in the East Ham area. Other photos showed a cordon closing off a busy road.

Photos from the scene show at least half a dozen police vans in the High Street area with dozens officers standing in the middle of the road, the Mirror reported.


US President Donald Trump lashed out at London Mayor Sadiq Khan for urging Brits to go on as usual after the deadly attack.

Following the massacre, Mr Khan vowed not to “let these cowards win” and said the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester and the UK general election should “absolutely” go ahead.

He also said he would “enjoy voting” on Thursday as a sign of a healthy democracy.

A spokesman for Mr Khan hit back at Mr Trump, saying the president had deliberately taken out of context remarks made by the mayor to reassure people about the increased police presence in the wake of the attack.

A police officer carries paperwork following a raid on a property in East Ham in East London. Picture: AFP
A police officer carries paperwork following a raid on a property in East Ham in East London. Picture: AFP


Prime Minister May said the attack was driven by the same “evil ideology of Islamist extremism” behind last week’s Manchester suicide bombing that left 22 people dead, and the Westminster attack in March, which killed five.

“The recent attacks are not connected but we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face,” Ms May said after chairing a meeting of the emergency Cobra committee.

A police officer works on London Bridge as police continue their investigations following the June 3 terror attack. Picture: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP
A police officer works on London Bridge as police continue their investigations following the June 3 terror attack. Picture: Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP

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“As terrorism breeds terrorism and perpetrators are inspired to attack, not only on the basis of carefully constructed plots .., and not even as lone attackers radicalised online, but by copying one another and often using the crudest of means of attack.”

She added anti-terror police had successfully disrupted five “credible plots” since the Westminster attack.

Members of the public view the scene after police officers raided a property in East Ham. Picture: Getty
Members of the public view the scene after police officers raided a property in East Ham. Picture: Getty

“Our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public, but it’s time to say enough is enough.

“Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.”

Members of the public are led away from the scene near London Bridge. Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
Members of the public are led away from the scene near London Bridge. Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Meanwhile, Downing Street announced that the UK would hold a minute’s silence on Tuesday “in remembrance of those who lost their lives and all others affected by the attacks”.

The van and knife assault is the latest in a string of attacks to hit Europe, including in Paris, Berlin and Saint Petersburg, and the French, German and Russian leaders sent their condolences and messages of support.

Police forensic officers work near Borough Market in London as police continue their investigations following the terror attack. Picture: AFP
Police forensic officers work near Borough Market in London as police continue their investigations following the terror attack. Picture: AFP

US President Donald Trump offered his help, tweeting “WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!” — and highlighting his failed ban on travellers from six mainly Muslim countries.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister May declared she would pursue international co-operation to prevent extremists from exploiting open internet platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to spread their messages of hate, along with new reviews of anti-terror powers and laws.

“We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed. Yet that is precisely what the internet and the big companies that provide internet-based services provide,” she said.


Holly Jones, a BBC reporter, saw a white van speeding into crowds of people walking along the pavement on London Bridge, saying it hit about five or six people.

Another witness called Eric told the BBC he had seen three men get out and thought they were going to help.

Instead they “started kicking them, punching them and took out knives. It was a rampage really,” he said, adding that he heard a shout of: “This is for Allah”.

Earlier, London police chief Cressida Dick confirmed that the death toll had risen from six to seven.


The attack came only minutes after the end of the Champions League final between Real Madrid and Juventus, in an area teeming with bars where many fans were watching the match on television.

Police said they are still seeking to establish if the attackers acted with anyone else, although they believe all the perpetrators are dead.

Britain was already on high alert following the attack at Manchester Arena last month.

Armed police look-on as fans begin to arrive at the Old Trafford Cricket Ground ahead of the One Love Manchester tribute concert in Manchester. Picture: Anthony Devlin/AFP
Armed police look-on as fans begin to arrive at the Old Trafford Cricket Ground ahead of the One Love Manchester tribute concert in Manchester. Picture: Anthony Devlin/AFP

Grande, who headlined a benefit concert in Manchester later alongside stars including Pharrell Williams and Justin Bieber, tweeted that she was “Praying for London”.

Hours later, she made a defiant return to the stage in Manchester to screaming crowds, less than two weeks since her dream show turned into a nightmare.

The 23-year-old was wearing a One Love Manchester jumper and sang her songs Be Alright and Breakfree half way through the concert.

Grande got emotional as pink streamers flooded the crowd and cheering rung through Manchester for their brave idol.

Originally published as London Bridge terror attack: Police race to locate accomplices

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