
Eyewitnesses tell of London terror attack horror on London Bridge, Borough markets

WITNESSES tell of chaos as attackers stabbed diners while onlookers threw chairs, and suspects had fake suicide vests.

Patrons at London Pub told 'Get down' amid major incident

WITNESSES have described scenes of chaos and confusion with London police responding to two major terror-related incidents in the city.

A van ploughed into pedestrians and several people were stabbed in central London, police and witnesses said, leaving “multiple” casualties. Seven people were killed while a further 48 injured. Three jihadi attackers were also killed.

Armed police opened fire during at least two “terrorist incidents” at London Bridge and Borough Market, in the heart of the capital’s business district.

Witnesses described a van speeding into pedestrians on London Bridge and then a knife-wielding man sprinting towards a bar packed with revellers enjoying a Saturday night out.

Pictures show medical staff attending to apparent victims of the attack and a helicopter buzzing just metres over London bridge, one of the major arteries in the City business district.

Police responded rapidly with dozens of emergency vehicles and authorities led shellshocked members of the public away from the scene with their hands on their heads.

This is what people are seeing near London Bridge and the Borough Market.


Jag Sandue was at the Black and Blue restaurant in Borough Market, when he said he saw several men storm in, armed with knives.

He said a man was cut down behind him, with blood spraying onto Jag’s shirt.

He told The Sun Online: “There were people throwing chairs and glasses outside and I thought it might just be a fight. Then I realised it was more than that, people were running.

“Next thing we know, they’re in our restaurant. People were screaming ‘they’ve got knives’.”

He said a man behind him was cut by one of the suspects in the chaos, with people running to the back of the restaurant.

Jag Sandue speaks with police officers after an incident near London Bridge. Picture: Reuters
Jag Sandue speaks with police officers after an incident near London Bridge. Picture: Reuters


Gabriele Sciotto, a photographer who took a photo of a suspected attacker with canisters strapped to his chest in what appeared to be a suicide vest told the BBC: “People were running everywhere. The police put themselves between them (the attackers) and the crowd. They (the attackers) came towards me and I tried to run away.

Armed police stand over two suspects shot at the scene of a terror attack outside Borough Market in central London. Picture: Gabriele Sciotto/AFP
Armed police stand over two suspects shot at the scene of a terror attack outside Borough Market in central London. Picture: Gabriele Sciotto/AFP

“I saw them (the canisters) and thought they didn’t look real ... not that I am the person to say whether they are real or not ... they looked like toys to me ... that is why I wasn’t too scared (at first).

“I went there because I was looking for the truth. You don’t know how going to react in a situation like this until put yourself into it ... even the police could have shot me.

“There were the police, and the three men (the attackers) ... I was very lucky.”

The man was one of three assailants shot dead by police after stabbing several people in the Borough Market area. His canisters were later confirmed to be part of a fake suicide vest.

“The suspects were wearing what looked like explosive vests but these were later established to be hoaxes,” Britain’s head of counter-terrorism Mark Rowley said.

BBC speak with man who took photo of alleged London attackers
Guests from the Premier Inn Bankside Hotel are evacuated and kept in a group with police on Upper Thames Street following an incident in central London. Picture: PA via AP
Guests from the Premier Inn Bankside Hotel are evacuated and kept in a group with police on Upper Thames Street following an incident in central London. Picture: PA via AP
People leave the area with their hands up after an incident near London Bridge. Picture: Reuters
People leave the area with their hands up after an incident near London Bridge. Picture: Reuters


Alex Shellum was in the nearby Mudlark pub with his girlfriend at the time of the incident.

“At around 22:00 BST an injured woman came into the pub seeking assistance,” he told the BBC.

“She was bleeding heavily from the neck — it appeared that her throat had been cut. People sought to stem the bleeding and the pub was closed.”

He said that people immediately went to her aid and the pub was closed. he said he also saw another person being given CPR.

Matthew Jackson, 23, was out drinking with pals when he got a call from his girlfriend.

He told The Sun: “She phoned me in tears saying she’d just seen a man have his throat slit in a bar near London Bridge.

“She was screaming and crying, I was so worried.

“Then her phone cut out and I’ve not been able to speak to her since.

“It’s absolutely terrifying, I’m just desperate for any information.”

In this image made from PA Video footage, people receive medical attention in Thrale Street near London Bridge. Picture: PA via AP
In this image made from PA Video footage, people receive medical attention in Thrale Street near London Bridge. Picture: PA via AP

A black cab driver who picked up two witnesses told Sky News: “I picked up some passengers, there were two passengers, apparently they came out of the Black and Blue restaurant and how they described to me was they prevented the guys from getting into the restaurant. She actually knew that there bad people basically... they tried to break in.

“She managed to hold the door for a few seconds, but then I think they were overpowered. They managed to escape from a rear door, possibly saving a good 20 people’s lives, as they mentioned whilst I took them home.

Police at the scene at Southwark Bridge after an attack on London Bridge. Picture: Getty
Police at the scene at Southwark Bridge after an attack on London Bridge. Picture: Getty

“They managed to get out the back, that’s when they came out to me and I took them to Streatham.

“They were in shock. You can just judge by their face. She was almost in tears as well, both of them. They were just counting how many staff there were left behind and making phone calls.

“They were very shaky as well, so I just calmed them down as a black cab drive would do and I got them safely home.”


James, 24, told Sky News he saw two armed police crouching behind a black BMW X5 telling pedestrians to “get back” before firing shots.

He said: “Brrr, brrr, brrr, three shots.”

He also reported seeing a crushed van outside Brindisa tapas restaurant on the corner of Southwark Street and Borough High Street, adding: “We’ve just been dashed back by the police.”

James describes how police responded during the attack. Picture: Supplied
James describes how police responded during the attack. Picture: Supplied


Witnesses also said they saw two men stabbing people outside the well-known Roast restaurant in Borough market according to The Guardian. A chef from the nearby Fish restaurant said: “I saw two guys with big knives downstairs outside Roast. They were stabbing people. The police were running away, they were community police. They were normal officers, they were running away.

“The guy with the knife was killing two people. We were shouting ‘stop, stop’ and people threw chairs at them. Police came and shot straight away.”

Another staff member from Fish said: “I saw two people in Breadhead bakery, they had blood on them, they were civilians. I never expected to see this happen here.”

Members of the public, wrapped in emergency blankets leave the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge in central London. Picture: AFP
Members of the public, wrapped in emergency blankets leave the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge in central London. Picture: AFP

Gerard Vowls, 47, was watching the Champions League final at the Ship pub in Borough. He was at the start of the south side of London Bridge where he told The Guardian he saw a woman being stabbed by three men.

“I want to know if this girl is still alive,” he said. “I’ve been walking around for an hour and a half crying my eyes out. I don’t know what to do.”

Vowls said he was throwing chairs, glasses and bottles at the attackers in a bid to stop them. “They kept coming to try to stab me … they were stabbing everyone. Evil, evil people.”

Members of the public, wrapped in emergency blankets leave the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Members of the public, wrapped in emergency blankets leave the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Members of the emergency services attend to victims of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Members of the emergency services attend to victims of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP


Liam, who was in a flat above Southwark Tavern next to London Bridge, told BBC Radio 5 Live: “We heard people screaming and we looked out and I saw people running down into the underground, and simply running in any direction they could.

“The restaurant opposite had been completely smashed up, and a crowd of people were pointing into the market saying ‘he’s down there’.

“They got the attention of what looked like an armed police car, and pointed down Borough Market.

“The car screeched in that direction and we heard what sounded like five or six very loud gun shots.”

An emergency response helicopter lands on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
An emergency response helicopter lands on London Bridge. Picture: AFP

ATTACKERS SHOUTED: ‘This is for Allah’

A man has claimed the three attackers shouted “This is for Allah!” while stabbing people.

The apparent witness, called Eric, was speaking live on the BBC when he made the claim a short time ago.

He was describing the men as having jumped out of the van before knifing people at random.

As far as the Mirror is aware, this is the first and only claim so far that the attackers shouted “This is for Allah”.

Police escort members of the public at the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Police escort members of the public at the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP


Lara Al-Ostta told Sky News she saw three bodies on the floor, with one covered in blood.

She said: “We were at the pub, came out and we ordered an Uber. That got cancelled but we saw people running saying ‘run, you need to run, people are getting stabbed’.

“So we jumped in the nearest car - someone offered us a ride - and literally we were just going around the block.

“We saw a body on the floor, lots of people around it.

“We came up to London Bridge and then we saw two pedestrians on the bridge and police telling us to run.”

The Met Police have now opened a casualty bureau for people to try and find out about anyone they think may be caught up in the terror attack.

Counter-terrorism special forces assemble near the scene of a terrorist attack near London Bridge. Picture: Getty
Counter-terrorism special forces assemble near the scene of a terrorist attack near London Bridge. Picture: Getty


The Telegraph UK reports that a pub near the Borough High St cordon that families, some with young children were still wearing their pyjamas, after being evacuated from the Premier Inn.

Arron Miles, with two daughters aged eight and 11, was in bed when the fire alarm. “We just thought it was an incident in the building but we got to the door, the streets were swarming with police. I’ve never heard so many sirens.

“We were ushered down the street and were outside for a while before someone called us into the pub.”

Members of the emergency services work at the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Members of the emergency services work at the scene of a terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
People run down Borough High Street as police are dealing with an incident on London Bridge. Picture: PA/via AP
People run down Borough High Street as police are dealing with an incident on London Bridge. Picture: PA/via AP


Guests at hotels have been evacuated. Zaven Jordan who is visiting from Australia was staying in Novotel Southwark and was woken by a fire alarm, The Guardian reports.

When guests assembled outside the hotel he said police told everyone to run.

“The police didn’t just give directions, they were yelling run,” he said.

Police sniffer dogs on London Bridge after the attacks occurred. Picture: AP
Police sniffer dogs on London Bridge after the attacks occurred. Picture: AP
Women stand at a police cordon set up in London following a terrorist attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Women stand at a police cordon set up in London following a terrorist attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP

“When a fire alarm goes off you expect to assemble and then go back inside in a few minutes. We grabbed our passports just in case, but we weren’t really ready for this.”

He is now walking the streets trying to find somewhere to stay, The Guardian reports. He says the hotel is not answering their phone, he had been turned away by another hotel.

If any Australians are concerned about family and friends and unable to contact them directly, call 1300 555 135, or +61 2 6261 3305 from outside of Australia, for consular assistance.

Others posted video where you can hear gunshots from the scene of the first attack.

Another witness, Ben, said: “I saw a man in red with quite a large blade, I don’t know the measurement I guess maybe 10 inches. He was stabbing a man ... he stabbed him about three times fairly calmly.”

A taxi driver called Chris told radio station LBC he saw men armed with foot-long knives get out of the van that ploughed into people on London Bridge.

People with their hands on their heads about 10 minutes after midnight as they leave from inside a police cordon after an attack in London. Picture: AP
People with their hands on their heads about 10 minutes after midnight as they leave from inside a police cordon after an attack in London. Picture: AP

“Then three men got out with long blades, 12 inches long and went randomly along Borough High Street stabbing people at random,” he said.

“I saw a young girl stabbed in the chest.” British Transport Police say there are reports of multiple casualties following the London Bridge incident, while multiple stabbings occurred at Borough Market and police were responding to a third incident in Vauxhall. The Vauxhall incident has been confirmed to be unrelated.

Emergency personnel tend to wounded on London Bridge. Picture: AP
Emergency personnel tend to wounded on London Bridge. Picture: AP

Sarunas Uzialo told The Sun he was outside with friends when he heard a crash of glass.

He said: “we were standing there talking to each other when the glass started crashing. I got my leg hurt (by the glass).

“I saw the white van and thought everyone was all right.

“But then I turned my head to the right and I saw a man jump away, covered in blood.

“Then I saw the man with a machete, just stabbing. Trying to stab people. We just ran.

“I was just shocked. You see this on the news but you don’t imagine it could happen to you.”

Police and members of the emergency services work at the scene of a terror attack near London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Police and members of the emergency services work at the scene of a terror attack near London Bridge. Picture: AFP

Holly Jones, a BBC reporter was on London Bridge when she saw a van swerve off the road into a crowd of pedestrians just after 10pm on Saturday night. “A white van driver came speeding — probably about 50mph — veered of the road into the crowds of people who were walking along the pavement,” she told BBC News.

She said she saw about four severely injured people.

She said police were on the scene within two minutes, quickly followed by ambulances.

Medics make their way up the escalator by The Shard at London Bridge. Picture: Getty
Medics make their way up the escalator by The Shard at London Bridge. Picture: Getty


Police boats were searching the river — apparently looking for people who may have been thrown off the bridge.

Among the injured was a French woman who told Jones she did not know where the two people who had been with her were.

“She told me in French, ‘I don’t know where those two other people are’. So the police checking the Thames,” Ms Jones said.

“They were right near the edge of the bridge. It looks potentially they could have been thrown over.”

People with their hands on their heads about 10 minutes after midnight as they leave from inside a police cordon after an attack in London. Picture: AP
People with their hands on their heads about 10 minutes after midnight as they leave from inside a police cordon after an attack in London. Picture: AP


A 40-year-old witness told The Sun: “I was in the Wheatsheaf pub. The doors were locked by the bar staff. Three men with big hunting knives were outside.

“They were trying to get in the pub but the doors were locked. They were smashing the windows.

“I saw at least one man stabbed in the chest about five times.

“Armed police turned up, I saw them shoot at least two of the guys in front of me.

Police officers and members of the emergency services attend to persons injured in an apparent terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP
Police officers and members of the emergency services attend to persons injured in an apparent terror attack on London Bridge. Picture: AFP

“They had four to five silver canisters attached to themselves and police just opened fire.

“They fired at least 20 times. One of the guys in the pub took a bullet in the head. I think he’s dead.”

Will Orton, 25, told the Press Association that he was in a pub when “lots of people came running inside”.

“We thought maybe there was a fight or something outside. And then there were almost hundreds of people coming inside,” he said.

A police officer escorts members of the public to safety at London Bridge. Picture: Getty
A police officer escorts members of the public to safety at London Bridge. Picture: Getty

“People were coming inside and saying they had witnessed people being stabbed.” Tony Murphy, who lives near the area, told Sky News he heard the sound of gunfire.

“I thought at first it was fireworks then I recognised it was significant gunfire and that was the first instance,” he said.

Women speak to the media after walking away from inside a police cordon following an incident in London. Picture: AP
Women speak to the media after walking away from inside a police cordon following an incident in London. Picture: AP


Australian Labor senator Sam Dastyari, who was dining in the areas, described the scene as one of panic, fear and chaos.

“It’s graphic. There is no other way of describing it. It’s confronting. The sheer sense and wave of panic that runs through people,” he told Network Nine.

Another woman told Sky News of how they saw “people running” and a “body on the floor”.

“Everyone was running.”

Nine News: Sam Dastyari on witnessing "horrific" London attack


Footage emerged of police storming in to the Katzenjammers bar in Southwark where they told people get “get down”.

David Fink posted this video on Twitter, after he was caught up with other members of the public who were told to keep running from the Borough Market. He can be heard yelling to a friend called Petros: “Do you see the blood on the floor? There’s blood on the floor.”

“F**king hell, there’s people on the f**king pavement.”

WARNING: Video contains expletives


This man told Sky News there was a “period of intense gunfire”.

“I hid in a restaurant basement for about an hour ... we could see on the CCTV outside the restaurant there were people on the ground. It was terrifying, I’m still in a state of shock.”

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