
Daniel Andrews staffers blow whistle on lobbyist’s ‘influence’

STAFF in Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews’ office have broken ranks to blow the whistle on what they say is excessive influence on policy by a lobbyist.

Labor leader Daniel Andrews in Parliament.
Labor leader Daniel Andrews in Parliament.

STAFF in Daniel Andrews’ office have broken ranks to blow the whistle on what they say is excessive influence on policy by a lobbyist.

The Herald Sun has spoken to three members of the Opposition Leader’s office who have flagged serious concerns over the access and power wielded by Andres Puig.

Broader concerns have also been raised by members of the shadow Cabinet and other party figures.

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The Civic Group, where Mr Puig is a director, last night acknowledged it had made multiple donations to Labor’s campaign and Mr Andrews’ own re-election push through the purchase of “seats” at fundraisers.

It is understood the donations total several thousands of dollars.

The first staffer for Mr Andrews said he believed there was a significant conflict of interest with Mr Puig providing “strategic advice” to the Opposition while representing developers that could benefit from policy decisions.

The decision by staff in the ­Andrews inner sanctum to break ranks two weeks from polling day has been prompted by fears of the influence Mr Puig could have on a Labor government. The first staff member said the decision to go public this close to the election was to avoid a political crisis in the future. A second staff member said: “He’s everywhere.’’

Mr Puig is a former assistant secretary of the state Labor Party and an occasional consultant in Mr Andrews’ office.

Labor leader Daniel Andrews in Parliament.
Labor leader Daniel Andrews in Parliament.

The three staff members spoke separately to the Herald Sun on condition of anonymity. Internal concerns have been raised over two recent policy planning decisions involving Civic Group clients.

The first matter involved a decision by Labor to oppose a proposed expansion of the Boral Recycling site at Ravenhall. “You should look into our processes behind that,” the third staff member said.

The proposal would see the landfill site expanded by 179 cubic metres, making it one of Australia’s largest tips.

But the state lobbyist register reveals Mr Puig’s Civic Group represents Mount Atkinson, the company charged with building a 555ha development earmarked as a new Melbourne suburb and immediately adjacent to the proposed tip site.

Mr Puig is also believed to have influenced party authorities’ decision to gag local Labor opposition over a second ­development at Torquay.

The lobbyist represents WA-based Amex Corporation — one of the developers involved in the controversial Spring Creek project at ­Torquay.

Under the Victorian Professional Lobbyist Code of Conduct, lobbyists are required to “keep strictly separate from their duties and activities as lobbyists any personal activity or involvement on behalf of a political party”.

Mr Puig did not respond to inquiries from the Herald Sun last night, but his fellow Civic Group director Jason ­Aldworth said that in both the Torquay and Boral cases there had been “very little lobbying”.

He said both campaigns had been examples of “straight bat” community engagements.

He also acknowledged that his company had also bought seats at Labor fundraisers, including some for Mr Andrews.

Opposition spokesman Chris Reilly said “all campaign donations to the Labor Party are declared in accordance with the relevant laws”.

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