
TCE results released for 2024 student’s reveal the state’s brightest

Tasmanian Year 12 students have anxiously awaited their results, with TCE scores hitting their inboxes on Wednesday. Here are Tasmania’s top achievers.

Tasmanian senior secondary school students received their results on Wednesday. Picture: istock
Tasmanian senior secondary school students received their results on Wednesday. Picture: istock

When Hobart College student Jacob Ren received his ATAR result on Wednesday morning, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

After feeling like he’d flunked his Year 12 exams, Ren had all but given up hope of being awarded top marks.

“I think there was one particularly hard exam that I didn’t think I did very well on. And that was also something that was counting towards my ATAR,” he said.

Addie Hawkes 17 who scored 99.90, Hannah Wigston 18 who scored 99.85, Jacob Ren 17 who scored 99.95 which is the highest ATAR score possible. Some of the top TCE performers at Hobart College. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
Addie Hawkes 17 who scored 99.90, Hannah Wigston 18 who scored 99.85, Jacob Ren 17 who scored 99.95 which is the highest ATAR score possible. Some of the top TCE performers at Hobart College. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

“It was a pretty critical exam I needed to do well on and I didn’t think I did that well. So that definitely squashed my hopes of getting too good of an ATAR.”

But Ren, who is hoping to study medicine at the University of Melbourne, performed far better than he realised, receiving a final tertiary admission rank of 99.95, which put him in the top 10 highest achieving students in the state.

“I was pretty astonished when I saw [the result],” he said.

More than 11,700 senior secondary students across Tasmania received their results via email on Wednesday after an anxious wait.

While some would inevitably have been left disappointed, others had cause to rejoice.

Hobart College dominated the top 99 tertiary entrance scores with 21 students, while the Friends’ School, the Hutchins School, and Launceston College each had 11 students in the highest performing bracket.

Tasmanian senior secondary school students received their results on Wednesday. Picture: istock
Tasmanian senior secondary school students received their results on Wednesday. Picture: istock

Archie Yarrow, of Hutchins, received an ATAR of 99.85 and said he had been “pretty relaxed” in the lead-up to getting his results due to being granted early entry to the university he wanted to study at.

“The ATAR result was like the cherry on top,” he said.

Hannah Wigston, who moved from Friends’ to Hobart College for years 11 and 12, said she got a “massive shock” to see that she had achieved an ATAR of 99.55.

She said she and her family were “jumping around” when they learned the result.

“I’m not sure about my brother because I beat his score so it might have been a bit bittersweet for him,” Wigston joked.

Hutchins School student Archie Yarrow received an ATAR of 99.85. Picture: Joshua Lamont
Hutchins School student Archie Yarrow received an ATAR of 99.85. Picture: Joshua Lamont

With her 18th birthday on Thursday, Wigston has plenty to celebrate.

“I’ve got a great week ahead,” she said.

St Mary’s College student Grace Cox said she was “terrified” leading up to results day, despite knowing she had “worked really well all year”.

“I knew that my internal grades were really good [but] I was very stressed about what my external grades would be,” she said.

Before heading off to work at 7am on Wednesday, Cox was overjoyed to see that she had recorded an ATAR of 98.7.

“Luckily … I could go straight to work after [receiving the result] and it was a really great feeling,” she said.

Aspiring to become a doctor, Addie Hawkes, from Hobart College, put himself in a good position to gain entry to medicine at the University of Tasmania with a tertiary entry score of 99.9.

Education Minister Jo Palmer. Picture: Stephanie Dalton
Education Minister Jo Palmer. Picture: Stephanie Dalton

“I’ve already got offers for the early entry program … but they wait until you get your ATAR until they give offers for medicine. So I was a little bit nervous about it but I’m really, really happy now and relieved it’s all over,” he said.

Hobart College principal Dr Libby Robinson said the school had a “tradition of excellence” that was driven by teachers who were “experts in their fields and who work so hard alongside each of their students”.

“The excellence reflected in these results represents relentless efforts by a school community that deeply believes in every young person’s right to a quality education, regardless of background, learning adjustment need or pathway,” she said.

Education Minister Jo Palmer praised students across the state for completing their studies.

“All of our senior secondary students can feel truly proud of their hard work, growth and achievement this year and look forward to a well-deserved summer holiday,” she said.

Top nine Tasmanian students by Tertiary Entrance Score (ATAR of 99.85 or above):

Penny Tassicker – Marist Regional College

Sahansa Udawatta – Hobart College

Jacob Ren – Hobart College

Monique Schnitzer – Rosny College

Addie Hawkes – Hobart College

Daniel Ocoleanu – Elizabeth College

Cooper Pilgrim – Marist Regional College

Gabriella Smith – St Patrick’s College

Archie Yarrow – The Hutchins School

The TOP 99

LI, SHENGHE, Calvin Christian School


BARRANCE, DECLAN, Elizabeth College

MCKENNA, JOVE, Elizabeth College

OCOLEANU, DANIEL, Elizabeth College

SINGH, ABHITAJ, Elizabeth College

WELSH, OLLIE, Elizabeth College

WILLMOT, GEORGE, Elizabeth College

CLARKE, PRUE, Fahan School

KIM, ASHLEIGH, Fahan School

FORBES, AVALON Guilford Young College (Hobart)


BOYCE, GEORGE, Hobart College

BURCH, HUGH, Hobart College

DOWD, SAMPSON, Hobart College


FENTON, ZARA Hobart College

HALYK, TOM, Hobart College

HAWKES, ADDIE, Hobart College

HINGSTON, EMILY, Hobart College

HOOD, OLIVIA, Hobart College

KENNETT, POPPY, Hobart College

MURPHY, OLIVER, Hobart College

PALMER, EMILY, Hobart College Hobart

PERERA, DHIREN, Hobart College

REN, JACOB, Hobart College

TOWNSEND, WILLOW, Hobart College


VAN RIET, ZOE, Hobart College

VINCE, ETHAN, Hobart College

WEBBER, ELLA, Hobart College

WIGSTON, HANNAH, Hobart College

BROWN, ZARA, Launceston Church Grammar School

FLETCHER, MADELEINE, Launceston Church Grammar School

SIU, YIU, Launceston Church Grammar School

BURNIE, KEILA, Launceston College

BURT, LILY, Launceston College

FINDLAY, ELLIOTT, Launceston College

HAWTHORNE, ANABELLE, Launceston College

LEE THOMAS, Launceston College

O’CALLAGHAN, HAYLEY, Launceston College

OVERS, JORDAN, Launceston College


ROSE, ZAHLEE, Launceston College

STEWART, TARA, Launceston College

TABAGARI, TRISTAN, Launceston College

BOERSMA, OLIVIA, Leighland Christian School

HURST, JACKSON, Leighland Christian School

MACGILL, LACHLAN, MacKillop Catholic College

ANDERSON, MAX, Marist Regional College

COBBING, ELLA, Marist Regional College

COLLINS, LILY, Marist Regional College

PILGRIM, COOPER, Marist Regional College

TASSICKER, PENNY, Marist Regional College

LIU, EASON, Newstead College

WILLIAMS, ELLA, Newstead College

DALTON, ROLY, Rosny College

DIRITA, STEFANO, Rosny College

JOHNSON, KATIE, Rosny College


CHAPMAN, ELIZA, Scotch Oakburn College

DE SILVA, BIHANDU, Scotch Oakburn College

NESBIT, XAVIER, Scotch Oakburn College

PEIRIS, NANDUN, Scotch Oakburn College

SOMARATHNA, KULANI, Scotch Oakburn College

Addie Hawkes 17 who scored 99.90, Hannah Wigston 18 who scored 99.85, Jacob Ren 17 who scored 99.95 which is the highest ATAR score possible. Some of the top TCE performers at Hobart College. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
Addie Hawkes 17 who scored 99.90, Hannah Wigston 18 who scored 99.85, Jacob Ren 17 who scored 99.95 which is the highest ATAR score possible. Some of the top TCE performers at Hobart College. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

SPICER, JET, St Brendan-Shaw College

COX, GRACE, St Mary’s College

COUSER, GRACE, St Michael’s Collegiate School

FATIMAH, MEERAB, St Michael’s Collegiate School

HEALY, MIA, St Michael’s Collegiate School

HORSHAM, RACHEL, St Michael’s Collegiate School

KINGSTON, ERIN, St Michael’s Collegiate School

WONG, TIN YI St Michael’s Collegiate School

BENNETT, TUMAI, St Patrick’s College

MILLAR, OWEN, St Patrick’s College

SMITH, GABRIELLA, St Patrick’s College

JACKSON, ANNA, Taroona High School

BOXALL, LOGAN, The Friends’ School

BRADFORD, CHARLIE, The Friends’ School

CHERRY, SEVERINE, The Friends’ School

CLYDESDALE, JESSICA, The Friends’ School

DALY, SOPHIE, The Friends’ School

GOUGH, JAMES, The Friends’ School

GUPTA, SIDDHARTH, The Friends’ School

MULCAHY, ANNA, The Friends’ School

PETHERAM, STELLA, The Friends’ School

STRONG, SOPHIE, The Friends’ School

ZHANG, JOY, The Friends’ School

BAIRD, JAMES, The Hutchins School

BROWNE, LACHLAN, The Hutchins School

BROWNING, HENRY, The Hutchins School

CHEESEMAN, HAMISH, The Hutchins School

FOWLER, OLIVER, The Hutchins School

GIDDINGS, THOMAS, The Hutchins School

LAWRENCE, HARRY, The Hutchins School

MEIKLE, SAM The Hutchins School

RUMLEY, WILLIAM, The Hutchins School

SAUL, JACK, The Hutchins School

YARROW, ARCHIE, The Hutchins School


Sarah Carr - Calvin Christian School

Anna Fewkes - Guilford Young College

Cate Clingeleffer - Guilford Young College

Makenzie Williams - Guilford Young College

Raven Binstadt - Hellyer College

Benji Bunton - Hobart College

Cameron McEwan - Hobart College

Jet Cyngler - Hobart College

Marli Haigh Arnott - Hobart College

Stephanie Lowe - Hobart College

Tais Hennekam - Hobart College

Ruby Williams - Launceston College

Lachlan Denholm - MacKillop Catholic College

William Gavin - MacKillop Catholic College

Name withheld - Marist Regional College

Nathaniel Brooks - Marist Regional College

Liam Fagan - Marist Regional College

Taiha Finnen - Marist Regional College

Isaac Turner - Marist Regional College

Abbey Cleaver - New Norfolk High School

Olivia Holt - Newstead College

Elham Osman - Newstead College

Izabella Wicks - Newstead College

Macey Thomas - Tasmanian eSchool

Violet Bunting - The Friends’ School

Eva Downie - The Friends’ School

Elizabeth Ralph - The Friends’ School

Henry Webster - The Friends’ School

Will Clayton - Ulverstone Secondary College

Declan Slater - Ulverstone Secondary College

Originally published as TCE results released for 2024 student’s reveal the state’s brightest

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