
Another violent incident at Berwick Secondary College after headlock incident

The furious father of a Berwick College student has described another violent incident that erupted at the school yesterday, saying a female teacher was “belted”. It follows a shocking incident where a schoolboy was put in a headlock by the vice-principal during a brawl this month.

Fight at Berwick school

The father of a schoolboy victimised in the second violent incident at Berwick College has lashed out, saying he plans to pull his son from the school.

Students were forced to take shelter yesterday, following another incident of physical aggression at the school.

Glen Adams said his year 8 son was a victim caught up in the centre of yesterday’s incident.

“I’ve had a gutful, this is very stressful on my son,” Mr Adams said.

“This kid jumped a wire fence, chased my son into a school room, my son ran into the room and locked the door.

“The kid proceeded to kick the door in. He was smashing glass, throwing stuff at my son.

“He was running across the tables.”

It is understood the student started breaking windows and had to be restrained by the school’s vice-principal while other students took refuge in an office.

Mr Adams said four female staff members were forced to wrestle the student to the ground to restrain him.

Violence erupted at Berwick College again. Picture: Facebook
Violence erupted at Berwick College again. Picture: Facebook

“One teacher was punched in the stomach,” Mr Adams said. “He belted a teacher.

“How can my son feel safe at this school? Kids are meant to feel safe when they go to school.”

Mr Adams said another teacher took his son off campus to keep him safe while police made their way to the school.

“There is no school for my son today,” he said. “I am looking for other schools to enrol my son in.

“This is not good enough, this is a disgrace. The school has a duty of care.

“What more has to happen? Do you have to get stabbed or bashed before a change takes place?”

The Department of Education confirmed an incident had taken place on Tuesday where a student had displayed aggressive and threatening behaviour.

“There is no place for aggressive or bullying behaviour in our schools and when issues arise they are taken very seriously,” a department spokeswoman said.

“In incidents such as these, disciplinary action is taken by the school, and appropriate matters are referred to Victoria Police.

“We have supports in place for students and staff who are affected by these incidents.”

A 14-year-old student who was part of a group chased by an armed student at Berwick College yesterday says she feared for her life.

“He was chasing us through the school and yelling threats at us — we were terrified because he’s pulled a knife on us before,” they said.

The student said when the group finally took refuge in the office, the kid was trying to smash down the door until teachers stepped in.

“We were so scared, we thought something was going to happen to us. A lot of students don’t feel safe coming to school anymore.

“We hope something gets done about this.”

Berwick Secondary College brawl

A father of one the students who took refuge in the office says his son is too scared to go back to school.

The father, Tim, said his son’s friend, who was also chased said he was horrified by the incident.

“This child has run about 100m, including jumping over a six foot fence, to chase my son and his friend,” he said on 3AW.

“My son and his friend had to get away and they got into the admin block at the school which was locked down.

“They said this child was raging and it took four teachers (including the vice-principal) to prevent him getting in.”

Tim said the school has told him they can’t offer a safe environment for the kids to be at school and his son and his son’s friend hadn’t returned to Berwick Secondary College today.

“At the moment they (the school) say their hands are tied by the Education Department,” he said.

“My son’s friend was threatened with a knife by this student apparently.

“It’s heartbreaking, my son and his friend are too scared to go to school.

“They are sort of prisoners in their own school.”

Victoria Police confirmed they attended a school in Manuka Rd, Berwick, following reports of a verbal altercation about 2.40pm.

“Two students were spoken to by police and no one was injured during the incident,” a police spokesman said.

It comes after a violent brawl at the school last week was captured on video, which showed a member of staff restraining a 16-year-old student.

It appeared the member of staff had the student in a headlock as he attempted to break up the fight, before other students and teachers rushed in.

The mother of several of the students involved in that incident said her family was currently on holiday in New Zealand.

“I’m not shocked or surprised as this is an ongoing epidemic at the school and the teachers and students who keep causing trouble need to be held accountable,” she said.

She said her family was meeting with the school and Education Department on September 4, to discuss the previous incident.

Education Minister James Merlino said he backed teachers using force in cases of extreme violence.

Mr Merlino said: “Violence in schools is completely unacceptable and is never tolerated.

“Both Berwick Secondary College and the Department of Education are working to support the whole school community.

“This includes offering counselling and support to students and staff and disciplinary intervention and support for those responsible.”

The Department of Education has provided Berwick College with a range of support including:

Student Support Services staff on site to offer students counselling

Principal Health and Wellbeing services and confidential counselling on site for staff through the Employee Assistance Program

A retired principal known to the school on site to offer support on Wednesday, August 21

Regional staff from the department supporting the school on actions including managing student suspensions and behaviour intervention meetings, liaising with AEU to support meetings with staff members, and running debriefing session with leadership team

Disciplinary action in relation to the key students involved in the incidents over the past few weeks.



The state government has invested $8.9 million in the protective schools package, which includes a new incident support and operations centre.

It will provide a 24/7 service for schools to report emergencies and mean principals who make reports will have access to expert advice and support, social workers, behavioural experts and psychologists.

Opposition spokesman Brad Battin said schools needed more powers to deal with aggrieved students.

“We support the teachers and principal in their handling of these incidents.

“For the safety of students, teachers and staff, the power to permanently remove students from the school must be with the principal.

“Every parent should have the right to send their child to school with the peace of mind that they will be safe.”

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