

‘I love him so much’: Marion Sweetman pays tribute to son Luke, who was king hit by drugged-up thug outside Taperoo pub

Attacked by a drugged-up thug outside a pub, Luke Sweetman lay in a hospital for two weeks before he died – his stunned family hoping for a miracle.

CCTV: Final confrontation before pub killer Mathew Hawkins strikes

Gentle and calm, Luke Sweetman didn’t even play footy because of the safety risk.

And when he was killed in a one-punch attack by a thug over a petty dispute, people flocked to his funeral in disbelief someone so caring could be taken in such a brutal way.

A gifted IT specialist, caring friend and a “kind soul”, Mr Sweetman, 35, was in “the prime of his life” when he was left for dead by Mathew Hawkins at the Peninsula Hotel Motel in Taperoo after a disagreement over a vape.

Speaking to the Advertiser, his mother Marion detailed the “traumatic” two weeks her “perfect son” lay in hospital on life-support after the unprovoked attack, which started the moment police knocked on her door at 2.30am.

“It was so heart-wrenching,” Ms Sweetman, 62, said. “I almost collapsed and just felt so broken and in total fear for Luke’s life. When I got to the hospital I went into a state of shock and panic. It was just horrific to watch him dying in hospital for those 13 days.

Luke Sweetman on life support after he was punched by Mathew Hawkins. Picture: Supplied by family
Luke Sweetman on life support after he was punched by Mathew Hawkins. Picture: Supplied by family
Mr Sweetman with his sister Laura. Picture: Facebook
Mr Sweetman with his sister Laura. Picture: Facebook

“What I miss most is his love, because he’s such a dear son – such a kind and gentle, beautiful son that I was so blessed to have. Every Mother’s Day he would bring me big, large bunches of flowers and it was just so enjoyable to be in his company.

“He supported me so much – especially when his late father died. Luke was just seven years old when it happened and he stepped in to that role of major support for me and his sister.

“I love him so much and I miss him so much. I want to tell him I’m very proud of him, my beautiful son.”

Ms Sweetman, with her daughter Laura, speaking to media earlier this month. Picture: Dean Martin
Ms Sweetman, with her daughter Laura, speaking to media earlier this month. Picture: Dean Martin
Luke and his mum Marion. Picture: Supplied by family
Luke and his mum Marion. Picture: Supplied by family

Mathew Paul Hawkins, 29, had a “cocktail” of drugs inside his system – including cocaine, cannabis, alcohol and painkillers – when he “suddenly and violently” confronted Mr Sweetman, a court heard earlier this month.

Mr Sweetman, of Panorama, had been invited to the Peninsula Hotel Motel on August 9, 2024, by his best friend to listen to Australian band KissJovi perform live.

CCTV shows the two men laughing and smiling while talking to bar staff just after midnight on August 10.

About five minutes later, it then shows an altercation between Mr Sweetman and Hawkins in the hotel lobby, and Hawkins’ father restraining his son outside the pub.

Mathew Hawkins, in the red checked shirt. Picture: Supreme Court
Mathew Hawkins, in the red checked shirt. Picture: Supreme Court
Luke Sweetman (left) is confronted by Hawkins (red shirt) as he’s restrained by his dad (centre). Picture: Supreme Court
Luke Sweetman (left) is confronted by Hawkins (red shirt) as he’s restrained by his dad (centre). Picture: Supreme Court
Hawkins “broke away” from his dad’s restraint and approached Mr Sweetman who was “minding his own business. Picture: Supreme Court
Hawkins “broke away” from his dad’s restraint and approached Mr Sweetman who was “minding his own business. Picture: Supreme Court
Seconds after this moment, Hawkins delivered the fatal blow. Picture: Supreme Court
Seconds after this moment, Hawkins delivered the fatal blow. Picture: Supreme Court

Moments after, Hawkins knocks Mr Sweetman to the bitumen with one punch and can then be seen “fleeing” from the carpark.

In the Supreme Court, prosecutor Kos Lesses said the punch was “delivered without any immediate provocation or threat posed by the victim”.

Mr Sweetman, he submitted, “was literally standing around near the entrance to the hotel”.

The court heard 12 victim impact statements from Mr Sweetman’s family, detailing how Hawkins’ actions “destroyed” their lives.

Hawkins, of Exeter, pleaded guilty to manslaughter as Mr Sweetman was pronounced dead nearly two weeks after the attack. He is due to be sentenced next week.

More than 130 people attended his funeral – a show of support, Ms Sweetman said, revealing his “beloved” character.

Mr Sweetman was in “the prime of his life” when he was killed. Picture: Supplied by family
Mr Sweetman was in “the prime of his life” when he was killed. Picture: Supplied by family
The Sweetman family leave court accompanied by dozens of supporters. Picture: Dean Martin
The Sweetman family leave court accompanied by dozens of supporters. Picture: Dean Martin

“Everyone loved Luke so much and they were all crying, and so broken, that Luke had passed away so tragically,” she said. “The amount of people coming in was huge – the whole room was filled up and people were standing in the back.

“Luke was always very much for safety – he’d always put safety first and even in high school, he wouldn’t play footy because he said ‘mum, it’s a rough sport’.

“He wouldn’t have even known how to physically fight or defend himself.

“Every hotel needs to have three armed security guards present at all times in the state, and the country, so that it won’t be someone else’s beautiful, young and innocent son tragically taken from them.”

Originally published as ‘I love him so much’: Marion Sweetman pays tribute to son Luke, who was king hit by drugged-up thug outside Taperoo pub

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