
‘Woke’ Australian cricket captain Patrick Cummins endorses climate change over coach Justin Langer

The activist captain was happy to spout nonsense about global warming but would not utter a word of support for his coach.

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The stupidly woke Australian cricket captain has made himself the subject of ridicule for his part in engineering the downfall of Justin Langer; the coach who led the country to world number one status after a stunning Ashes triumph.

Whether through cowardice or by design, Patrick Cummins sealed Langer’s fate last week when he refused to utter a word in support of his coach, but he was happy to wax lyrical about global warming and fossil fuels.

The activist captain even penned an absurd piece for the far-Left Guardian website late last week claiming that global warming is already “wreaking havoc” in cricket with teams deciding “it was too hot to be out in the field”.

He also wrote: “It is clear we are not doing enough to reduce carbon pollution, largely from the burning of coal, oil and gas” and Cummins also said Australia would need to “at least halve our carbon emissions by 2030 to have any chance of keeping warming to below 2C and avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.”

Justin Langer celebrates with bowler Pat Cummins during day five of the 4th Ashes Test Match between England and Australia in 2019.
Justin Langer celebrates with bowler Pat Cummins during day five of the 4th Ashes Test Match between England and Australia in 2019.

Of course being a climate change warrior won’t see Cummins make meaningful personal sacrifices such as a finding a profession that doesn’t require him to continuously fly around the world on emission-spewing planes.

No, like all wealthy global warming alarmists Cummins supports crippling policies that will adversely impact the living standards of the masses while his lifestyle and gargantuan carbon footprint remain unchanged.

And, while he was lecturing us on climate change Cummins steadfastly refused to express any support for his coach making it clear that he was more than happy to see him turfed.

It’s a bizarre way to treat a cricket legend who has just delivered the team a World Cup victory and Ashes triumph.

Before Langer was forced out he was disrespected by Cricket Australia offering him a paltry six-month extension to his contract.

It’s the sort of offer you make when you want the coach to walk away; and walk away he did. Langer’s reprehensible treatment at the hands of the lily-livered Cricket Australia board has understandably disgusted a cavalcade of cricket greats.

Among those pointing the finger squarely at Cummins is his former teammate and fast bowling great Mitch Johnson.

The former ICC cricketer of the year unloaded both barrels labelling Cummins “gutless” and failing his first big test as captain.

Fast bowling great Mitchell Johnson said Cummins should have endorsed Langer publicly. Picture: Getty Images
Fast bowling great Mitchell Johnson said Cummins should have endorsed Langer publicly. Picture: Getty Images

“Cummins might have delivered with the ball during the Ashes series, but he has failed his first big test as captain pretty miserably,” Johnson wrote.

“He had plenty of public opportunities to endorse an extension for Langer. So when he let it through to the keeper every time, it became pretty obvious he didn’t want it to happen. “Cummins holds a lot of power and must have been central to what’s happened. He’s clearly had an agenda to get in a coach he wants. His recent interviews have been gutless by not respecting his coach when he could have been upfront from the start.”

Johnson went further claiming the player mutiny against Langer had devalued the hallowed baggy green.

He wrote: “The baggy green is hyped as the most-revered symbol in Australian sport. But what does it stand for now? In the wake of the disgraceful white-anting of Langer as coach, which led to his resignation on Saturday, it stands for selfishness.”

Johnson is hardly alone in being disgusted by the way Langer has been treated.

Former Australian coach Mickey Arthur wrote: “Disgraceful way to treat a coach … offering 6 months is a slap in the face!”

Former captain Mark Taylor also condemned the move, he said: “The current crop of players are creating a divide between the older players. Ricky Ponting is not happy. Steve Waugh is not happy. None of us are happy because of the way the game has been dragged through the mud and people like Justin Langer, who has just gone into the Hall of Fame, has been dragged through the mud. That disappoints us all.”

Former captain Mark Taylor said Langer had been dragged through the mud. Picture: Getty Images.
Former captain Mark Taylor said Langer had been dragged through the mud. Picture: Getty Images.

Former Australian captain Ricky Ponting said a small cohort of players failed to support Langer: “That’s been enough to force a man who has put his life and heart and soul into Australian cricket and done a sensational job at turning around the culture and the way the Australian team has been looked at in the last few years to push him out of the job”.

Test great Adam Gilchrist also blamed a small group of players for white anting the coach, he wrote: “Still can’t get over what a pathetic day for Australian Cricket yesterday was.”

It seems a few snowflakes in the team did not enjoy Langer’s tough, uncompromising style and intense demeanour. God forbid he may have occasionally raised his voice, too.

It’s hard not to conclude that the lunatics are running the asylum at Cricket Australia with the board surrendering control to the players.

For his part, Langer issued what must be the most perfect apology ever. He said: “My life has been built on values of honesty, respect, trust, truth and performance, and if that comes across as ‘too intense’ at times, I apologise.”

That’s akin to Shane Warne apologising for taking too many wickets.

As they say “success is the best revenge”.

There’d be some karmic justice in Langer taking up the head role with the English team and coaching the Poms to an Ashes victory.

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