
Rita Panahi: Why is the Left keeping quiet on vile Jacinta Nampijinpa Price abuse?

ACTIVIST Jacinta Price should be revered among women’s rights campaigners and indigenous advocates but is instead despised by the Left and her fellow Aboriginals for revealing uncomfortable truths, writes Rita Panahi.

The most abused children in Australia

JACINTA Nampijinpa Price is a courageous, intelligent and principled woman who has overcome enormous hurdles, including surviving a violent relationship, to become a fearless campaigner for the most disadvantaged members of her community.

Like her mother, Bess Price, she is more concerned about the plight of at-risk women and children than privileged inner city activists obsessed with imaginary victimhood.

What keeps her up at night is the fact that indigenous women are 35 times more likely to be hospitalised due to domestic violence than other Australian women and the shocking rates of sexual and physical abuse suffered by indigenous children.



Price should be revered among women’s rights campaigners and indigenous advocates but instead she is despised for revealing uncomfortable truths. She attracts vile abuse: sexist, racist, threatening diatribes designed to degrade and intimidate. That Price perseveres in the face of vitriol and threats of violence is a testament to her character and strength.

Some of the abuse is so obscene that I can’t reproduce it here, even with the offensive words censored. It is worth noting that it’s not just faceless, nameless online trolls who send Price hideous abuse but also individuals who preach love, tolerance and reconciliation.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price should be revered among women’s rights campaigners and indigenous advocates but instead she is despised for revealing uncomfortable truths. Picture: AAP/Chloe Erlich
Jacinta Nampijinpa Price should be revered among women’s rights campaigners and indigenous advocates but instead she is despised for revealing uncomfortable truths. Picture: AAP/Chloe Erlich

There’s Bill Nicholson, from the Wurundjeri Tribe Land and Compensation Cultural Heritage Council. He posted: “How bout (sic) you f---ing die a painful death u sell out cocanut (sic) … Ur (sic) type of real cancer in our communities and need to be eradicated like the disease u are.”

Ronaldo Guivarra, who last year danced for Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove in Mt Isa, tells Price to “f--- off and die” among other things. Then there are the many threats of physical and sexual violence.

Price “needs a spearing or shooting” posts one man, while another promises physical action: “if I see you anywhere around Alice (Springs) I’m gona (sic) punch the f--- out of u c---”. There’s plenty more abuse that is misogynistic and threatening. Price told the Herald Sun she was “absolutely disgusted” by the comments.

“It’s a definite indication as to what I believe is one of the main reasons why we Aboriginal people struggle to progress,” she said.

“I know many Aboriginal people who are silenced because of fear of this kind of treatment if they speak the truth on tough issues.

“These people hold our country to ransom and hide behind the fact that they claim Aboriginality and therefore victim status while they hold down their own people. I’m done with it and I won’t tolerate it anymore … I won’t be silenced.”

Where in all this is Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane, who goes out of his way to find offence where none exists but is blind to ugly racial abuse from the Left? He remained silent even after widespread media coverage of the racist remarks aimed at Warren Mundine last month and here he is missing in action again.


Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane goes out of his way to find offence where none exists but remains silent on ugly racial abuse from the Left. Picture: Kym Smith
Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane goes out of his way to find offence where none exists but remains silent on ugly racial abuse from the Left. Picture: Kym Smith

The racial abuse from the Left and fellow indigenous Australians is nothing new and certainly didn’t start when Price was preselected in April to stand for the Coalition at the next federal election. In 2016, she attracted unhinged abuse from taxpayer-funded miscreants including death threats referred to police for the “crime” of saying she was proud to be an Australian and the union of her two families, her black mother and white father.

Price is the target of abuse because she refuses to excuse inexcusable behaviour, for having the gumption to expect that Aboriginal women and children deserve to feel safe and not have their abusers’ actions blamed on Western colonisation or marginalisation. She doesn’t subscribe to the nonsensical idea that all the woes in the Aboriginal community can be solved by more appeasement and funding.

While the activist class obsess about Australia Day, she is unashamedly focused on the deplorable rates of child abuse, neglect and domestic violence in indigenous communities.

It is, sadly, not unusual for the activist class to show their bigoted nature when a minority fails to play their assigned role as a victim and blind supporter of Leftist dogma.

One wonders whether their habit of calling everyone they disagree with a bigot, racist or Nazi is pure projection.

Rita Panahi is a Herald Sun columnist.




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