

The Liberal Party is adopting measures that effectively amount to a gender quota by stealth

The Liberal Party has adopted a defeatist mindset and decided the only way to overcome the perception they have a “problem with women” is to elect more women.

‘Worrying development’: Liberal effectively ask ‘qualified men’ not to run for the seat of Aston

The Liberal Party is simultaneously resisting gender quotas and promoting them. It speaks to the current confusion and lack of conviction within the party. As the preselection battle for the seat of Aston – currently held by outgoing shadow minister Alan Tudge – heats up, it’s clear that capable, qualified men are considered persona non grata.

In a worrying development, the Liberal Party leadership has further embraced the identity politics of the Left by insisting that only women need apply. The party has adopted a defeatist mindset and decided that the only way to overcome the perception that they have a “problem with women” is to elect more women. “I’ve been very clear in my discussions with key figures in the division that I expect we will preselect a female candidate in Aston,” Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said in a statement. “I haven’t spoken with anyone who disagrees with my position.”

The preselection battle for outgoing MP Alan Tudge’s seat of Aston is heating up. Picture: Gary Ramage
The preselection battle for outgoing MP Alan Tudge’s seat of Aston is heating up. Picture: Gary Ramage

Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley was also unequivocal about the candidate’s gender: “I look forward to a woman candidate in Aston,” she said. Senior shadow ministers Dan Tehan and Simon Birmingham are also among Liberals echoing that message – or should that be diktat?

But what if the best person for the job happens to be male? What if the person most likely to retain the seat for the Liberal Party is a man? Why should a characteristic that an individual has no control over determine whether they are considered for a job? Call me crazy but I’m far less concerned about the genitalia of my elected representatives than their character, convictions and competence.

Melbourne City councillor Roshena Campbell.
Melbourne City councillor Roshena Campbell.
Former MP Cathrine Burnett-Wake. Picture: Jesse Graham
Former MP Cathrine Burnett-Wake. Picture: Jesse Graham

To be sure there are several highly qualified women who could step into the role, with barrister and Melbourne City councillor Roshena Campbell leading the pack. Other female contenders include former MP Cathrine Burnett-Wake and oncologist and writer Ranjana Srivastava. But there are also capable male candidates including educator and former Knox mayor Emanuele Cicchiello.

The Liberal Party must stop buying into the Left’s identity politics dogma; they will never satisfy those who believe they have a “women’s problem” by adopting measures that effectively amount to a gender quota by stealth. They must proudly stand for meritocracy and equality of opportunity. Otherwise they are doomed to lose both the ideological battle and the ballot box.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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