

Sonia Kruger dared to talk Muslim migration. Then came the Left’s crazed abuse

AUSTRALIAN progressives are displaying just how open-minded they are by mercilessly abusing Sonia Kruger for voicing her opinion on Muslim migration, writes Rita Panahi.

Sonia Kruger calls for Muslims ban

AUSTRALIAN progressives are displaying just how wonderfully open-minded they are by mercilessly abusing TV host Sonia Kruger for daring to voice an opinion on Muslim migration.

This is the standard modus operandi of the supposedly tolerant Left; harass, intimidate and ultimately silence dissenting voices.

Kruger has been called a racist, bigot, Islamaphobic and even compared to Hitler.

Of course there is plenty of vile sexist abuse mixed in with the bile-filled hate; she has been labelled a bitch, bimbo, whore, slut and the c-word repeatedly.

She’s even been told to kill herself.

Conservative women are used to this type of demented abuse from those who prefer to attack and smear the individual rather than debate the topic.

Meanwhile, feminists stay silent as another woman is eviscerated online for the crime of voicing an opinion that differs from the standard PC lines expected from the media and political elite.

The word ‘racist’ is misused and overused so much that it has lost all impact.

For the record Islam is a religion, not a race.

Kruger made the comments on Channel 9’s Today program. Picture: Channel 9
Kruger made the comments on Channel 9’s Today program. Picture: Channel 9
She defended her right to discuss the Nice attack “without automatically being labelled racist”.
She defended her right to discuss the Nice attack “without automatically being labelled racist”.

It’s absurd to try to paint people as diverse as the Sudanese, Persians, Indonesians and Bosnians as a single race.

Horrific acts of Islamist terror committed around the world have many Australians questioning the value of migration that introduces centuries-old hatreds to our peaceful and secular land.

Whether you agree with Kruger or not, the manner in which she has been abused for simply sharing an opinion – one that is far more widely held than the media would like to believe – speaks volumes about the way open discourse about Islam is frowned upon.

The political and media class is becoming increasingly out of touch with the mainstream opting for PC rhetoric and declining to even acknowledge the threat posed by radical Islam let alone discuss ways of countering it.

Today I wrote about that cowardly culture of appeasement and how it only empowers extremist elements.

For the record I don’t personally agree with Kruger that Australia should stop all Muslim migration but I appreciate the fact that she has the courage to say what she thinks.

Kruger said: “Personally, I would like to see it (Muslim migration) stopped now for Australia. Because I want to feel safe, as all of our citizens do when they go out to celebrate Australia Day and I’d like to see freedom of speech…”

The Voice host didn’t say all Muslims are terrorists or extremists.

Kruger has been subjected to vile abuse.
Kruger has been subjected to vile abuse.

Indeed she said that in her experience they are “peace-loving” and “beautiful people” who she counts as friends but she was worried about the “correllation between the number of people who are Muslim in a country and the number of terrorist attacks.”

She later tweeted a statement saying: “Following the atrocities of last week in Nice where 10

children lost their lives, as a mother, I believe it’s vital in a democratic society to be able to discuss these issues without automatically being labelled racist.”

Surely Kruger should be allowed to put forward her views without being assaulted with vile abuse from Twitter cowards.

The current climate of censorship sees self-appointed moral guardians decree what opinions are acceptable and which should be banned.

Anyone who deviates from this narrow worldview is the subject of a ‘pile on’ where they are showered with the most despicable abuse imaginable.

It’s a tactic that has been perfected by the most feral elements of the Left who seek to smear and silence those who don’t share their outlook.

It’s interesting to see the same folk who were apoplectic with rage when a fringe dwelling feminist was called “hysterical” a week ago are happy to join in the abuse Kruger has endured today.

If you don’t agree with Kruger then come at her with some facts, figures and counterpoints, not just crazed abuse.

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