

Scrapping ‘birthing parent’ form is a victory for sanity, biological reality and the silent majority

The “birthing parent” story shows us the importance of telling the woke bureaucracy and trans lobby to take a hike.

'We should not accept this rubbish': Medicare blasted over 'birthing parent' declaration

This week there was an important victory for sanity, biological reality and the silent majority. And it all began with a courageous woman saying “enough”.

New mum Sall Grover was indignant when she was forced to sign an official document that listed her as a “birthing parent” rather than a mother.

“Having to sign my name under “birthing parent” on a government form was too close to a Handmaid’s Tale dystopia for my liking,” she told me on Thursday. “I’m my daughter’s mother, not her birthing parent. Activists and lobbyists are pushing this ideological language through bureaucracies in stealth, so we have to bring attention to it and stop it from happening.”

And that’s precisely what Grover did firstly on social media and then through News Corp publications, earning herself plenty of vitriolic hate from the media and activist class, but also earning huge support from the public.

New mother Sall Grove had to sign a form listing her as a "birthing parent". Picture: Supplied
New mother Sall Grove had to sign a form listing her as a "birthing parent". Picture: Supplied

An incredible 97 per cent of readers in an online poll voted “no” when asked “Do you agree with mothers being referred to as birthing parents?”

It wasn’t long before NDIS and Government Services Minister Bill Shorten sprung to action confirming that “the story in the Daily Tele” had occurred due to a pilot program launched under the previous Coalition government which would cease forthwith.

“I instructed the responsible officials they should cease using the previous government’s forms,” Shorten wrote. “They will be replaced with new forms that use the word mother, not birthing parent, which is consistent with other Medicare forms.”

Bravo, Bill. It says something about how hopeless the faux conservatives in the previous government were that it took a Labor minister to tell the woke bureaucracy and trans lobby to take a hike.

Sall Grover has received plenty of vitriolic hate from the media and activist class, but also huge support from the public.
Sall Grover has received plenty of vitriolic hate from the media and activist class, but also huge support from the public.

Though before we heap too much praise on Labor let’s not forget that they too are guilty of erasing mothers to appease a tiny but loud band of activists. Indeed the official ALP National Platform which “sets out the contemporary policy agenda that an Albanese Labor Government will implement” has replaced the word “mother” with “people” and “individuals” who are pregnant.

The disproportionate power wielded by the trans lobby is evident at party level and among the government bureaucracy whether under the Coalition or Labor. It’s a power that Grover is familiar with after she faced an investigation by the Australian Human Rights Commission following a complaint claiming the social networking app she has developed for women, Giggle, was engaged in unlawful discrimination for not allowing men who identify as women to join.

Grover endured months of unnecessary stress during her pregnancy due to the AHRC action before the matter was dropped earlier this month. “Between this and the AHRC situation, it’s proof of how captured Australian institutions are by gender identity ideology,” she told the Herald Sun. “This needs to be called out. This ideology is not ‘inclusive’ of all Australian’s by any stretch of the imagination.

“It’s also worth noting that this dehumanising language only benefits trans-identified males, as it’s all part of their attempt to dismantle the meaning of woman and womanhood and completely detach it from reality.”

And they are largely succeeding, with Merriam Webster caving to the trans activists by adding a secondary definition of “female” to include those “having a gender identity that is the opposite of male.”

For standing up for her right to be called a mother, not a birthing person, Grover has been subjected to unhinged abuse online. But we need more courageous men and women to take a stand or the trans lobby, who have widespread support among the media, will continue to prevail despite the wishes of the majority.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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