

Rita Panahi: Why a Trump victory would be the sweetest of all

The 2020 presidential election has showcased just how out of touch the political, media and celebrity class is with the wider community, writes Rita Panahi.

There is a ‘great deal of anxiety’ amid the US election

President Donald Trump is on the verge of pulling off the most astonishing victory in modern political history.

If he prevails it will be the sweetest win of all, one achieved against all odds that even the true believers thought near impossible.

Not only did the Democrats outspend the Republicans by a considerable margin but they together with their propaganda arm, the Leftist media, engaged in an unprecedented campaign to gaslight the American public.

For four years Trump has faced the most vicious and dishonest treatment from the overwhelming majority of the media, interference from the hugely powerful big tech trio of Google, Facebook and Twitter as well as a soft coup engineered by his political opponents and government agencies.

They did everything possible to invalidate his 2016 election triumph and to ensure that he was either impeached or unelectable in 2020.

But in the end predictions of a blue wave sweeping America proved to be laughably wrong.

It’s worth noting that the president falsely maligned as racist, bigoted and a ‘Nazi’ could secure re-election on the back of a jump in black and Hispanic votes.

The election may yet end up in the courts given the underhanded tactics the Democrats have employed in key swing states such as Pennsylvania.

As the count dragged on well past midnight Joe Biden addressed the media to say he was confident of winning The Keystone State and its 20 electoral votes despite the fact that he was trailing Trump 56 per cent to 42 per cent with 64 per cent of the vote counted.

If Trump can win Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and North Carolina – and he currently leads in all four states – he won’t need Pennsylvania to get to 270 electoral votes.

It’s highly likely that the Republicans will also hold on to the senate.

Whether Trump ultimately prevails or loses narrowly, the 2020 presidential election has showcased just how out of touch the political, media and celebrity class is with the wider community.

Clearly, they have learnt nothing from the 2016 election.

It was deja vu all over again as experts, pollsters and commentators predicted a Biden landslide in line with polling that showed the Democrat leading the president by as much as 15 per cent.

Much has been written and said about the ‘shy Trump voter’ phenomenon but the fact that it even exists is an indictment on the media, academia and entertainment industry who have maligned not only the president but his supporters.

In a free country no citizen should be shy about supporting a mainstream candidate but such is the venom aimed at Trump, and by extension his supporters, that many are shy about publicly backing the president whether it’s on social media, wearing a MAGA cap or telling a pollster how they intend to vote.

Trump moving from Outsider to favourite to win saw the Nasdaq futures soar and the Chinese yuan in free fall but it’s not all good news. Sadly for Australia we may see a deluge of broken celebrities including Bruce Springsteen moving to our shores.

Rita Panahi is in America with Sky.





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