

Rita Panahi: So-called ‘fact-checkers’ turning blind eye to climate alarmism

The latest Twitter Files revelations show that too often fact-checking units who shout the loudest about “misinformation” are guilty of spreading it or turning a blind eye.

‘Partisan fact checkers’ spreading climate change ‘misinformation’

Who is fact-checking the “fact-checkers”? That’s a question being increasingly asked as comically named “fact-checking” units run by certain universities and publications are exposed as hopelessly partisan; more interested in pushing certain agendas than verifying truths and falsehoods.

The latest Twitter Files revelations, released this week, concerning “Hamilton 68” and false claims of Russian influence show that too often media outlets and fact-checking units who shout the loudest about “misinformation” are guilty of spreading it or turning a blind eye.

But it’s not just Russian conspiracy theories that saw fact-checking units beclown themselves. Nothing sees these activists rendered deaf, blind and mute quicker than climate alarmism.

Conversely, just about any positive claims about the state of the climate, whether it concerns record coral cover at the Great Barrier Reef or the growing polar bear population, will see these biased operators launch into action.

A post about the growing polar-bear population was wrongly tagged as falsehood.
A post about the growing polar-bear population was wrongly tagged as falsehood.

Last week Bjorn Lomborg, Copenhagen Consensus Centre President and the former director of the Danish government’s Environmental Assessment Institute called out those charged with reducing disinformation for, ironically, promoting disinformation.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Lomborg explained how “partisan ‘fact-checks’ are undermining open discourse about important issues, including climate change.”

Lomborg has recent personal experience with this phenomenon. “Earlier this month I wrote an accurate post on Facebook about the growing polar-bear population. The post undercut alarmist climate narratives, so it was wrongly tagged as a falsehood,” he wrote.

Marine physicist Peter Ridd has also been a victim of activist “fact-checkers” who bend over backwards to dismiss any positive news about the Great Barrier Reef, preferring catastrophist predictions to verifiable facts.

“I’ve been ‘fact-checked’ probably three or four times by Australian Associated Press – they always come to the same conclusion that the Reef is doomed,” Dr Ridd told me on Sky News last year. “They’ve been proven to be wrong again and again and again and these fact checks are just a form of covering up all the dodgy predictions they’ve made in the past.”

In his WSJ piece, Lomborg methodically fact-checked the AFP “fact-checkers” exposing them to be ill-informed activist hypocrites who bend over backwards to have their findings fit their preferred narrative.

Some ‘fact-checkers’ are bending over backwards to dismiss any positive news about the Great Barrier Reef. Picture: Sota Yamaguchi
Some ‘fact-checkers’ are bending over backwards to dismiss any positive news about the Great Barrier Reef. Picture: Sota Yamaguchi

“The result is that the public is denied access to accurate data and open debate about these very important topics. Ridiculous points on one side are left standing while so-called fact-checking censors inconvenient truths. If we’re to make good climate policy, voters need a full picture of the facts,” Lomborg concluded.

And, if you want some recent examples of “ridiculous points on one side” being ignored by the “fact-checkers” then look no further than the 2023 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Former US Vice President Al Gore has long been guilty of making doomsayer climate predictions that never come close to eventuating and he was at it again predicting that there’d be “one billion” climate change refugees this century.

He also claimed that we are pumping so much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere that the “accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the Earth” and that the oceans are “boiling” and creating “rain bombs” and “droughts” which is causing “waves of climate refugees”.

US Vice President Al Gore has long been guilty of making doomsayer climate predictions. Picture: AFP
US Vice President Al Gore has long been guilty of making doomsayer climate predictions. Picture: AFP

These statements were widely mocked by the centre-Right but did not inspire many “fact-checks”. I think you know why. Indeed when it comes to Gore it’s easier to find “fact-checks” trying to protect him from his own crazy statements. Likewise, John Kerry, the other man who managed to lose a presidential election to George W Bush, is allowed to make absurd claims without fear of troubling the “fact-checkers”.

President Joe Biden’s Climate Envoy was also in Davos and made a number of startling claims including this: “You look at what’s happening with species, half the species of the planet been already killed”.

Now, that is not true, not even in the same ballpark as the truth, not even in the same suburb, state or country as the truth.

According to Lomborg the figure is less than one per cent but don’t expect a flurry of fact-checks to comfort the young ’uns who think they’re inheriting a dead planet.


Anthony Albanese spent more time enjoying the premium hospitality at the Australian Open than he did in Alice Springs where violence and mayhem continue despite restrictions being placed on the sale of alcohol. While the PM was downing beers and ice creams at Rod Laver Arena, pub patrons in Alice Springs were terrorised by dozens of violent youths. Remember when ScoMo was skewered for a week long family holiday during the bushfires? Don’t expect a Labor PM to be held to the same standard by the bulk of the media, not even as Labor policies, both at federal and at territory level, cause untold damage.

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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