

Rita Panahi: Radical trans activists pushing unscientific ideology

Radical trans activists’ war against women is escalating and the sooner the useful idiots of the sisterhood realise it, the better.

There’s ‘a reason’ why men and women have their own sporting competitions

The ironically named “progressives” are railing against womanhood so much so that for many prominent figures on the Left the question of “what is a woman” is considered a terrifying trap.

This week we saw UK Labour leader Keir Starmer unable to say whether women have penises. Seriously. During a discussion about transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who beat two Olympic medallists to win gold at an NCAA event last month, Starmer made a goose of himself by refusing to confirm a clear biological fact.

You’ll remember Thomas is the male-bodied athlete who was a mediocre swimmer in the men’s competition before becoming a record breaker in the women’s. Thomas still has a penis and dates women which is somewhat awkward for “her” teammates, some of whom have complained about seeing ‘her’ penis in the change rooms, but I digress.

Starmer’s gaffe followed even more embarrassing performances from Labour frontbenchers Yvette Cooper and Anneliese Dodds who both failed to define what a woman is even when waxing lyrical about the importance of International Women’s Day.

Lia Thomas was a mediocre swimmer in the men’s competition before becoming a record breaker in the women’s.
Lia Thomas was a mediocre swimmer in the men’s competition before becoming a record breaker in the women’s.

Cooper, the shadow home secretary refused three times in an interview to define what a woman is saying she was “not going to get into rabbit holes on this”. Pardon? A simple matter of biology is some feared “rabbit hole” to be avoided at all cost?

Sadly, the war against women is being aided and abetted by women including some of the most powerful members of the sisterhood. In the US last week Ketanji Brown Jackson, Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee who is likely to be appointed to one of the most crucial roles in the country, beclowned herself when asked during her confirmation whether she could “provide a definition for the word woman”.

It was a simple and relevant question given the transgender debate and issues around safeguarding women’s spaces and sports which are likely to reach the highest court in the land, but Jackson was seemingly struck dumb. “Can I provide a definition? No, I can’t,” she said. When pressed further she came up with this howler: “I’m not a biologist.”

So, now you need to be a biologist to determine what is a woman or man. Should we have biologists in every maternity ward in the country so parents of newborns can be safely advised whether they’ve had a boy or girl? Does one need to be a veterinarian to determine whether their pet is a cat or dog?

Jackson’s idiocy was particularly awkward because Biden is on the record saying that he was going to nominate a woman of colour as the next Supreme Court nominee; the primary reason Jackson is there is her gender. She would not have been nominated if she were a black or Hispanic man.

You’d think after picking vapid underperformer Kamala Harris as his vice president because of her colour and gender, Joe Biden would have learnt that merit matters. But he has again relied on identity politics to select a candidate rather than picking the most credentialed and capable person irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was unable to answer a simple question on what a woman is. Picture: Getty Images
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was unable to answer a simple question on what a woman is. Picture: Getty Images

Of course the Democrats protection racket aka the mainstream media rushed to defend Jackson claiming that no one knows what a woman is.

In one of the most extraordinary pieces of trash ever published, USA Today claimed “scientists, gender law scholars and philosophers of biology said Jackson’s response was commendable, though perhaps misleading. It’s useful, they say, that Jackson suggested science could help answer Blackburn’s question, but they note that a competent biologist would not be able to offer a definitive answer either.”

Instead of mocking her answer, elements of the US media thought Jackson’s answer was not PC enough because she admitted one’s gender is a matter of biology, not feelings. As Darrell B Harrison explained: “Whether she realises it or not, by declaring, ‘I’m not a biologist,’ Ketanji Brown Jackson is tacitly admitting that gender is biological and that biology is both the starting point and ending point in defining what a ‘woman’ (or ‘female’) is. She knows the truth—as do we all.”

Jackson may have been nominated primarily for her gender and race but she is nevertheless a highly educated and intelligent woman. She’s not dumb and she’s not confused. But she is a coward who has betrayed her sex and allowed herself to be cowered into accepting unscientific transgender ideology. She’s a far Left ideologue who’s willing to humiliate herself for the cause.

For the record the definition of woman is straightforward, as the dictionary states a woman is “an adult female human being.” Giving that answer should not be seen as controversial. Only a civilisation in the midst of societal collapse would so readily shun truth and reason. The war against women is escalating and the sooner the useful idiots of the sisterhood realise it, the better.

The radical trans activist agenda is not just evident in the US and UK but it’s taken hold in both public and private institutions in Australia.

In Victoria you can change your gender on your birth certificate without undergoing any surgery or medical intervention; you can opt to be a man, woman or some other descriptor. I like pixie. And, you can make the gender change once a year.

Now, NSW has decided to join the fun by issuing a new “genderless” commemorative birth certificate featuring “genderless native animals” to give “rainbow families the freedom to be seen as they wish to be”.

NSW Registrar Amanda Ianna said the rainbow certificate was: a “special way for people to celebrate the birth (of) a new family member”.

But surely a newborn or young child should not have their gender changed or removed on an official document to fit their parents’ or carers’ delusions.

As transgender woman Blaire White said so succinctly: “A transgender 4 year old is like a vegan cat. We all know who’s making the lifestyle choices.”

It says something about the influence of the trans lobby that the NSW bureaucracy would introduce such a measure under a supposedly conservative Coalition government.

Rita Panahi is a Herald Sun columnist

Rita Panahi
Rita PanahiColumnist and Sky News host

Telling it like it is.

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